The host is charming and charming

Chapter 81 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 81 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (8)

Zhaoge caught a glimpse of the brocade bag at his waist, and with a flick of his sleeve, he took the thing in his hand.The black bag was almost full of Pokémon pills, and there was also a bloody black tail.

At first glance, it belonged to the little black fox.

Her eyes were getting colder, and the cold eyes made the Taoist startled, "Please, don't kill me, these demon pills are all for you, all for you!"

Zhaoge's red lips curled slightly, and he said unhurriedly: "I want the demon pill. I don't care about your life."

As soon as the Taoist breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a pain in his heart, as if countless ants were piercing his heart.

He touched his chest in a daze, and his hands were covered with ants and insects, and he couldn't drive them away no matter how hard he tried, "Who will help me, help me, ah! It hurts, help!"

Zhao Ge loosened his feet and took a few steps back, tilting his head and looking at the Taoist priest caught in the illusion with interest, the tail behind him was beautiful and arrogant.

There were no ants on his chest, but countless bloodstains were scratched out by him.

[Will he die? 】

Zhao Ge: You will be crazy, you will be to blame.

She looked coldly at the Taoist priest who was rolling around in front of her with a miserable voice, and disappeared in place in the next second, leaving only a little red light demon power in place that had not dissipated.

At the corner, Pei Jingyu appeared. He was staring at the direction Zhaoge was leaving. His face looked calm and calm, not surprised.

It turns out that she is also a fox demon, no wonder she protected that fox just now.

He recalled Zhaoge's one tail just now, if it were an ordinary fox demon, it would not have such powerful demon power.

Pei Jingyu murmured: "How many tails does she have..."


Zhu Fang saw the trace of his master, and ran over in a hurry, "Master, the disciples have not found any trace of the Taoist priest."

As soon as he finished speaking, seeing his master's chin slightly raised and pointing to his side, Zhufang turned around in confusion, and was startled by a sudden extra person on the ground.

Zhufang saw the Taoist priest's eyes wandering, and asked suspiciously: "Master, so you found him. What's wrong with him?"

Pei Jingyu stepped forward, condescendingly looked down at the dying Taoist priest, who seemed unable to utter a sound, and said solemnly:
"I cut off your two fingers back then, but I didn't want you to repent and harm the world. Now that I have suffered retribution, I don't know how to feel."

Zhu Fang looked at the Taoist priest's bloody wound, and stared blankly at his master.

Retribution?Who is this who intercepted the master's beard?
Although curious, he didn't have the guts to ask.

Just listen to Pei Jingyu's order: "Give him a good time, he won't live long."

"Yes, Master."

Zhufang was very sluggish in his work, seeing his master walking away, he did not forget to mutter:

"I don't know whether your luck is good or not. If you enter the National Teacher's Mansion, what awaits you is the punishment of Ling Chi. This will make yourself into such a ghost, it really deserves it!"

As Zhaoge expected, the defensive array disappeared without a trace the next day.

Qingyu took Xiaoxiao back to the fox's den, her broken tail was stained with the turbid air of the Taoist priest, and she couldn't catch it.

However, there is an ice coffin hanging in the fox's den, so if you go in and bubble, maybe it will grow out.

Before leaving, Qingyu pulled Zhaoge aside, "Boss, you usually come to Yunhuanfang for a formality, but these days you are really exhausted from dealing with the plague god, and the fox's tail has lost its luster.

Why don't I stay here for you, how many more days will you enjoy when you go back? "

Back to the fox's den, there was a lot of response, and I only had to open my mouth to wait for a meal.That kind of life is simply beautiful, but she can only think about it.

Zhaoge shook his head, "It's okay, if the plague god comes back again, it will be difficult for you to deal with."

Sometimes, she really doubts that she has opened her mouth.

At night, Pei Jingyu stepped into Yunhuanfang again.

The fox demons in the workshop were nervous again, following Zhaoge's order last night, they did not leave the room.

But it doesn't mean that they don't know what happened. If the boss hadn't argued hard, the little black fox would have been tortured in the National Teacher's Mansion by now.

Zhao Ge, who was leaning lazily in the corner, saw the person coming, paused for a moment with the cloud fan in his hand, and then continued to fan it expressionlessly, it seemed that he had no intention of welcoming this "honored guest" who gave money.

Gillian next to her is more courageous and adaptable than the other sisters, half joking and half complaining:

"Sigh, I thought that there was a ban in this workshop, as long as we are more careful, no one will find out our identity.

But last night, the master of the national teacher proved one thing with his actions.

If he wanted to catch a fox, let alone a mere Yunhuanfang, he might even dare to break into the Empress's harem. "

Zhaoge, who smelled the gossip, suddenly became energetic, "Is he so courageous?"

Seeing that Zhaoge was interested, A-Jiao instantly got excited, she snickered and said, "Boss, you don't know that there is a place in the palace called Qingyue Hall, which is said to be the place where the most favored one in the harem lives.

The national teacher and that person were at odds. They almost broke into someone's palace in the name of catching monsters. Fortunately, the empress arrived in time.

A new love, an old love, if this fights, the scene will be exciting even if you think about it. "

The interest in Zhaoge's eyes faded a little, that person, isn't he the hero of the plane, Nan Yan.

She has heard of this gossip, and even knows it better.

The common people really wronged Master Guoshi, he didn't go to Qingyue Hall in the name of catching monsters, he really went to catch monsters.

Unfortunately, the original body was the demon that almost caused the empress' new love and old love to fight.

At that time, Yuanshen disguised himself as a court lady to go to Nan Yan, just because of the prohibition of Yunhuanfang, but he did not expect to meet Pei Jingyu unluckily.

She didn't want to hurt Nan Yan, but thought that it would be a big deal to go to the National Teacher's Mansion.

But Nan Yan is a calf protector, if she hadn't taken advantage of the confrontation between the two to try to get the empress over, the two would have really turned the world upside down.

Speaking of which, she was somewhat interested in Nan Yan.Whether it's public or private, she has to find a time to see each other.

Seeing that her boss was distracted, Gillian raised her hand and waved in front of her, and said coquettishly, "Boss, the story I told is so bad, why are you still distracted?"

From the corner of the eye, he caught sight of Pei Jingyu heading for the Jia Wing, and Zhaoge said absently:

"It's not bad, it's just that your version of the story is missing something. I'll make it up for you when I have time. Well, your boss is going to deal with the God of Plague."

She patted Gillian on the shoulder reassuringly, and walked towards the first wing.

This time, Pei Jingyu only brought his obedient apprentice with him.

Zhaoge raised her eyebrows in surprise, but she didn't want Pei Jingyu to look over first, so she quickly returned to the standard smile of the procuress, and teased:
"Master Guoshi, why are you here again? We don't have any demons here."

Seeing that she said this without blushing, Pei Jingyu was a little suspicious. There might be more than one monster in this workshop.

His voice was gentle, "Is Yaoniang not welcoming me?"

(End of this chapter)

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