The host is charming and charming

Chapter 87 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 87 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (14)

The red tail was slightly exposed between the sleeves, his eyes paused slightly, and his eyes fell on the head of the poking fox.

Seemingly dissatisfied with watching, Zhao Ge skillfully climbed onto Pei Jingyu's shoulder, stretched out his neck and looked curiously at the source of the sound.

Man, so wonderful.

After a moment of silence, an impatient voice came through the screen, "Gu is in a bad mood today, if the loves continue to quarrel, we will send a man of the right age to the palace, so as to relieve Gu's worries."


"I remember that there is still something to do at home, so I will leave first."

"Your Majesty, my father has been unwell recently, and I'm afraid he won't be able to come to the court tomorrow. I'm here today to apologize to Your Majesty."

For a moment, the crowd quickly found a good reason, dispersed and retreated, for fear that they would become relatives of the emperor when they woke up tomorrow.

Seeing that the people were almost gone, the little eunuch turned around and said respectfully to Pei Jingyu: "Master, please."

Pei Jingyu nodded lightly, "Thank you."

After entering the main hall, Zhaoge saw the woman on the dragon chair clearly.

She was dressed in a yellow robe, showing her majesty.The appearance is quite beautiful, and the heroic spirit between the brows adds to the beauty.

"I see you, Your Majesty."

When the Empress saw Pei Jingyu, her complexion softened a little, "Aiqing, let's get back together."

She waved away the crowd and approached slowly. With probing eyes, she landed on the red fox in Pei Jingyu's arms, and said with interest, "Are you that fox?"

Looking at the female protagonist from a close distance, Zhaoge's curiosity is no less than that of the empress to herself.

One person and one fox just looked at each other like this, Zhaoge imitated Pei Jingyu's hand-crowding posture, raised two fox paws to bow to the empress, and grinned at her, "I have seen Your Majesty."

The corner of the queen's lips curled slightly, "He's an interesting guy."

As soon as she finished speaking, a young eunuch came in from outside the door, and hurried over, "Your Majesty, Concubine Nan... Mr. Nanyan please see me."

Zhaoge closed his mouth, desperately suppressing the corners of his mouth that wanted to rise.

The empress stared at Pei Jingyu for a moment, then waved her hands and said, "I'm alone in the discussion, let him go back first."

The person who came in at the door gave a pause, and then said: "It seems that I came at the wrong time."

He turned around and was about to leave, but the majestic and calm empress said again: "Okay, it's all here, come in."

Nan Yan was dressed in a black robe, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that were alluring.

He arched his hands towards Pei Jingyu, and his eyes paused slightly when he looked at the red fox.

Zhaoge showed his big white teeth and gave him a flattering smile.

Pei Jingyu seemed to feel something, and looked at the fox in his arms with some dissatisfaction.

The two pinched each other back and forth, their eyes getting colder than the other.

Zhaoge's smile froze slightly, and he didn't know whether to smile or not.

Nan Yan snorted softly, "I haven't seen you for a few days, where did Master Guoshi find his new favorite?"

Pei Jingyu raised his hand to smooth the fur of the fox, and said unhurriedly: "I don't need you to worry about it."

The smell of gunpowder became stronger as soon as the two met, the empress rubbed her brows, and said to Nan Yan: "Gu and the national teacher have some important business to discuss, the imperial garden has prepared Poria cocos cake, go and taste it, Gu will come over later. "

Nan Yan paused slightly when he heard this.

He looked at the red fox and was unexpectedly persuasive, "Alright, since the national teacher has business to discuss with His Majesty, why don't you lend me the fox in your arms."

Pei Jingyu said with a cold face, "Don't even think about it."

The empress sighed, "You two are enough, you will quarrel as soon as you meet, there will be no end."

She raised her finger to Nan Yan, "You, take a good look at this fox. As for the national teacher, come alone."

Zhaoge glanced back and forth between the three of them, then gently tugged on Pei Jingyu's sleeve, telling him not to worry about himself.

In the end, Nan Yan carried the red fox triumphantly and left, while Pei Jingyu stared at his black back, narrowing his eyes slightly.

In the palace, only the Empress and Pei Jingyu were left.

Seeing Pei Jingyu's expression, the Empress chuckled, "National Teacher, you seem to be a little different recently."

Pei Jingyu turned around without expression, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, Nan Yan is unruly and unruly, not someone who can be trapped in a golden cage.

Everyone has desires in their hearts, have you really thought about whether he is willing to live in your harem for the love of the emperor, or something else? "

He just said a few words, not like the ministers just now, who scolded Nan Yan for being the only favorite of the emperor, but it made people frown.

If it was someone else, they would either be scolded at this time, or they would have already received their sentence.

But the empress just sighed lightly, avoided the subject and said, "National teacher, let's talk about the business first. You have studied it for so long, is there any movement on the broken light bead now?"

Pei Jingyu was not surprised by the Queen's reaction, he said in a low voice, "Return to Your Majesty, now the general direction has been determined, and the trace of Xiandao is in the southeast."

On the other side, Nan Yan didn't go to the Royal Garden, but went back to Qingyue Palace with Zhaoge.

That's right, it was carried all the way.

Although Nan Yan is a man, he is very good-looking.

In the past, the little maids couldn't help but sneak a few glances at him, but today they saw him with such a stinky face, they all hid as far away as possible.

In Qingyue Hall, Nan Yan unceremoniously threw Zhaoge on the bed, turned around and sat down at the table.

He propped his head on his hands, crossed his legs, looked lazy, and said with a half-smile: "Little fox, when did you get together with Pei Jingyu, you are more capable now."

Zhaoge rolled over with a carp, jumped on the table and beat his shoulders for him, and corrected him: "No, no, we haven't gotten together yet."

Nan Yan's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to pull her away, and with the other hand, he hated iron for being weak and pointed at her fox's head, saying: "Could it be that you really want to get together with him?!"

Zhaoge covered his little head, and stepped back pitifully, "Ancestor, can you listen to me first?"

"What are you calling?"

Zhaoge said solemnly: "You are a nine-tailed fox with a noble bloodline. This is considered seniority, so you should be called ancestor."

Nan Yan nodded cheerfully, "That's the truth. What's going on, does Pei Jingyu know your identity?"

Zhaoge sat on the table politely, choosing what to say.

After a stick of incense, Nan Yan's complexion became even worse, "So you mean, you have the purest true blood, and you can still make the broken light pearl on Pei Jingyu's body take effect?"

"Are you...unhappy?"

Nan Yan snorted coldly and said nothing.

Nonsense, the fox demon I tried my best to find turned out to be the familiar little three-tailed fox.

Now that Pei Jingyu has been found, he feels a little complicated.

"So, what they want to talk about is related to this."

Nan Yan was thoughtful, "Little fox, this Pei Jingyu is not one of us after all, why don't I snatch his Broken Light Orb and let's go find the Immortal Island."

Zhaoge: What is this masked male protagonist thinking about, it's as if he will obediently listen to his words.

She euphemistically reminded: "That Po Guangzhu, you can't handle it."

(End of this chapter)

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