Chapter 175 The only one in the world (15)

Su Mu waited expectantly for the arrival of the full moon night, but instead of waiting for what he expected, he was deceived by his master.

She was awakened by the pain in her body, and when she opened her eyes, she found that her body was placed on a high platform, and her hands, feet, and neck were trapped by spiritual power, and she could not break free.

"Yo, the little fox is awake."

Hearing the voice, Su Mu turned her head to look aside, but unfortunately the high platform blocked her view, she couldn't see who it was, but felt that the voice was somewhat familiar.

Before she could think about why she appeared here, she just heard the voice continue to say: "Xianzun, it's getting late now, can I start to get the demon pill? I have sent someone to transport Fairy Yuexia's body Come."

They actually want to take their own demon pills!
When Su Mu heard this, he immediately began to struggle violently and wanted to escape.

After a while of silence, she heard a very familiar voice, "Yeah."

Su Mu froze and opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

this voice!This voice is... Master.

"Master, Fu?" Su Mu asked cautiously, as if asking for proof.

"It's me, I'm sorry." Shen Qingchen looked at her on the high platform, tightly clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves, resisting the urge to hug her down and take her away, and turned his head hard. Aside, don't look at her anymore.

Just after thinking about it, she whispered in her ear: Mu Mu, I have something I have to do, because you are the only nine-tailed fox left in the world, and I have no other choice.But don't worry, I found a way to take the pill without hurting you. After returning your demon pill to Yue Xia, I will take you away. You can take revenge on me no matter how you want, okay?
Su Mu no longer struggled, and closed his eyes with ashes.

The image of the time spent with the master slowly flashed in her mind. She thought that this memory would be her rare treasure, but she didn't realize that it was all an illusion.

That's fine, use the pain of taking pills to buy a painful lesson.

Don't trust others so easily. The kindness shown is just to cover up his profit.

Seeing that she was no longer struggling and that she had reached the peak of her demonic power, Tianxuzi urged Shen Qingchen again, "Xianzun, now is the best time to do it, please don't miss the time."

"I see." Shen Qingchen endured the bursts of pain in his heart, and stretched out his hand to force the demon core out of Su Mu's body with spiritual power.

This is the least harmful method he found. Although the method is a little rough, it will not cause too much damage to her body.

"Pfft..." Su Mu's mouth suddenly gushed out streams of blood, mixed with some small pieces of meat.

After the demon pill was separated from her body, her body suddenly became extremely weak. Without the demon power, she was no different from an ordinary person, and even worse than an ordinary person.

She opened her eyes and glanced at the moon in the sky, and smiled weakly when her consciousness became more and more sinking.

That's good, at least she has nothing to give now.

Just when she fell into a deep sleep, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind, {The system has been upgraded, master, Yaoyao is back! }
{Yaoyao? }
Yaoyao was full of joy waiting for her master to tease her, but she was shocked when she saw her current situation, {Master, what's going on with you? !Not only is the demon pill gone, but even the internal organs have been destroyed. This is a sign of dying! }
It hurriedly probed into the master's memory layer, read all her recent memories, and wanted to know what happened to the master during his absence.

{Can you... take me away? }
Yaoyao glanced complicatedly at the villain's father who was giving the hostess the Yaodan of its owner, not knowing what to say.

It originally thought that although the villain father in this world had a cold personality, he should be a good person, but he didn't want to almost risk his master's life, and now his intestines are green with regret.

This is the first time it hates the villain's father so much. Before, it always said that the male lead is a scumbag, but this time the villain's father did more scumbags than the male lead. Find a way to save it!

The more Yaoyao thought about it, the more angry she became, and when she saw the seal of the contract on her master's forehead, she became even more angry, and immediately erased it without even thinking about it.

Sensing the disappearance of the contract imprint, Shen Qingchen paused slightly, but now is the important moment to inject the demon core into Yuexia, he didn't dare to be distracted at all, but his heart was very flustered, so he could only comfort himself, Mu Mu nothing will happen.

After he repays the favor, he will take Mu Mu out of here and go wherever she wants.He thought that Mu Mu would definitely hate him, but he was willing to accept any punishment from her, as long as she was still there, that would be fine!

Yaoyao used her own energy to repair her master's body, but unfortunately her injuries were too serious and she might not live long.

Thinking of this, it glared at the evil-hearted father, the villain, before preparing to take its master away.

After Shen Qingchen put the demon pill into Yue Xia's body, he ignored her and looked up at Mu Mu's situation, but saw a scene that made his heart stop suddenly: Su Mu's body was slowly disappearing!

Without even thinking about it, he jumped onto the high platform and held Su Mu in his arms. Seeing the blood on the corner of her mouth, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he panicked, "Mu Mu, Mu Mu, wake up, I am the master , I’m here to take you back, wake up quickly.”

Maybe because she heard his voice, or because Su Mu still had obsessions, she opened her eyes slowly.

Shen Qingchen was delighted, "Mu Mu, you're awake, I'll take you away now."

Su Mu stretched out his hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes, looked at him straight in the eyes, and laughed at himself, "Master, I was wrong. It turned out that I had to pay such a heavy price for my sincere mistake. If I had known this, I shouldn't have Go out." This way I won't run into Master...

"Mu Mu, you're right. Master has always had other thoughts in his heart. I'm willing to spend the rest of my life to make amends to you, as long as you can forgive me."

Su Mu shook his head slightly, and closed his eyes again, "Master, this is the last time I call you like this, and I hope we will never see each other again."

Seeing her so decisive, Shen Qingchen panicked, even her voice trembled: "No, Mu Mu, don't do this to me, Mu Mu!"

Seeing him like this, Yaoyao in the system space snorted coldly, and only now realizes that he regrets it, why did he go so early!
It speeded up the process, if it wasn't for the villain father to see this scene, it would have taken the owner away long ago.

So no matter how much Shen Qingchen called, Su Mu never opened his eyes again, and his body disappeared completely, leaving only a Qiankun bag.

Shen Qingchen still kept holding Su Mu with both hands, even though Su Mu had left, he did not change.Until an angry shout came: "Shen Qingchen, where did you get Mu Mu!"

(End of this chapter)

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