Chapter 304 True and False Daughter (20)

After successive interrogations of the Su family couple and the evidence provided by Su Ziyi, the matter was quickly clarified.

Because the matter was not too small, Su Huanying, who was another protagonist, was also called over, along with Su Hongbo and his wife.

Ever since Mother Su was notified to come to the police station, she was in a panic. When she came in and saw the Su family, Su Mu and Su Ziyi were all there, she knew it was too late to stop her.

Su Zhiguo and Yang Meijuan's couple hadn't looked good since Su Huanying entered the house. They also read the evidence provided by Su Ziyi just now. Su Huanying dared to hire someone to kill Su Mu. How dare she?And it's fine if you do it, why not just clean up the evidence and leave so many handles, isn't this just waiting for the other party to come to you?

Besides, doesn't she know how to put on a little disguise every time she comes to see them?Her face was photographed so clearly that they were powerless to refute.

Thinking of being punished or even imprisoned for being implicated by her, she wished she could kill Su Huanying. She was really out of her mind at that time and wanted to get rid of Baozi!
Compared with Su Huanying, who is so heartbroken, she would rather Su Mu be her daughter!

Su Lele didn't know the twists and turns in their hearts. When he saw Su Huanying, his eyes burst into extremely dazzling light, as if he saw hope, and then he rushed towards Su Huanying like a firecracker.

Su Huanying was thinking about something, she didn't notice him, she was caught by him immediately, and fell to the ground directly, fortunately her skirt was long enough, otherwise she might have lost all her clothes.

"What are you doing? Crazy! Take your dirty hands away, who told you to touch me?" Su Huanying pushed Su Lele away from her with all her strength, and then wiped her body vigorously as if she had touched something dirty. hands, disgusted face.

"Sister, you don't know me anymore?" Su Lele who was pushed away by her was a little hurt.

He has long heard from his parents that his own sister is the daughter of the Su family, not only very outstanding but also very rich. As her only biological brother, all these things will belong to him in the future.

Su Lele only met Su Huanying once, and seeing her glamorous, he didn't feel inferior, on the contrary, he was very happy, because he knew that his parents didn't lie to her, that his sister was really rich, and all these things would It belongs to him!
When he heard from his mother that Su Mu was the real daughter of the Su family and that his sister would lose everything, Su Le was furious. Why did that bad woman want to take away his things?Even if it wasn't my sister's, it was his. How dare Su Mu?
Su Huanying was supported by Su's mother, and just stabilized her figure, when she heard him say this, she immediately raised her lips and began to complain: "Who is your sister? There are only two children in the Su family, me and my brother, where did you come from?" Came out? Why are all cats and dogs coming to recognize relatives now?"

Although she said this to Su Lele, the people present were not fools, so they couldn't fail to understand the deep meaning of her words.

Su Ziyi's face darkened for a second, dare to say that Mu Mu is a cat or a dog, why doesn't she see what a good guy she is?

How did he think that Su Huanying was a sensible and considerate sister?This is clearly a piranha!
Seeing that Su Huanying didn't want to recognize him, Su Lele became anxious, "Sister, I'm Lele, Su Lele, we met two years ago, and before you left, you bought me a box of sticks Sugar, have you forgotten?"

"I don't care if you are Li Lele or..." Speaking of this, Su Huanying suddenly paused for a few seconds, and then continued: "I don't even know each other, so how could I possibly buy you a lollipop? Don't take something out of nothing." Things fooled me."

Is it fooling, in fact, Su Huanying is clear in her heart.

At first she really didn't recognize who Su Lele was. After all, after two years, she never cared about him. There are some vague memories, which is also because Su Zhiguo and his wife kept talking in her ears.

Even though she knew that the other party was indeed her younger brother, Su Huanying didn't intend to recognize him, because Su's mother had just said before coming that she would continue to let her stay in the Su family, although her treatment might not be as good as before.

But in Su Huanying's view, this is not a problem, as long as she can stay, she will have a chance to regain everyone's favor. Su Mu is a trash who can't do anything, what can she compete with her?


Su Ziyi walked out from behind the crowd while applauding, "Tsk, I realized that I really underestimated you before. I didn't expect you to be so good at telling nonsense with your eyes open, and your acting skills are so good. Why don't you become an actor? When we Su The daughter of the family is really overqualified, I have wronged you."

These words of his hardly left any affection for Su Huanying, they pierced her heart like a sharp knife, making her face fade a little, making her look a little more pitiful.

Su Huanying's face was ugly, but she still forced a smile and asked: "Brother, how can you say that about me? You said before that no matter what happens, you will stand by my side, and I am the only one you admit Dear sister, do you still have any impression?"

The more Su Mu heard these words, the more familiar they sounded. She raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked in Su Ziyi's direction. It seemed that he had said this to herself not long ago, and it turned out to be "forwarded".

As soon as Su Huanying said something, Su Ziyi sensed that something was wrong, but it was too late to stop him. When a scorching gaze came over him, he knew he had been misunderstood.

Su Ziyi, who had a strong desire to survive, immediately began to explain: "Naturally, I have an impression. I'm not like you. I don't admit what I have done. But didn't you induce me to say those words? Didn't you come to sue Su? As soon as Mu came, she snatched everything from you, saying that she was unreasonable, self-willed and domineering. Because I was not at home often, I didn't know Su Mu's performance. Falling into the pit, am I right? Of course, what I said is not to clear the suspicion for me, because my prejudice caused me to have a lot of misunderstandings about Su Mu, and I even did some things that hurt her. I feel that I'm sorry, but I'll do my best to make amends."

Su Huanying looked at him in disbelief, the blood on her face faded instantly.

Having been with Su Ziyi for more than ten years, she knows him too well, and knows that he has always been a proud person, and such a thing as admitting his mistakes in front of everyone now would have been unthinkable before.

Who changed him?
Su Huanying turned her head to look at Su Mu, she knew that she lost to Su Ziyi.

But she was extremely unwilling, why!
Su Mu and him have only been together for more than ten days, and he is so devoted to Su Mu, but he has been with him for more than ten years!

(End of this chapter)

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