The host is charming and charming

Chapter 83 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 83 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (10)

Pei Jingyu's eyes fell on the tail of the swaying fox behind Zhaoge, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "It is hard to find a two-tailed fox in this world, but you are actually three-tailed."

Zhaoge let out a soft "heh", there is also a Nine-Tails in the palace, I don't know it.

"Master National Teacher is a good method."

Pei Jingyu looked at the expression of the woman in front of her, her demon pupils were reddish, she had no fear or fear after being captured.

Seeing that there was no hope of getting out, Zhao Ge simply sat on the ground, propped his chin with one hand, and said sincerely: "Where are we going now, your National Teacher's Mansion?"

Maybe her tone was too arrogant, or maybe no monster dared to talk to our Master National Teacher like this, which made Pei Jingyu think that she still wanted to resist.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Whether it's you, or the other monsters in this square, none of them can escape."

"is it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhu Fang pushed the door "recklessly" again and came in.

He really can't be blamed for this, he was ordered to lead people to capture other fox demons in the workshop.But when I first arrived at the front hall, let alone a monster, I couldn't even see a trace of a person.

Only puppets made of weeds remained everywhere, and the scene looked weird and frightening.

He searched all over the place, big and small, but found nothing, chills rushed up his back, and hurriedly ran over to tell his master.

Zhaoge changed his hand and continued to support his chin. Hearing Zhufang's report to Pei Jingyu, he couldn't help chuckling.

If a fox demon can transform into a human body, he can naturally change his face at will, and the better the illusion practice, the more he can change his face at will.

But the original body is different, because she was born prematurely and has flaws in illusion, so she has always put on this face.

As a result of misfortune, the original body modified the illusion, and added some human puppet techniques, but created his own puppet illusion.

Zhufang later realized that the culprit was the charming fox demon trapped in front of him, his face flushed red, and he didn't know whether he was angry or shy.

Knowing the reason why adults should not wait for children to talk about things, he quite consciously left the room.

Pei Jingyu's eyes fell on Zhaoge again, not angry, but a little puzzled and said:
"There are some bans in this workshop, and it took a while to catch you. But even with the bans to protect you, you can't send the rest of the foxes away. How did you do it?"

Zhao Ge smiled and took out a stack of talisman papers from his sleeve, with a playful expression, "Thanks to the talisman papers, otherwise it would be really difficult."

The stack of talisman papers was thin, only seven or eight sheets remained.But Pei Jingyu recognized it at a glance, and the fuzzy memory in her mind gradually became clear.

He couldn't be more clear about the source of the talisman paper, it was lost when he strayed into the fox cave last time.

The dark sight, the cold environment, the woman approaching suddenly in the ice water...
The red group in memory gradually became clear, transforming into a woman in red, overlapping with the calm and composed Zhaoge in the cage in front of her.

His pupils shrank slightly, "It's you..."

The hands behind his back tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened again.

When he woke up last time, he was still wearing a coat that didn't belong to him.

"Don't be angry, you were caught by my people once, and I've been caught by you once now, so let's make it even."

It's okay if you don't talk, the more you talk, the darker Pei Jingyu's face becomes.

He gritted his back molars slightly, "Since we found out a long time ago, why didn't we escape?"

In fact, when Zhaoge was about to touch the twisted screen, the system gave an early warning.

When killing the Taoist priest, she deliberately exposed the fox tail.It's the same this time, deliberately jumping into Pei Jingyu's trap.

If you don't fall into his trap, how can you lower your defenses and follow him back to the Guoshifu.

If you take the initiative to find Pei Jingyu, confess your identity as a fox demon, and say that you want to follow him.

Whether Pei Jingyu agrees or not is put aside for now, even if he agrees, he will be on guard against her in everything.

This precaution, how can the attack plan be carried out.

Zhaoge sighed softly, and said quietly: "My heart is with the Master of the State Teacher, so where else can I escape to?"

The dangerous aura on Pei Jingyu's body became stronger and stronger, like a shy little lady after being molested.

Seeing him deflated, Zhaoge's mood improved a lot, and he replied half-truthfully: "Escape is also a first-come-first-serve way. If I don't stay and hold you back, the other monsters may not be able to escape. If they are all captured, one should sacrifice one." , isn't the answer obvious?"

Pei Jingyu stared at Zhaoge, and said calmly: "You are interesting."

She moved back, turned her eyes, showing weakness, "Your cage is too strong, I can't escape. Why don't we make a deal?"

Although she has already closed the fox tail, the cunning in her eyes still exists.A fox is cunning, let alone a fox that has been trained to become a demon.

The words of Pei Jingyu's refusal were on his lips, but he didn't say it out for a long time.

Zhaoge in the cage didn't give him time to think, the fingertips moved slightly, and the red demon light entered Pei Jingyu's arms and brought out the broken light beads.

The talisman paper in Pei Jingyu's sleeve moved slightly, but he didn't take it out.

This monster light is not a threat, as for the broken light pearl...
The moment the Broken Light Bead landed in Zhao Singer, the spiritual power on the bead shook, and it floated out slipperily by itself, and landed obediently in front of Pei Jingyu.

Zhaoge pursed his lips, dissatisfied with Po Guangzhu's escape behavior.

She didn't eat it, she just wanted to see it.

Pei Jingyu was not in a hurry to take the broken light pearl away, he said quietly: "Is this what you call a deal?"

Zhaoge rubbed his numb wrist, met Pei Jingyu's gaze, and said:
"I'm ashamed to say that I am a monster who wanders around. When I wandered into the empress' bedroom last time, I overheard some secrets."

She felt the slight change in Pei Jingyu's mood, and continued:

"It is rumored that there is a fairy island in the world. The island has continuous grain, advanced weapons, and gold, silver and jewels everywhere. More importantly, the immortals on the island can break the rumored curse of the royal family.

If you want to find the fairy island, you need the fox demon to lead the way.That's why you searched all over for the fox demon, and even set up an array to catch me today, right? "

Pei Jingyu's face was still calm, but his heart was turbulent. Is this called overhearing?
You remember that when the empress called him away, he had just carried him out of the frost, and he felt shocked just by hearing what the empress said, and he didn't notice any other abnormalities in the room.

He had a face that couldn't be darker, but there was some gnashing of teeth that couldn't be hidden in his words, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Zhaoge pulled out the hairpin and played with it in his hand, there was some unclear meaning in his words.

"Last time I saw you dripping the little black fox's blood on that bead, and then you let her go. I guess, she is not the fox demon you were looking for.

How about I try it? "

Hearing her words, Pei Jingyu frowned and said, "What are you going to do?"

At the same time as he spoke, Zhaoge inserted the development into her heart without hesitation, and her face turned pale.

Frowning his eyebrows and pulling out the blood-stained hairpin, Zhao Singer trembled slightly.

Pei Jingyu frowned even deeper. He moved slightly, but saw the broken light pearl in front of him shake violently as if summoned by something.

(End of this chapter)

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