The host is charming and charming

Chapter 89 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 89 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (16)

"Since I know it's difficult to be alone, I will settle down in the future. Those ministers chanted every day, and it hurts their brains."

Nan Yan bent slightly, lay on her neck and laughed a few times, "Since Your Majesty said so, then I will stay in Qingyue Palace and not go anywhere in the future.

If I don't hang around in front of you, those ministers will naturally stop bothering you with this matter, so that you can rest easy. "

The empress's frown that had just eased down was frowned again, she pulled Nan Yanhuan's wrist around her waist, bit it lightly, and said angrily, "Is that what Gu means?"

When she turned her head, Nan Yan chased her lips and kissed her.

The cloak in the middle fell off again, and the two of them came to the bed in entanglement, and they were lingering all night.

At dawn the next day, the empress got up to tidy up.The maids stepped forward and bowed their heads to serve, not daring to look around.

Nan Yan supported her head with one hand, and looked at the woman in front of her happily.

When the strong smell of medicine came, the empress did not avoid Nan Yan, and directly drank the soup and medicine in the bowl, her complexion remained normal.

Nan Yan froze, he knew that the thing in the soup was for avoiding children.

Everyone in the world said that the empress had countless male favorites in the harem, but only he knew that these were just nicknames for the woman in front of him.

She is her first man, and she has never even touched those people in the harem.

In fact, there is no need for the Bizitang, he is the vein of the nine-tailed fox, as long as he wants to, she will not conceive.

How could he have the heart to let the life of the person in front of him be only three years.

As long as Zhaoge and Pei Jingyu find Xiandao, he will try his best to prolong her life.

Even..., in the end, that person wasn't him.

Nan Yan recalled Zhaoge's words yesterday, he never knew he was deceiving himself and others.

Will she forgive a monster who takes advantage of her?
Shemale is different, between him and her, doomed not to stay together forever.

Besides, he lied to her.

When the hero of the plane is thinking about life, Zhaoge, who is also a fox demon, sleeps soundly.

After talking with the Empress, Pei Jingyu stopped procrastinating and set off with a few disciples for Xunxian Island early the next morning.

It stands to reason that one should not only bring a few people with the National Teacher's Mansion when traveling.But the matter of Xunxian Island is a secret, and very few people know about it.

What's more, the dangers encountered along the way may not be resisted by humans.

At the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, Zhu Fang walked very lightly, carrying the red fox into the carriage like a servant, and after putting it down safely, he slipped away.

This red fox looks well-behaved, but it is just relatively quiet in front of the master.

Zhufang felt that he was being taken advantage of. This aunt has been in the mansion for the past few days, but she has not stopped teasing him.

Xu Shizhufang's escape was too loud, and Zhaoge finally realized that he had left the comfortable bed.

She woke up faintly, Fox Claw rubbed her eyes, is this in the carriage?

It transformed into a human form, raised its hand and yawned, muttering, "I'm leaving so early, I'm still asleep."

It has been a long time since he transformed into a human body, and Zhaoge still feels a little uncomfortable.

Before Pei Jingyu came, she was going to go outside the carriage for a while and stretch herself.

She just touched the corner of the curtain with her hand, and at the same time, a hand outside the carriage also reached out to the curtain.

The moment the curtain was opened, the distance between their noses was only a hair's breadth away.

Zhu Fang on the side turned his head stiffly, he didn't see it, he didn't see it, he didn't see anything.

Master, please don't keep your mouth shut.

Looking at the handsome face in front of him, Zhaoge blinked, showing no sign of panic.

Pei Jingyu's back stiffened, and after realizing it, he immediately let go of the curtain and took three steps back.

Seeing his reaction, a smile flashed in Zhaoge's eyes.

She raised her hand, greeted Pei Jingyu generously, and then pointed to the seat behind her, "Your Excellency, you are welcome, come and sit down."

Pei Jingyu glanced at his exclusive carriage, and his light eyes fell on Zhufang's back, making him dare not move.

Zhufang had a bitter face, crying out for grievances in his heart.

This fox demon often sneaked into the master's house in the past, so that he thought it was the master's spiritual pet, and subconsciously stuffed her into the master's carriage.

Forget it, after all, I did it myself.

People have the courage to admit their mistakes and correct them.

Zhufang was about to bite the bullet and invite that aunt into another carriage, but just turned his head, and saw that his master had already boarded the carriage, and Zhaoge still maintained the posture of pulling the curtain.

He let out a "huh" and couldn't stop looking inside curiously.

Zhaoge propped his chin up, and said with a light smile, "Little brother, everyone is here, let's go."

She shouted like the mistress of the National Teacher's Mansion.

Zhufang didn't know why, so he responded in a daze, "Come right away, Master..."

He coughed lightly, and quickly swallowed the words "Master Niang".

Pei Jingyu looked at Zhaoge who was lazily leaning on the side, and felt that the red fox in the past few days was just a dream, and he felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

He thought for a while and said, "What should I call you?"

A warm voice sounded beside him, Zhaoge said "huh?", looking at Pei Jingyu with some doubts in his eyes.

She smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't hear something clearly."

"Yunhuanfang is very famous, and everyone says Yaoniang is a strange woman. Your name has spread all over the country. If you go out this trip, you should change your name."

Zhaoge nodded, and very much agreed with Pei Jingyu's statement, "Yao Niang is just a pseudonym, so it's good for adults to call me Zhaoge."


These two words came out of his mouth, which sounded surprisingly pleasant.

She smiled and said, "My lord's voice is really nice, why don't you read it again?"

Pei Jingyu:······
The journey was long, so Zhaoge simply caught up on sleep again.

Yao naturally doesn't sleep so much, but for Zhaoge, sleeping is a kind of enjoyment.

Before she closed her eyes, Pei Jingyu was reading a book.

After she woke up, Pei Jingyu was still reading, but the book in her hand had changed.

He sat there quietly, with a gentle appearance like jade, Zhaoge couldn't help but take a second look.

Not to mention, the cold and ascetic demeanor of the Great Master is really attractive no matter how you look at it.

Pei Jingyu seemed to be engrossed in the book, not paying attention to Zhaoge's small movements.

After watching for a long time, she felt embarrassed first.

So, Zhaoge concealed himself, picked up the book he had finished reading from the table, imitated his appearance and read the book solemnly, trying to cultivate his own sentiment.

The content in the book is all about the formations to deal with monsters, Zhaoge's heart grew colder as he read it, and secretly looked at Pei Jingyu.

After a while, she lost interest at all, and simply put the rules of the book neatly back in place, thinking that when she arrived in town later, she would have to buy a book or two of human words to put in the car.

Pei Jingyu's library is too single, and it's really boring.

She panicked, and started to find a topic: "My lord, where are we going?"

[······Host, you don't know where to go, so you follow others. 】

(End of this chapter)

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