The host is charming and charming

Chapter 84 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 84 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (11)

The room is like daylight, bright and dazzling.The blood droplets on the hairpin were sucked into the broken light beads and slowly penetrated.

The spiritual power endowed on the Broken Light Bead exploded, as if dissatisfied with the pitiful food, it released its power and forcibly plundered Zhaoge's heart.

The next moment, a big hand wrapped it around, and the luster leaked from between the fingers.

Feeling the coercion of its master, the Light Breaking Bead trembled slightly, and then withdrew its own power without any hesitation.

The Broken Light Bead was much darker, lying quietly in Pei Jingyu's hands.

[System: Ding!The curiosity of the target is +10, and the current curiosity is 20. ]
Pei Jingyu looked at Zhaoge with complicated eyes, "I have looked for many fox demons over the years, but your blood can resonate with this light-breaking pearl. You have the purest blood in your heart."

With the most pure blood, one can return to the realm of the fox clan. This is something that many fox monsters dream of. Why does this monster stay here?

Zhaoge threw the hairpin on the ground casually, leaning his hands on his knees to borrow strength secretly.

Damn, you really can't poke your heart casually.

She looked tired, except for the white corners of her mouth, there was no trace of injury, "As long as my lord spares the other monsters in this workshop, I will help you find the fairy island. Master Guoshi, what do you think about this deal? "

The expected voice came, showing indifference and ruthlessness, "Given your current situation, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

"Master Guoshi, can you stop being so rigid?
Human beings are divided into good and evil, why are we demons all bad.It is your human race who used the trapping fox technique for your own selfish desires to force us to stay here. "

Pei Jingyu's eyes drooped slightly, and half of his face was hidden in the darkness, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly.

Seeing that it was effective, Zhao Ge continued to persuade, "There are indeed perpetrators in the Yaozu, but I guarantee that the fox demon in this workshop has never harmed anyone.

If this deal cannot be negotiated, I will explode the demon core, and I will not let you get a drop of true blood in my body. "

Her rascal appearance makes her teeth itch, but Pei Jingyu really can't do anything to her.

There was a scheming sound in his heart, Pei Jingyu said sullenly: "I will send someone to watch, if the fox in this workshop is doing a lot of evil, I will never let you go lightly."

After finishing speaking, he turned his fingers slightly on the hexagram formation, and the golden cage gradually disappeared.

"make a deal."

Zhao Ge got up on the ground and stood up slowly.

The fox demon was found, but Pei Jingyu always had an indescribable subtle feeling in his heart.

Ever since he discovered the identity of the woman in front of him and successfully laid a trap, and she happened to know about the fairy island, now she volunteered to embark on the road to seek the fairy island together.

Is it all going too well......

He was in a trance, and didn't realize how close the distance between himself and Zhaoge was.

Caught off guard, raising his eyes was Zhaoge's red figure approaching.

Pei Jingyu wanted to dodge subconsciously, but she caught a glimpse of her prostrating steps out of the corner of her eye, and was slightly taken aback.

In a daze, Zhaoge put his hands on his shoulders.

From a distance, the two seem to be embracing each other.

Pei Jingyu frowned slightly, raising her hand to push him away.

With his hand stretched halfway, Zhaoge smiled weakly, "Sorry, I don't have any strength."

As soon as the words fell, she turned into a fox body and fell into Pei Jingyu's hands.

The soft lump that popped out of his hand made Pei Jingyu tense all over.

His cold voice was rarely at a loss, "You..."

Zhaoge's fox eyes were slightly closed, his head arched against Pei Jingyu's black and white sleeves, and he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the National Teacher's Mansion.

The disciple in white clothes gently opened the door and entered the room, put on the calming incense, secretly took a look at the red fox sleeping soundly on the couch, and then quietly retreated out.

The conversation outside the door came vaguely:
"Is the little red fox in the house awake?"

"Not yet, I just went in and looked at it, and I fell asleep soundly.

You said that our master went out for a few days, maybe it was because of this little fox? "

"That must be true, the pets brought back by such an exile as our master are not ordinary.

The fur of this red fox is beautiful, and the tail is so fluffy that it looks cute. "

Another voice sighed: "This fox was brought back by Master himself yesterday, and he even arranged a special room. This treatment is almost as good as that of Senior Brother Zhufang."

The sound disappeared with the sound of footsteps, and the slumped fox tail flicked, and he sat up for a while.

[Host, you hurt your body with blood, you slept for two days before waking up, how do you feel now? 】

Zhaoge: It’s okay, but I’m a little hungry.

Looking at the elegant layout around her, coupled with the guessing of the voice outside the house, it is not difficult to guess that she is currently in the National Teacher's Mansion.

The red thread on the paw attracted her attention, Zhaoge raised the fox paw, tilted his head and looked at the red string on the paw curiously.

The red rope looks ordinary, but it is mixed with cumbersome runes.

Zhaoge felt something in his heart, pouted his round buttocks and looked at his own tail.

Because of the magical power in the red rope, her three tails turned into one. No wonder Pei Jingyu's disciples thought she was just an ordinary fox.

Zhaoge: Junjun, he carried me back yesterday?

[Yes, host. 】

Zhaoge: Quickly help me see if the various values ​​have increased!

【·····Host, you were a fox at that time, not a human. 】

Zhaoge: It's unreasonable, he is unmoved by such a cute fox in his arms.

There was a slight shaking of the closed window, Zhaoge let out a "huh" and jumped over the table and cabinet. Just as he opened the corner of the window, an ant crawled in along.

Zhaoge looked at the familiar Mr. Ant, and was about to slap him with a fox paw, but Mr. Ant suddenly flew to the ground and turned into a green feather.

The fox claws she raised in the air froze, and she simply turned into a human body, "Qingyu, how did you get in?"


Qingyu first gave Zhaoge a bear hug, and then said: "Don't talk about it, the defense of the National Teacher's Mansion is too strict. I have been digging a hole for a long time to find it."

In fact, she had long been guarding outside the window, waiting for her boss to wake up.

Thinking of the conversation between the two disciples of the National Teacher's Mansion just now, Qingyu was filled with righteous indignation: "This is simply insulting! You even keep the boss as a pet. Why don't you let me take you away, Boss?"

Zhaoge raised his hand and tapped Qingyu's forehead, and said angrily, "Just play with your childish temper. I have something to do. I'm not here during this time. I will leave Fox Cave and Yunhuanfang to you."

Qingyu compromised, "Boss, staying with King Pei Yan is too dangerous, you have to take good care of yourself."

"Okay, don't worry." Zhaoge touched her little head, then took out a brocade bag from his sleeve and handed it to her.

Touching the heavy brocade bag in his hand, Qing Yu looked at her puzzled.

Zhaoge's eyes fell on the brocade bag, and he said softly: "I snatched this from the Taoist priest. There are a small broken tail and a lot of fox demon pills here. You... take it back to the fox cave, Set it up well."

Qingyu touched the brocade bag and felt it warmed up. Her eyes were slightly red, and she responded, "Okay."

Suddenly, both of them raised their heads, and someone came outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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