The host is charming and charming

Chapter 80 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 80 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (7)

Xiaoxiao opened her eyes in a daze, and looked at Zhaoge who was approaching slowly, the despair in her eyes was diluted by surprise, and turned into a bit more worried.

Pei Jingyu paused, but did not intend to stop, "I didn't expect to disturb the girl, it was Pei's negligence."

He said apologetic words, but it didn't sound like much sincerity.

Zhaoge walked in, and saw that Xiaoxiao was not seriously injured except for the blood on the corner of his mouth and his slightly embarrassed appearance.

She felt relieved, turned to look at Pei Jingyu beside her, and asked softly, "My lord, are you trying to kill her?"

Sensing the emotion in Zhaoge's words, he slowly landed a talisman on Xiaoxiao's body, which did not cause any harm, but the pair of half-good and half-damaged fox tails were more clearly visible.

Pei Jingyu said lightly, "Yao Niang, she is a demon."

"So you're going to kill her?"

Zhaoge's obstinate repetition was really a little disrespectful to the high-ranking Master Guoshi.

Pei Jingyu stared at her for a while, with a calm expression, "I won't kill her, but I have to take her back to the National Teacher's Mansion."

Now Zhaoge stopped talking, she walked up to Xiaoxiao's side, Pei Jingyu's palms tightened slightly, thinking that the fox demon on the ground was no longer lethal, she swallowed the reminder again.

Zhao Ge squatted next to the little black fox and studied it curiously, then got up and looked at Pei Jingyu, "Master, may I ask this fox demon committed the crime of murder and arson?"


"It is rumored that the rich and powerful in the imperial city raise foxes for entertainment. Does your lord also have this hobby?"

"······I never seek personal gain from public affairs."

"Then why did your lord insist on bringing this fox demon back to the National Teacher's Mansion?"

Pei Jingyu glanced at Zhaoge's face, "I'm curious, she is a monster that everyone shouts and beats, not your race, why did Yaoniang plead for her?"

He spoke so softly that he couldn't hear it as a question at all, but it made people feel dangerous.

Ran Zhaoge just smiled, and raised his fingers slightly to point at his lower abdomen, "My lord, please forgive me, it's because I've lost my manners. It's just that this fox demon has many scars on her body, and she is pregnant with a fetus. It's really shocking." Could not bear.

Although she is a monster, she has no power to fight back in front of Taoist priests and adults. It is really cruel to hear that the National Teacher's Office... thinks about killing two people. "

Xiao Xiao: Is it okay to ask for mercy?
Are you sure the national teacher won't just throw out two talismans and take them both down?

Pei Jingyu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and the person in front of him actually compared him with the Taoist priest.

Pei Jingyu looked away, raised his hand and flipped it over, the talisman paper that was attached to Xiaoxiao's body lit up for a moment, then the light stopped in the belly of the black fox and became silent.

He frowned slightly, and took out a bright white bead from his bosom, the spiritual power on the bead led the blood from the corner of the little mouth back to the bead, the blood was stretched long and thin, and circled around the bead for a while lock up.

Moments later, the bead returns to its original dullness.

Pei Jingyu rubbed the unmoving bead in his hand, at that moment, Zhaoge read a trace of disappointment from his eyes.

Zhaoge: Junjun, what is that in his hand?
[Broken Light Bead, which was left by the fox fairy back then, was later in the hands of the old master of Liguo.When this bead meets pure blood, it can point out the direction of Xiandao. 】

Zhaoge: The hero is so capable, why didn't he just snatch this bead, as a nine-tailed fox, wouldn't it be very convenient to choose someone among the fox demons?

[Host, that Broken Light Bead has been improved by the National Teacher's Office, so it will recognize its owner.Now only Pei Jingchu can use it. 】

Zhaoge: Oh.

Junjun: ·····························································································································​​

On the other side, Pei Jingchu stuffed the beads back into his sleeve.He raised his hand for a while, and the talisman paper fell between his fingers. Pei Jingyu said lightly: "You go."

After all, he didn't look at Zhaoge, he turned and left directly.

[System: Ding!The curiosity of the target is +5, and the current curiosity is 10; the favorability of the target is increased by 5, and the current favorability is 30. ]
The sudden system prompt sounded, and Zhaoge calculated that Pei Jingyu's initial affection for her was 25?This is also too low.

Jun Jun sighed silently, there are still targets with lower favorability.

Seeing people walking away, she hurried to help the little black fox.

Zhaoge wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth for her, frowned and said, "Did Pei Jingyu hit you?"

Xiao Xiao shook her head, stood up with Zhaoge's strength, "No, it was the Taoist priest's hand.

I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you and stay in the house.At that time, I sensed that my broken tail was nearby, and I knew that the Taoist priest might be chasing me. In order not to hurt everyone, I...
It's a pity that the enemy is right in front of me, but I can't do anything about it.Zhaoge, am I useless? "

Zhaoge touched her fox ears, and said warmly: "How come, you protect the little fox cubs in your stomach very well, you are a great mother.

Since Pei Jingyu said to let you go, the protective formation must have been dismantled, go find Qingyu, she will take you to a safe place.I'm going to meet that Taoist priest. "

Xiaoxiao subconsciously grabbed Zhaoge's sleeve, and said worriedly: "Hey! Zhaoge. Taoist priests have a special way of dealing with us fox monsters, not to mention he has practiced sorcery..."

She was hesitant to say what she said later, but she didn't say it for a long time.

Zhaoge patted her hand reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'll run if I can't win."

Seeing Zhaoge's disappearing figure in an instant, Xiaoxiao froze in place.

It sounded right, but it seemed strange.

Among the bamboo groves, the Taoist priest ran limping, looking back as he ran, for fear that the national teacher would go back and chase after him.

He was too busy looking at the back, but didn't notice the stumbling branch in front of him. With a sound of "Ouch", he fell down the steep slope.

Just as he was patting the dirt on his body, a lazy voice sounded from the forest, "Master Daoist, where are you going?"

"Who! Who's talking!"

Laughter surrounded the forest, Zhaoge flew down from the treetops, and the fallen leaves that followed were infused with demon power by her, and rushed towards the Taoist priest.

Before the Taoist could clearly see who was coming, he was made to back away again and again by the sudden attack.

The leaves cut across the Taoist priest like sharp blades, leaving bloodstains on his face in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the red fox tail slammed him towards the tree, and then fell down like pieces.

He clutched his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood. When Hong Ying approached, his eyes narrowed, "It turned out to be you! Fox demon, are not dead yet!"

That day, Riyuan lost to the stinky Taoist priest, not because he couldn't beat him, but because the stinky Taoist priest had many tricks.Now Zhaoge started fighting as soon as he came up, and the Taoist priest was just hit by Pei Jingyu, so he is very embarrassed now.

Zhaoge stepped on his chest, and the Taoist priest was immobilized by the demonic power pouring out of his body.

She bent down, stared at the Taoist priest's face, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Smelly Taoist priest, you look so ugly, who made your face into a handsome boy to deceive the demon."

Junjun: ········Why are you still attacking personally? ?
(End of this chapter)

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