Chapter 232 Ex-Girlfriend's Counterattack (13)

After the two left, Tang Hongxuan glanced at her, turned and walked into the office, "Zhao Sihan, come with me!"

Suddenly hearing him call her full name, she began to panic.

Even during the time when the two of them had an ambiguous relationship, he only called her Secretary Zhao, and he would never call her by her first and last name like this.

What happened in the middle?
"It's still the question from yesterday, can you explain to me where the decorations on your dress went?"

Just as Zhao Sihan was about to repeat what he said earlier, he was interrupted by Tang Hongxuan.

He tapped the table with the tip of the pen a few times, and said in a deep voice, "I'll think it through before I say it. I'm giving you a chance to confess."

Zhao Sihan's heart trembled when she heard the words, she had an inexplicable premonition, since Hongxuan dared to question her so confidently, he must have discovered something, and now there are only two paths in front of her.

One is to deny it stubbornly. Although Tang Hongxuan would think that she was lying, but because there is no evidence, he should not do anything to her.There is also a direct admission that although he did not lie to him, he has always disliked ruthless people. Doing so will undoubtedly cut off the possibility between them, which is something she cannot bear no matter what.

She is also counting on the Tang Group to become bigger and stronger, so that she can live a prosperous life with Tang Hongxuan!
After calculating the final results of the two possibilities in her mind, she finally chose not to admit it.

"Hongxuan, haven't I already answered you about this many times? I really didn't wear any decorations. It was on my nail art. Ms. Su and the others might really have misunderstood it. Otherwise, how should I explain my body? Only the chain without the pendant? If I hide the pendant, it will be obvious, right?"

"That's why you're hiding on me, right?"

"I don't have any. I've said that there are no decorations, so how could it be hidden on you?" Zhao Sihan shook his head, eager to deny it.

Seeing her continue to argue, Tang Hongxuan lost his patience, and called up a photo from his mobile phone for her to see.

"This is the original picture of the dress I asked for from the stylist. There is an ornament on the chest and a star hanging from the silver chain. Can you tell me where it is now? Don't say you didn't bring it, I helped you yesterday. Sister Li, who adjusted your skirt, told Xiaoyan that it was still there before you got in the car."

"I..." A trace of panic flashed in Zhao Sihan's eyes, and he made an excuse casually, "Maybe I accidentally lost it."

Tang Hongxuan sneered when he heard the words, "Accidentally lost it? Didn't you just say that there were no decorations on your skirt? Now that you lost it, which statement is true? Can I trust you again? You He's a complete liar!"

After finishing speaking, he was still very angry, "Let's break up, I will never allow my girlfriend to be so vicious. I will not drive you out of the company, but the premise is that you cooperate with me to act well, and we are still friends outside The relationship between male and female friends, I will give you a bonus if you do well, but I will not give you anything more! What do you think?"

"Hongxuan, I know I was wrong, don't do this..."

Zhao Sihan tried to soften Tang Hongxuan's heart with tenderness again, but she failed this time, because Tang Hongxuan didn't want to see her at all at the moment.

If it wasn't because of the noise in the official announcement some time ago, he was worried that the news of the breakup would affect the company, and he might have asked Zhao Sihan to be kicked out!
"Forget it, don't do any more useless work on me. The premise that you can impress me is that you are really as gentle and kind as I thought, but when I know that you are just a disguise, I won't treat you any more." A little soft heart. Now we can talk about the conditions, what I just said, are you willing?"

"...I am willing." Zhao Sihan had to choose to compromise.

If there is no Tang Hongxuan, her life will return to the original, with only a few thousand dollars a month in salary, and her colleagues will no longer please her, especially Sister Li, who will definitely seek her out in various ways and turn over her old accounts Well, she might not even be able to keep her job as a secretary.

Thinking about it this way, Tang Hongxuan's proposal is completely beneficial and harmless to her!

Seeing her agreeing so quickly, Tang Hongxuan couldn't help laughing at himself.

Look, this is the person you like, hypocritical, vicious, and snobbish!How blind are you to think she's kind, caring and gentle?

He closed his eyes and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, "Let's just say that, we will sign an agreement later. You can accompany me to the Chen Group to discuss cooperation later. I heard that Lu Jun and Su Mu will also Go, when the time comes, you remember to perform better, now you go back and prepare the materials, I want to be quiet for a while."

"Alright Mr. Tang, then I'll go first."

After coming out of the office, Zhao Sihan was still in a trance.

How did things become like this?It was only 10 minutes and she lost everything.

She walked towards the secretariat in a daze, and just put her hand on the handle, and was about to open the door to go in, when she heard laughter from inside.

"Sister Li, is what you said true? Zhao Sihan really wrote that?" This was Xiaoying's voice.

"Can it be fake? You didn't see how ugly Mr. Tang's face was when he knew the plan she wrote. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiaoyan. She saw it with me at the time."

"Sister Li, Sihan is a fresh graduate after all. Although she has worked as a secretary, she is inexperienced. We all came here like this. There is no reason to laugh at her."

"Hey, my stomach hurts from laughing, Xiaoyan, I didn't mean you. What good did Zhao Sihan do to you, making you think so hard about her? Have you forgotten that she showed off her wealth to us every day? ? If Mr. Tang hadn't taken a fancy to her, she might not have as much money as me!"

"That can't be helped. Who made Mr. Tang blind? He doesn't like his ex-girlfriend who is so beautiful and perfect. He insists on finding someone who is not as good as his ex-girlfriend in every way. I don't know what ecstasy soup Zhao Sihan poured into him!"

"Sister Li, Mr. Tang's ex-girlfriend is really as perfect as you said?"

"Of course! Ten more Zhao Sihan may not be as good as her! She is the person I think is the best match for Mr. Tang, but it's a pity..."

Zhao Sihan took two deep breaths, deliberately made some noise, then opened the door and went in.

"Sihan, are you back? How's it going? Are you enjoying your chat with Mr. Tang?"

Hearing Xiaoying's teasing voice, Zhao Sihan only felt nauseated.

If she hadn't happened to be away just now, maybe she didn't know that Xiaoying changed her face so quickly!Even she is ashamed of herself! !

She smiled and replied: "Happy! Hongxuan said that I will accompany him to discuss cooperation later, and I will come back to get the materials. By the way, Xiaoyan, why don't you come with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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