The host is charming and charming

Chapter 88 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 88 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (15)

Nan Yan shrugged, "I almost forgot, that broken bead recognizes its owner, and I really can't grab it."

He just mentioned it casually, wanting to see the little fox's reaction, but Zhaoge joked instead: "Besides, ancestor, are you willing?"

If the male protagonist is really going to Xunxian Island, no matter how he looks at it, it seems that he has no need or reason to come back.

Nan Yan paused with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and cast a sideways glance at Zhaoge, "Stinky red fox, you have a lot of eyes. You hinted that I brought you here, do you just want to discuss emotional issues with me?"

The red fox sat up slightly, his eyes were bright.

Just now in the main hall, she hinted that Nan Yan took her away in order to find a chance to meet him alone.

The demonic energy of the plane hides many plots of the plane. Zhaoge only knows that in the original plot, Pei Jingyu had a narrow escape, so he successfully found the fairy island.

She was worried that when the evil spirit became fierce, it would also attack Pei Jingyu and kill him on the road to Xiandao.

If the target of the attack is dead, there is no need to continue with your mission.

The one who knows the most about Xiandao now is the nine-tailed fox hero in front of him.

If she gets more information, she may be able to help Pei Jingyu a lot.

Looking at her expression, Nan Yan knew that this guy was up to no good, "Okay, being cute is useless to me, just ask what you want to ask."

Zhaoge praised without hesitation: "The ancestor is the ancestor, and he saw through my thoughts at a glance. Ancestor, you know the most about Xiandao, so what does Xiandao look like, and what danger is there?
I'll come to you to find out, so I can make all the preparations, right? "

"The fairy island is mysterious and hard to find, and there must be danger along the way. I remember that there are records in ancient books that there are guardians outside the fairy island, and I don't know the depth of their skills. Even Pei Jingyu's high-level Taoist skills can't be used. You need to protect them along the way." look at yourself."

Nan Yan's expression is rare and serious. After all, he is a descendant of the nine-tailed fox, and he has a natural sense of responsibility for the fox clan in his bones.

His original intention was to take these little foxes away from the world. If the one in front of him was sacrificed because of this, that would not be the way he was looking for.

Nan Yan raised his hand, and a white seal of a nine-tailed fox entered the forehead of the red fox, slowly disappearing.

"I have imprinted a seal on your forehead to protect you in times of crisis, so you can feel at ease now?"

He pondered for a moment, then continued: "After all, this fairy island is left by the fox fairy, and there must be some magical magic to protect the island and prevent people from entering it easily. Don't relax your vigilance and be careful in everything."

Zhaoge touched his slightly hot forehead, showing joy.

Not bad, not bad, and got a mark from the boss, and now she has made a lot of money.

She seemed to have thought of something, and put down the fox paw, "By the way, ancestor, do you know the shuttle formation?"

"Shuttle formation? Isn't it the one in the National Teacher's Mansion?"

His subtle eyes fell on the red fox, and he raised his eyebrows: "This shuttle formation is in Pei Jingyu's courtyard, and it is heavily guarded, and no one else can enter. Could it be you two..."

Zhaoge coughed lightly, and said with a straight face: "It's nothing."

At least not yet.

Nan Yan said "Oh", "The shuttle array was left by the old national teacher. Pei Jingyu often used it to send some suppressed monsters to a safe place. If there is a chance, I would like to take a look. The shuttle Where does the array lead to?"

This nine-tailed fox is really arrogant, and it's not his back garden.

Zhaoge suddenly realized, "Wait a minute, you know he doesn't kill monsters whenever he sees them, why do you still look down on him?"

Nan Yan recalled the scene where the two had a happy conversation in the main hall. He snorted lightly, his voice sounded smooth, "If you don't like it, you don't like it. What reason do you need? I just can't understand his self-esteem. .”

There was a clue on his face, and he hid it quickly, but it didn't escape Zhaoge's eyes.

"Is it really not because of jealousy?"

Nan Yan raised his voice a bit, "Of course, I am a majestic nine-tailed fox, how can I be jealous of a mortal."

Thinking back to the original plot, the nine-tailed fox in front of me had a bad quarrel for a while because of the use of the empress.

Seeing that Nan Yan gave himself a self-defense mark, Zhaoge said quietly: "Ancestor, listen to me. Don't deceive yourself about feelings. Do you use more of this empress, or do you like her more?" some more?
After the matter of Xiandao is settled, there must be a settlement between the two of you. "

The candied fruit stretched out in front of his eyes, and the corners of Zhaoge's mouth couldn't help twitching, he was planning to seal his mouth.

"The candied fruit in my palace is the sweetest. It's hard to come here and eat more."

There was a slight breeze outside the window, and he felt someone approaching.

Nan Yan's mind was moved, he raised his hand and rubbed the red fox's head, the gesture was intimate, and he pretended to be pampering and said: "Eat more."

This sudden move made Zhaoge a little dazed, feeling inexplicably panicked.

This ancestor's smile is really pervasive, and he always feels uneasy and kind.

As soon as thoughts flashed through his mind, he saw Pei Jingyu appearing at the door with a cold face.

Inexplicably, Zhaoge felt a little shivering.

Pei Jingyu's gaze fell on those eyes-obstructing hands, and said softly: "We should go back."

The red fox let out a soft cry, and ran faster than the rabbit, the red string on its paw blurred into an afterimage.

Nan Yan chuckled, the great master who is pure-hearted and ascetic is really different from this little red fox.

Along the way, Zhaoge was held in Pei Jingyu's arms just like when he came here.

She raised her head slightly, seeing that he didn't seem to be in a very good mood, she couldn't help asking: "Is it not settled? You don't look very happy."

Pei Jingyu glanced at her and said softly, "You like that Nan Yan very much?"

Without waiting for Zhaoge to reply, he said again: "He has a good appearance, but he is not a good person. Stay away from him. Don't be fooled by a piece of candy."

Zhaoge nodded. He was indeed not a good person, but a good-looking nine-tailed fox.

The tail slightly touched the smooth neck, Pei Jingyu dodged back inaudibly, and looked down at her.

The red fox in his arms is very mischievous, with sparkling eyes, he looks like a little liar who is ready to bluff at any time.

Zhaoge said in a low voice: "Why do I feel that there is a trace of vinegar in the air. Master Guoshi, have you smelled it?"

"It's just that he doesn't like it"

Yep, Zhaoge had a conclusion in his mind.

Pei Jingyu and Nan Yan probably hate each other by nature.

At night, the empress had handled a lot of government affairs, and then she stepped into the door of Qingyue Hall with a cool look.

Entered the inner bedroom, but did not see Nan Yan.

The empress frowned slightly, where did this person go?

Just as she was about to call someone to ask, a pair of strong arms behind her embraced her through the cloak.

The deep voice caused tremors in the neck, "Today in the hall, I made things difficult for you again."

The empress lowered her head slightly, and Qianqian's slender hands under the yellow robe curled up his blue hair, and there was a bit of feminine charm between her brows and eyes, without the usual majesty at all.

(End of this chapter)

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