The host is charming and charming

Chapter 90 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 90 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (17)

Zhaoge automatically ignored Junjun's complaints, and saw Pei Jingyu put down the scroll, and then took out the Broken Light Bead from his arms.

Waves appeared slightly on the Broken Light Bead, and a black shadow emerged.

Zhaoge squinted his eyes, and couldn't see clearly, so he simply moved a little in the direction of Pei Jingyu.

A woman's fragrance came faintly, Pei Jingyu looked at Zhaoge who was approaching, and her body froze.

Zhaoge didn't notice Pei Jingyu's strangeness. She pointed to the town that appeared on the broken light pearl, and commented: "This town looks a bit desolate and dilapidated, and it doesn't have anything to do with Xiandao."

Seeing her skillfully unplugging her hairpin, Pei Jingyu hurriedly raised her hand to stop her, "What are you going to do?"

"Bleed some blood, maybe it can enhance its induction with Xiandao."

Pei Jingyu slightly pressed her wrist down, then let go, and said with a three-pointed reproach: "No, when the picture on this bead becomes blurred, it's not too late to use real blood. Don't be reckless, if you consume too much , your body can't bear it."

Is this caring about her?

Zhaoge nodded amusedly, flipped his wrist in the air, and put the hairpin back on his back, with a neat and unrestrained movement.

Pei Jingyu spread out the sheep scroll map, tapped his finger on the black corner of the map, and said in a low voice: "The place shown on the broken light bead is Liuhe City, we can reach it in less than three days along the southeast direction.

A plague broke out in this town a few years ago, and there were not many people left.

I used to look around for the whereabouts of Xiandao, and almost searched all the places along the coast, but I never thought of this place.after all······"

Zhaoge answered, "After all, it doesn't look like anything special here."

She propped her chin with her hands, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, and suddenly said: "Don't be afraid, Mr. National Teacher, I will protect you."

This sentence has no beginning and no end, but Pei Jingyu met those watery eyes, but understood what she meant.

[System: Ding!Raiders favorability +5, current favorability is 40. ]
Hearing the system prompt, Zhaoge raised his eyebrows slightly.

This person has no expression on the surface, but he secretly likes him in his heart. He is quite good at disguising.

There was too much teasing in her eyes, Pei Jingyu looked away.

At this time, Zhufang poked his head in and corrected him solemnly:

"Girl, don't worry, master has great powers, and the equipment we brought for this trip is enough. If we really encounter a monster, there is nothing my master can't solve."

These words represent Zhufang's desire to protect, but it is not an exaggeration.Pei Jingyu's strength is obvious to all.

Zhaoge stared at Pei Jingyu intently, and said with a smile: "What the little brother said is that I was tamed by your master."

Zhufang: Uh... how does it feel weird.

"Zhufang, drive well."

"Yes, Master." Zhufang scratched his head and turned around in embarrassment.

After a few days of driving, they finally arrived at Liuhe City shown by the broken light pearl.

The customs clearance token held by Zhu Fang was unimpeded along the way.

After being bored in the carriage for several days, Zhaoge wanted to take a stroll around the city and find out about the situation.

Zhufang led the horse and followed behind Pei Jingyu and Zhaoge. After walking a few steps, Zhaoge suddenly stopped.

She scanned the surroundings with her beautiful eyes, and said quietly: "My lord, don't you think there is something strange in this city?"

Pei Jingyu walked side by side with her, and was looking at a few beggars in the corner. The next moment, he looked away, "It's really strange."

Along the way, the common people were dressed in brocade and satin, and even beggars were few and far between.

Zhu Fang followed his master's line of sight and asked puzzledly, "Is it strange?"

"This city is too busy."

Zhufang repeated unconsciously, "Prosperity..."

Pei Jingyu's voice was not loud, but every word fell clearly in Zhufang's ears.

"A collective plague once broke out in the city, leaving only a small number of people. It is impossible to develop so rapidly in ten years.

And the prosperity of the city in front of him is not much different from that of the imperial city.There is something weird in this Liuhe city. "

Hearing this, Zhufang shuddered for no reason.

Seeing other disciples catching up, Pei Jingyu said, "Since we've arrived, let's find an inn to stay."

A few people walked along the bustling crowd and walked into an inn that looked good. The proprietress of the inn knocked the abacus crackling, which sounded very refreshing.

"Miss Boss, we want four upper rooms."

Zhu Fang acted as the housekeeper and stepped forward to speak.

The proprietress stopped what she was doing and looked at the group of people in front of her.The man in white was cold, and the woman beside him was charming.

It is obviously a scene where water and fire do not blend together, but standing together is extraordinarily harmonious.

With a smile on her face, she nodded in Zhaoge's direction, quite interested, "The guest officers look like foreigners, it's cold here at night. I don't know which young master this girl shares a room with. I asked Xiao Er to send more beds and bedding."

Zhufang turned to look at Zhaoge, "This girl, she lives alone."

The proprietress let out an "oh", her expression faded, and then she said:

"Guest officers, I'm really sorry. Our inn has rules. If you want to stay in the inn, at least one of you must be a couple or a partner."

Zhaoge frowned slightly, what a strange rule.

The little junior on the side dissatisfied: "What kind of broken rules are these, lady boss, if you don't welcome us to just speak up, why bother beating around the bush."

"Ah Yuan! Don't be rude." Zhu Fang glared at him and shook his head.

Pei Jingchu's expression was always calm, and now he said: "Excuse me, what is the source of this rule?"

Just as the proprietress was about to shake her face, she called Xiao Er to come over and drive him away.

Facing Pei Jingyu's cold and indifferent eyes, she covered her lips and smiled, and said shyly:
"My lord, it's not that I'm unreasonable. You must have seen it when you entered the door. Our place is called the Tongxin Inn.

Since they are concentric, they want to win a good fortune.If you are allowed to stay here today, it would be a violation of the rules. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhaoge took Pei Jingchu's hand affectionately, and said delicately:

"Husband, if you're curious, it's not too late to stay in the store first and then discuss it with the proprietress. My legs are sore after standing here for a long time."

She laughed so captivatingly that the audience was silent for a moment.

Zhufang and the others stared wide-eyed, looking at the one red and one white figure in unison, and then their eyes stopped between the two of them.

Master didn't push the fox demon away, this, this...

As soon as Zhaoge approached, Pei Jingyu's whole body tensed up, and Zhaoge's coquettishness made him a little dazed.

Knowing her purpose, he didn't push her away.

The proprietress twitched the corners of her mouth and said incredulously, "You two are a couple?!"

Zhaoge brushed his hair and smiled charmingly, "Can't you see it?"

Zhufang and the others came to their senses in an instant, thinking that Miss Zhaoge was still witty.

They responded: "That's right, this is our teacher's wife!"

"Yes, yes."

Boss: I don't believe it, but I have no evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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