High energy warning!Airborne milk buns blow up the giants

Chapter 103 The Diplomat Who Shocked the Whole Interstellar

Chapter 103 The Diplomat Who Shocked the Whole Interstellar
Liu Manru asked someone to find out the other party's itinerary, and then set off immediately.

Before leaving, Niu Niu said sincerely: "I wish you success, you will definitely be a star in the future."

This is not what Niuniu said to comfort her, it is true.

Before the incident of the little ghost, Liu Manru had always been a first-line female star in the circle, but because of the influence of the little ghost, her luck was destroyed, and her career has been going downhill. When the little ghost is expelled, she will naturally recover to the previous state.

Liu Manru nodded resolutely. If she still had the slightest bit of anxiety and hesitation before, it has all been dispelled now, because what the master said would definitely not be falsified. Liu Manru believed it 100% Niuniu.

The previous things were not spread, but this sentence was spread backwards, and it caused quite a stir. People in the crew spread the word, and the little girl brought by actor Zheng would be considered a career, and many people spent a lot of money begging Niu Niu for help. Do the math.

Niuniu is so anxious that her head hurts. When Helian Yaoqing is around, she can still block Niuniu, but when Niuniu is alone, she can't refuse.

It's not that Niuniu can't say no, the main reason is that they and the third uncle are in the entertainment industry, what if someone gets angry and bullies the third uncle because she doesn't help? !

So Niu Niu almost never refuses anyone.

Fortunately, Niu Niu had foresight, and she let the words out as early as the first day: "I only count three times a day, and it will not be accurate if I count more."

Moreover, Niu Niu does not accept appointments, but only accepts queuing on the same day!

In the beginning, she was not that well-known in the crew, and many people didn't believe in these strange and chaotic stories. Later, Niuniu's calculations became more and more accurate, and the others couldn't sit still.

They all came to Niuniu for fortune telling, Lin Sicheng helped to stop her a few times, but it didn't work, and later he simply helped Niuniu collect money.

Moreover, it is the kind of money that is collected by watching people order dishes, thinking that it will make people quit in spite of difficulties, so the price is generally set high.

It ranges from one hundred thousand to several hundred thousand. Even if the price is raised so high, there are still people rushing forward one after another. The scene is extremely spectacular, and it can be said that there are huge crowds.

It almost broke through the threshold of actor Zheng's lounge.

In the next few days, Niuniu became famous as a "magic fortune teller", and the number of people asking Niuniu for a fortune exploded. Some people in the circle even flew to Haishi from other provinces and cities, and then spent a lot of money, just asking Niuniu for a fortune. Help me do the math.

And there were some people who didn't talk about martial arts and waited in line at Niuniu's door, but they kept quiet all the time, and didn't disturb Niuniu's normal work and rest.

On the seventh day of coming to Haishi, Niuniu got to know the whole crew well, from the leading role of the director, to the minor set-up, and they all got very close to Niuniu. queue.

As a result, more people like Niu Niu!
Who wouldn't love a cute little princess who sticks to principles and keeps her promises?

In the morning, He Lianyaoqing walked towards the lounge with Niu Niu in his arms, followed by more than a dozen people, some of them were queuing up for fortune-telling, some of them wanted to be courteous, and several field attendants carried fruit milk tea and snacks to Niu Niu to make offerings. , Even more pious than worshiping Buddha.

Rao Helian Yaoqing, seeing this scene was exaggerated, he glanced at Niuniu with complicated eyes, and only had one very strong thought in his heart:

This little princess must be taken care of, she must not be abducted by someone, she is too cute!

After Helian Yaoqing put Niu Niu on the recliner, she went to film, and Niu Niu started today's fortune-telling.

The first person is the editorial assistant in the crew, who is here to count the marriage.

After hearing his reason for coming, Niuniu pursed her lips and asked from the bottom of her heart, "Are you sure marriage is not a career?"

The editorial assistant was taken aback. He had watched Niu Niu's fortune-telling many times, and he had never asked the other party this way. If he asked, there must be something wrong!
So he was very aware of current affairs and chose to change the question: "Master, I decided to count it as a career!"

Niuniu nodded: "Good."

Then she shook the copper coins inside the turtle shell and started divination. After a long while, Niu Niu said slowly: "Well, there is no problem for you to enter this line of work, but your career is not here to take off. If you change your path, you may go well." It’s more smooth sailing, the online literature industry is on the rise, and although the competition is fierce, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

Niu Niu has already said it in enough detail, any more is a secret that cannot be revealed. Fortunately, the other party is not stupid, so she understood it immediately.

He has been an editorial assistant for a year or two. He has been with him since he just graduated. The salary is good and he is not very busy. If it wasn't for the money, he would have given up long ago!
Now that there is a master, he has more confidence!

He bowed devoutly to Niu Niu, and then left.

As soon as he walked out of the lounge door, the crew editor's roar sounded outside: "Assistant! Where's the assistant! He's gone again! Do you still want to do it? If you don't want to do it, pack your bags and get out! Make room for others!! "

The assistant is a young and energetic young man, he was furious when he was scolded by the public, and now he has no fear, he replied unceremoniously in a voice several times louder than his: "I quit! Whom do you want to do it with whoever you like!"

Then he left with his head held high!
A group of people were left staring blankly in place.

Lin Sicheng gave Niuniu a thumbs up, very sincerely.

After counting the three of them, Niu Niu finally had some free time. Just as she was about to change into her bathing suit and go to the beach, she heard Lin Sicheng next to her let out a surprised "Huh?"

Niuniu turned to look at him: "What's the matter, Uncle Lin?"

"Look." Lin Sicheng handed the tablet in his arms to Niuniu.

Niuniu blinked her two round eyes and looked at the page of the tablet. It was the content of an entertainment report on Weibo. There were a few words she didn't know, but it didn't delay her normal reading.

After reading it, Niuniu was also a little surprised, her mouth grew slightly into an "o" shape.

The title of this Weibo is "The former leader of 90 Xiaohua, and now the leader of 90 Xiaohua, fighting on the street. "

Pretty rhyming.

It was Liu Manru and the woman who raised the kid.

The title is a bit eye-catching. Actually, it was not on the street, but in a coffee shop, but it was indeed a big fight, and Liu Manru won the victory.

The trophy is the other party's hair, which is bloody, a bit unfriendly to the eyes
Niuniu didn't expect that she would do it so directly and unpretentiously, she thought she was going to make a few detours.

(End of this chapter)

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