High energy warning!Airborne milk buns blow up the giants

Chapter 101 Human life is bigger than the sky!

Chapter 101 Human life is bigger than the sky!
But she knew very well that she was being stalked by the little ghost, and she even knew who was raising the little ghost, but there was nothing she could do about it.

After all, he was haunted by the little ghost raised by the other party, so he couldn't try to fight back at all, otherwise he would be tortured and sick by the little ghost on his body.

If she wanted things to turn around, she had to get the little ghost away from her. She had tried countless people but failed to do so. She had already decided to give up, but things turned around again!

Sure enough, it is another village!
She sincerely begged: "Master, if you can help me get rid of the little ghosts on my body, I would like to thank you with all my wealth and give it to the master." Contemptuous heart, eyes full of piety.

Niuniu was embarrassed by being stared at like this, she scratched the back of her head shyly, but she forced herself to keep a straight face and said seriously: "Tell me about the situation."

Liu Manru nodded obediently, and then began to talk about everything from the beginning: "Two years ago, I was still a popular female star in the entertainment industry. As a result, people will hate it.”

When she recalled this incident, she had a painful expression on her face, "At that time, a director asked me to act in a big production, and I agreed without thinking about it. She was originally the heroine of the movie, but the director temporarily replaced her because she played a big role, and it was replaced by me, and then the other party became jealous of me, and even raised a kid to pester me."

Niuniu pursed her lips. The darkness in the entertainment industry was beyond her imagination, and she also didn't understand why someone would raise a kid to hurt others because of a movie.

It takes a lot of time and energy to raise a little ghost, and you even have to feed the little ghost with your own blood every day to make it recognize its master.

Not only that, but the conditions for raising a little ghost are also very strict. From finding the little ghost's predecessor, subduing the little ghost, and making a suitable clay pot for the little ghost, there are many, many needs.

Not to mention the daily worship, it takes seven to seven 49 days before the little ghost starts to do things.

With so much time and energy, what I do is to write things that harm others and not benefit myself just to win a sigh of relief.

Niuniu can't understand.

But He Lianyaoqing at the side is used to it, not even the slightest surprise, he is an insider, he has seen this kind of thing a lot.

In fact, stealing the show is not a trivial matter. He has seen someone who sent the other party to the hospital because of a verbal dispute before, and he even became the most searched on the entertainment list.

It can only be said that the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.

Helian Yaoqing motioned for the other party to continue.

Liu Manru held back her choking emotions, and continued: "At that time, I already felt it, but I was uncomfortable all over, and everything was not going well. I asked many mages to see it, but they were all at a loss. Some people could still see it. It turned out that I was possessed by a little ghost, and some people couldn’t even see it, so they cheated a sum of money and ran away.”

"Since then, my status in the entertainment industry has plummeted, and even my body began to suffer from minor illnesses and pains. Later, I was directly reduced to a third- and fourth-tier star, but these are not what I care most about. Over time, my face began to deform, from occasional swollen to daily swollen, and even began to pop pustules”

As Liu Manru spoke, she couldn't hold back her tears at last.

Niu Niu patted her on the shoulder as comfort, and after struggling, she still said frankly: "The little ghost has been on your body for more than a year, and it has been too long to have close contact with you, and the level of this little ghost is not usually high, It is a blood-blooded ghost, and its curse target is only you, if you want to catch it, you must destroy it."

Liu Manru raised her head, choked with sobs and asked, "What does it mean to be a relative with a whole corpse?"

Niuniu pursed her lips. The words were a bit cruel, and she tried to change it into a more tactful word: "That is to say, this little devil is related to its owner by blood. It was the son of that female star before its death."

Liu Manru was stunned!

The mouth is so wide that a light bulb can be plugged in!

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its babies!The other party turned his own son into a little ghost for a role.
Niu Niu continued: "It's not what you think, this kid is stillborn, only six months old, a premature baby, and died within a few days in the incubator of the hospital. There is also a limit on the death time of the main body when refining the kid. That's why the other party couldn't wait to take you down."

After listening to this explanation, Liu Manru was inexplicably relieved. If the child died for her, then she would be very sad for the rest of her life.

Fortunately not.

After understanding the ins and outs of the incident, Niuniu explained to Liu Manru the benefits of the "practice of expelling little ghosts".

Her body has been sucked out of nutrients by the kid as flower mud in this year, and pustules appearing on her face is a sign of festering, and her life may be in danger in a few months.

But exorcising little ghosts will cause a second impact on the body, so you must have a strong will, otherwise you will easily fall into danger.

After Niuniu finished speaking, the other party's eyes were extremely firm: "Okay!"

It is also very happy to agree.

Niuniu doesn't understand, but Helian Yaoqing understands that for stars in the entertainment industry, especially female stars, face and figure are more important than anything else!
Niu Niu was about to start the practice, she drove out third uncle and elder brother Sun first, and then let Liu Manru lie on the couch.

In order to ensure her life safety, Niuniu also took out a silver needle bag and pricked a few needles on her life-saving point.

Then he took out all kinds of materials, even the yellow talisman.

Niuniu injected Liu Manru's sleeping point, and then quickly contacted the system: "System system! Come out quickly! I need your help!!"

The system just woke up, and it was a little lazy: "You little brat, why are you in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

Niuniu said without hesitation: "You can help me make a soul protection array here." After she finished speaking, she felt a faint pain in her flesh, because this soul protection array is extremely expensive and requires fifty points of merit!
When she earns merit points, she earns them bit by bit. When she uses merit points, dozens of "swish swishes" flow out. Niuniu feels that the income-expenditure ratio is a bit very unbalanced! !
However, compared with the merit value, human life is still more important. Although I helped her get the needle, it may not be able to withstand the impact of the little ghost. With the soul protection array, it will be safe.

Hearing this, the system deducted fifty merit points from Niuniu, and set up a soul-protecting formation beside Liu Manru on the recliner!

Niuniu pursed her lips, ready to do it!

 It was night when I was typing this chapter, and I turned off the lights and secretly coded under the covers.

  Who is frightened by the content of his own novels! !
  My heart is beating so fast! !
  The content about raising little ghosts is all private, and it's my own imagination! !
  The main reason is that I don’t dare to look up information secretly.
  Everyone sees that people work so hard, can you vote for it!

  I love you all!

(End of this chapter)

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