High energy warning!Airborne milk buns blow up the giants

Chapter 102 It can only be temporarily sealed

Chapter 102 It can only be temporarily sealed

Niu Niu ignited the yellow talisman, and it turned out to be a dazzling green light, which indicated that there was a very strong magnetic field of Yin energy around, which was emitted by that little ghost.

The Yin Qi is too heavy, there is no way to subdue it with copper coins, only tortoise shells!
Niu Niu pricked Liu Manru's finger with a blood-taking needle, but no blood flowed out. Even when Niu Niu squeezed it hard, only a thin layer of blood appeared.

Niu Niu narrowed her eyes, it was the ghost in the opponent's body.

Originally, she wanted to use Liu Manru's blood to lure the little ghost out and then surrender, but if she couldn't get the blood, this way would not work.

Niuniu took out a few more yellow talismans, then took a few drops of her fingertip blood, dripped them on the yellow talismans, stuffed them into the turtle shell, and lit them.

The burning flame of the yellow talisman was of normal color, but after burning, there was no ash at all, and the inside of the turtle shell was still clean and bright.

Niu Niu stood up, quickly took out a few copper coins, and threw them at Liu Manru!
A few copper coins can't cause any harm to the body, but the copper coins that are enshrined in front of the Buddha for ninety-nine and 81 days are fatal to the attack on the soul and imp!
In an instant, several gusts of wind blew up, and Niu Niu saw Liu Manru's soul being blown out by the copper coin, and the life-saving silver needles were also shaken out of her body. Received it.

Liu Manru's soul is warmed in the soul protection array, which can not only repair the soul damaged by the little ghost, but also imprison the soul from breaking and running around.

Niu Niu concentrates on dealing with Liu Manru's little ghost.

It was severely injured, but it still stubbornly shrank in Liu Manru's body.

Niuniu quickly pressed the tortoise shell on the top of Liu Manru's head, and then began to recite the exorcism and cleansing mantra: "Yuanshi Anzhen, tell all spirits"

Like a water pump, the turtle shell began to pump out the imps continuously.

The little ghost was still stubbornly resisting, gritting his teeth and biting him, and even licked the corners of his mouth viciously at Niuniu. Niuniu took out a mahogany sword from the system space again, and swung it in the direction of Liu Manru's body. few times!

The little ghost was seriously injured, and his seven orifices began to bleed, but he still stubbornly refused to leave the body.

Niuniu judged that the level of this little ghost was even higher than she imagined, and she couldn't subdue it for a while, and it might be because of blood relationship, the little ghost's loyalty to its master was extremely high, and it was just insisting on Qingshan not to relax!
Niuniu could only let it fall into a deep sleep and stop acting as a demon, and then chanted a spell to lure Liu Manru's soul into her body.

As soon as the soul fit into the body completely, Liu Manru panted heavily, got up from the recliner with a face full of horror, and the cold sweat on the forehead was visible to the naked eye drop by drop.

She had just seen it, seen it all.

Seeing the ugly face of that little devil, and the way it bared its teeth, and even the frightened scene of its seven orifices bleeding, Liu Manru could see everything in a glance.

She had never seen the appearance of a kid on her body before, and she hadn't been so terrified. Once she realized that there was such an ugly thing hanging on her body, her goosebumps and the hairs all over her body exploded!

She didn't dare to recall the appearance of that little devil.
His whole body was bruised and black, with black nails, scarlet eyes, fuzzy and shifted facial features and undifferentiated limbs. He was simply a terrifying freak! !
"Are you okay?" Niuniu patted her shoulder.

Liu Manru raised her head in horror. Seeing Niu Niu's pretty and lovely face, she was in a daze for a moment, and was soothed. Her tone was a little scared, but she calmed down a lot: "It's okay."

Niuniu felt a little guilty and kept wringing her fingers, "Sorry, I couldn't get rid of that brat, but I have already sealed her."

Liu Manru was a little sad for a moment: "Is it impossible to get rid of it?"

Niuniu said: "There is still a way, it is now in a deep sleep, it will not affect your body and luck for the time being, but it can only last for half a month, after half a month, if it wakes up, it will definitely It counterattacked fiercely, so we must find a way to get rid of it."

As soon as Liu Manru heard this, the fire of hope was ignited in his heart again: "How to get rid of it?"

Niuniu pursed her lips: "Its grade is higher than I imagined, I can't kill it completely now, I can only draw it out of your body and then capture it, but it is ordered by the master, it will not Leave yours, unless."

Liu Manru excitedly said: "Unless what!? Master, you can rest assured that even if I risk my stardom, I will definitely find something!"

Niuniu was taken aback by this battle, and quickly explained: "You don't need your star path, you just need to get the blood of the little ghost's master, or something with a strong smell, such as a lot of hair, and then use these things to kill the little ghost. Lure it out of your body, and then capture it."

Liu Manru immediately said excitedly: "Hair? This thing is easy to find. I know which barber shop she often gets her hair styled. I can go and straighten her cut hair or something!"

Niuniu shook her head seriously: "No, it must be hair with follicles, not cut off."

Liu Manru pursed her lips: "Okay, thank you Master, I understand."

Niuniu glanced at her, patted her shoulder with respect, and said like a little adult: "Go, be careful, I will wait for your good news here."

The other party nodded seriously, then walked out the door, and came back within 2 minutes, but with an extra leather luxury bag in his hand.

Liu Manru took out the wallet from the bag, took out all the bank cards and handed them to Niu Niu, and said seriously: "Master, this is all my net worth, although it is not much, only tens of millions, but it can be regarded as my wealth in the entertainment circle. After so many years of savings, the password is 920123, you must accept it."

She knew that Yingdi Zheng's family conditions must be unusual, and the master was naturally not short of money, but this was her wish.

Niuniu immediately got up anxiously, and resolutely refused: "I don't want it! Don't you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, don't be like this!" These few words were spoken by a child, and the baby's voice was flustered and flustered, very cute.

But the other party didn't intend to take it back at all, and Niu Niu didn't plan to take it back either, the two just couldn't stand it, no matter what Niu Niu said, the other party refused to agree, just wanted Niu Niu to accept it.

It was Helian Yaoqing who came in to relieve the siege: "It's okay, Teacher Liu, my little princess has a thin skin, so you can take it back. I haven't really got rid of the brat now, so I definitely can't ask for your money. Let's talk about it later. "

Niuniu also nodded in agreement, indeed, the little ghost has not been collected yet, and it is true that no money can be collected, and of course the road fee will be charged later!
One hundred plus three hundred plus. A total of more than 1000 yuan will be charged!
Liu Manru finally took the wallet back, but this kindness was already deeply buried in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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