Chapter 305 True and False Daughter (21)

Su Huanying bit her lip tightly, restraining her unwillingness, but she still looked at Su Mu with unkind eyes, "Sister is really good at it! It's only a few days, and I let my brother speak for you like this."

Su Mu didn't reply because she knew that no matter what she said, Su Huanying would not believe her.

She turned her head to look at the man sitting and watching the play, and asked, "Is there anything else? If not, I'm going back."

"Of course." The man regained his composure for a second, knocked on the table, and walked up to Su Huanying, "We have received a report that you are suspected of hiring a murderer. Please cooperate with our investigation, Li Cheng, and take her away."

"Yes, boss." The man's subordinate ran over and waved at Su Huanying, "Miss, come with me."

"I'm not going! I didn't hire a murderer. You guys made a mistake. I want to go home." Su Huanying looked at Li Cheng warily while stepping back.

She knew that if she followed in, her life would be ruined, so she couldn't go in no matter what.

Su Ziyi and Su's father are already unreliable, and now the only one who can protect her is...

"Mom, save me quickly, they want to arrest me, I never did what he said, you believe me." Su Huanying hid behind Su's mother, tightly holding on to Su's mother's clothes , regard her as his last straw.

Su's mother knew what Su Huanying had done, and she had made up her mind to leave her alone, but when she saw Li Cheng approaching, she still couldn't hold back her heart, and stretched out her hand to stop him.

"Officer, Yingying is only a child this year. She may have acted impulsively. Can you let her go this time? And as far as I know, there were no casualties, right?"

As soon as Su's mother said this, not only Li Cheng, but also other people present were stunned.

What is this nonsense?Does she have to be willing to die?And from her point of view, she obviously knew about this matter.

The man looked at Su's mother with deep eyes, "It seems that you already knew about it, so do you know that if you don't report it, or even cover her up, you will be punished?"

Upon hearing this, Su's mother suddenly felt cold sweat running down her back, and only then did she realize that she had accidentally been exposed.

She opened her mouth to explain to him, but she didn't know where to start. In desperation, she could only look at Father Su for help.

Su's father's face was as black as ink at this time. He knew that Su's mother was stupid, but he didn't expect her to be so stupid that she didn't even know what to say and what not to say. Now it's good, the whole Su family will be because of her words. Words were implicated.

If he had known this, he should have listened to his father and cut off contact with Li Qiong earlier. She was of no help to his career.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now. The most important thing now is how to deal with this matter. The Su family is in its heyday now, so it can't be stained like this.

"This police officer, look familiar, are you Gu Jing?" Father Su's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw the man, why is Gu Jing here?And also participated in this matter.

Here's to trouble!
If he didn't take it seriously just now, he has already cheered up now.

Who is Gu Jing?I'm afraid there will be no one in City A who doesn't know that he comes from the Gu family and is the only eldest grandson of the Gu family. He has attracted much attention since he was a child.

The Gu family is a proper military family, except for the second son of the Gu family, who runs a company, the rest are all soldiers. Gu Jing's grandfather is the old chief, and even Gu Jing heard that he is already an officer.

What Su's father was most afraid of was dealing with the Gu family, not to mention Gu Jing, who was known as the 'stab head', he was a little guilty.

"You know me?" Gu Jing looked at him with raised eyebrows, a little surprised.

He was thrown into military training by the old man these years, and he has rarely been active in front of the public. He did not expect that someone would recognize him.

"Because I have met Mr. Gu several times, and you look seven points like him, so it's easy to identify."

"Well, since you know me, you should know my temper. I don't intend to make a big deal out of it. As long as she obediently cooperates with the investigation, I can ignore the rest. But if she insists on not following through, then I can only apologize." Gu Jing pointed to Su Huanying behind Su's mother.

Father Su's expression brightened, "Did you really mean what you said just now?"


"I will persuade her to cooperate with the investigation, and please give me 5 minutes."

Gu Jing winked at Li Cheng who was on the side, and Li Cheng understood in seconds, and stepped forward to take the few people to the interrogation room on the side.

It didn't take long for the three of them to come out of the house, and then everyone noticed that they had changed.

Su Huanying took the initiative to stand beside Li Cheng, and Su's mother, who had always been protecting her, did not dare to speak, and stood obediently behind Su's father, not even daring to lift her head.

Seeing this, Su Mu's eyes flickered slightly.

At this time, Su Ziyi who was beside her suddenly came up to her and asked in a low voice: "Mu Mu, do you want to know what they said inside?"

"I don't want to." Because she can basically guess it.

Su's father has always attached importance to interests, and naturally he is also used to using interests to negotiate terms with each other. It just so happens that Su Huanying and Su's mother both have things they don't want to lose. Su's father's move is in their favor, and it is very important for them to give up something for this reason. It will not be difficult to accept, after all, there are still greater benefits waiting for them.

There are undoubtedly two things that Su's father will promise. Su Huanying can't accept poverty. What she wants most is to continue to live a prosperous life, while Su's mother should be most concerned about her current position. Once she loses, what will she do? neither.

"Have you already guessed it?"

Su Mu didn't deny it.

Su Ziyi sighed silently, and suddenly felt that sometimes being too smart is not a good thing, at least he missed an opportunity to talk to his sister.

But... As expected of his sister, she is as smart as him!
After the matter was resolved, everyone was allowed to leave except Su Huanying and Su Zhiguo's family.

Su Mu didn't intend to have too much contact with Su's father and Su's mother, and turned and left without even saying hello.

When Father Su saw her coming, the corners of his mouth froze just as he was about to raise his lips. He was naturally angry at being so disrespected, but he also knew that they were sorry for Su Mu first. Sprinkle it on Sumu's body.

"If you hadn't been confused, we now have both sons and daughters, how could this be the case! I was really blind to marry you back then!" After speaking, Father Su shook his hand and left angrily.

Su's mother, who was left behind, looked a little hurt, and she didn't think she was at fault.

Although Su Mu is her own daughter, so is Yingying!What's more, Su Mu still cares about Su Fu and Su Ziyi, but Yingying only has her.

In the final analysis, her heart is still more inclined to Su Huanying.

(End of this chapter)

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