The host is charming and charming

Chapter 79 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 79 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (6)

Zhaoge just glanced at the golden boxes of gold, "But they are so vicious, what should I do to other guests?"

Her tone was soft, but what she said was a little reluctant.

Who knows that Pei Jingyu really thought about it seriously, and then said: "Since Yaoniang doesn't like it, you go back, don't hinder other people's business."

Zhufang was slightly stunned, didn't he say that the monster is here?Just leave?
He blurted out: "Master, what about you?"

"I like the singing and dancing here very much. Lao Yaoniang can arrange a room for me to stay here tonight."

Zhaoge: ??
She was smiling on the surface, but she was on guard in her heart.

If Pei Jingyu got up in the middle of the night and stretched out evil hands to the little black fox, that would be fine!
Zhaoge squatted down slightly, and patiently said beside him: "My lord, you don't know, our residence in Yunhuanfang is different from the inn.

If you stay here tonight, order a girl to wait on you, it will hurt your reputation; if you don't order it, it will hurt your reputation even more. "

Pei Jingyu looked at Zhaoge with an inexplicable expression, and the latter added with a smile, "I'm thinking of you too."

She thought she had made it obvious enough, Pei Jingyu usually didn't even look at women more than once, so she must be thin-skinned!

"is it?"

Pei Jingyu's tail tune was slightly raised, which was cool and pleasant.

He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the sandalwood table, and said quietly: "You Lao Yaoniang reminds me that Pei always doesn't care what others think. But when it comes to the rules of Yunhuanfang, I think of one thing."

His knuckle-boned fingers pointed at Zhaoge, and said inexplicably, "Yesterday you said that you wanted to serve me personally."

Gillian, who came back with the wine, staggered, her incredulous eyes flicked back and forth between Zhaoge and Pei Jingyu.

In order to protect us, the boss actually sacrificed himself to the national teacher? ! !
She handed the wine to Zhu Fang, and withdrew with a solemn expression.

No, the boss is so beautiful, and the method used by the national teacher to torture the demon is perverted and ruthless.

Hurry up and tell the news to the sisters, and we must not let the boss become a plaything of the national teacher!

Zhaoge straightened up, how could this person take advantage of the loopholes so much, she was a little annoyed, "You..."

No, it's true that he doesn't approach women, why should I be jealous?
She turned her eyes slightly, "You are right, go down to Rongnu's house and prepare."

Pei Jingyu gave a reasonable "hmm", "Go."

As soon as he entered the backyard, everyone surrounded him.

Xiaoyu: "Boss, you can't go. If you want to go, let me go. Anyway, Xiaoyu's life was saved by the boss. I'm not afraid of death!"

Qingyu: "Boss, at worst, let's fight out, and the net will be broken."

A few people followed her into the room, seeing her rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for things, their voices of suggestion faded away.

Boss looks like he is enjoying himself.

Xiuxiu stepped forward, hesitated to speak, and said, "Boss, you don't really like the national teacher, do you? Although the national teacher's appearance is better, but he is our number one enemy, be careful... "..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Zhaoge take out a stack of talisman papers from the box at the bottom of the box.

She distributed it to several people, "Don't stand there stupidly, I will distribute these talisman papers to the sisters in the workshop later.

Pei Jingyu insists on staying here, I will monitor him, I will not be able to protect you then.

Don't come out no matter what noise you hear at night, the talisman is enough to defend yourself against the little soldiers and generals in the National Teacher's Mansion. "

It's not that she made a fuss over a molehill, everyone in Pei Jingyu's mansion has talisman papers, and they are quite powerful.If the fox demons meet, it will be really embarrassing.

Qingyu looked at the familiar talisman with a subtle expression on her face. Isn't this the talisman confiscated from Pei Jingyu that day?

My boss, really makes the best use of everything.

"Blue Feather."

Suddenly being called, Qingyu immediately stood up straight, "Don't worry, Boss, I'll go and settle down right away."

Zhaoge nodded in relief, patted the shoulders of several people along the way, and walked towards Yulan Pavilion.

At the end of the long corridor is the Yulan Pavilion, surrounded by lakes and waters, and the environment is quiet. It is the place where Pei Jingyu rests tonight.

At this moment, with his hands behind his back, his eyes were cold, watching Zhaoge approaching with a lantern.

Zhaoge stood one step away from him and saluted, "My lord."

Pei Jingyu nodded, looked around and commented: "It's an elegant place, but unfortunately there are a lot of mosquitoes. I prepared incense for the girl, which can relieve this problem. Tonight, I will be on guard."

The corners of Zhaoge's mouth were slightly closed, he looked at the curling smoke on the table in the pavilion, and looked at Pei Jingyu who was blocking the door frame in shock.

"Your Excellency's so-called serving is a vigil? Don't you need to undress and sing a song for you?"

I don't know if it's her own illusion, but she always feels that Pei Jingyu's face and neck are not the same color.

Pei Jingyu covered her lips and coughed lightly, and said softly, "I don't like to be in contact with people, and I don't like to make noise. If the girl is tired, you can go back by yourself later."


Seeing Pei Jingyu close the door, Zhaoge was stunned for a moment, then laughed angrily.

Isn't it just a practice of cutting off love?How did you cultivate people like this?

Thinking of the Mozun who also cultivated the ruthless way, Zhaoge got goosebumps, and obediently walked towards the stone table in the pavilion.

She muttered: "I really don't understand pity and cherish jade. My old lady is here to watch over you and see where you go."

There was no movement in the house until midnight.

Zhaoge yawned, it wasn't that she was sleepy, it was not a problem for the demon body to stay up for three days and three nights, she was just bored.

She made a handful of fish food in her hand and threw some into the fish pond from time to time.

Pei Jingyu is boring and old-fashioned.

For a person as cold as he is, he doesn't know when he will be able to warm up.

If he had a choice at this moment, would he take the demon pill to find Xiandao, or take a monster with him.

Pei Jingyu thought it was so troublesome, so she probably chose the former directly, and simply dissected her demon pill.

Zhaoge let out a "tsk", feeling a little annoyed.

At this moment, there was a miserable cry in the backyard.

Zhaoge immediately stood up, "Oops, it's Xiaoxiao!"

She didn't care about the surveillance objects in the house, and went directly to the backyard. There was only a puddle of fish food left on the ground in the pavilion.

In the open space in the backyard, the breeze was blowing the corner of Pei Jingyu's clothes. His left hand was behind his back, and the fingers of his naturally hanging right hand were holding the golden rune paper.

When Zhaoge arrived, he realized that Pei Jingyu had played the word "Jin Chan out of its shell" extremely well.

From a distance, she saw the little black fox lying on the ground immobile, and was about to step forward, but found that there was another person in the open space, yelling "forgive me" in horror.

However, Pei Jingyu didn't give him a single glance, but just stared at the little black fox who was trapped by the amulet with interest.

Zhaoge squinted his eyes, it was the Taoist priest with two broken fingers.

Seeing that Pei Jingyu didn't care about him, the Taoist got up and ran away.

Looking at the back of the fleeing figure, Xiao Xiao's eyes were full of hatred.

"We meet again."

Pei Jingyu's voice was faint, it sounded like a freezing wind and snow.

When the talisman in his hand slightly lifted, a familiar voice sounded behind him, "Wait a minute!"

(End of this chapter)

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