Chapter 306 True and False Daughter (22)

Perhaps it was because Su Mu didn't show mercy at the police station that day, and the Su family couple never came to see her again, but Su Ziyi came to the coffee shop to report almost every day.

No, she had just returned from filling coffee for a table of guests when she heard Lin Sisi shout, "Mumu, your brother is looking for you again!"

I don't know if it's because Su Ziyi helped Su Mu in the Suzhi country at that time, but now Lin Sisi actually likes him abruptly, and occasionally helps him say a few nice words.

Su Mu put the coffee pot on the table and walked towards her.

At the front desk, Su Ziyi was frowning on the phone. Seeing her coming, he immediately said "That's it, you deal with it first" and hung up the phone.

"Mu Mu is so beautiful today." Su Ziyi was the first to praise.

Su Mu pursed his lips and didn't reply. This sentence has almost become Su Ziyi's mantra now. He has to say it once every day when we meet. Su Mu was embarrassed before, but now he is used to it.

It would be fine if Su Ziyi was the only one making trouble, but Lin Sisi also liked to chime in, "Mu Mu is beautiful every day!"


The two can always reach a consensus on issues related to Su Mu.

Lin Sisi didn't like Su Ziyi very much at first, thinking it was his fault that made Su Mu homeless!But after knowing that the Su family is not kind, and Su Ziyi has protected Su Mu more than once, she gradually recognized him.

As long as he treats Mu Mu well, she doesn't mind putting aside her prejudice.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were not many guests, Su Mu called Su Ziyi out to the familiar corner.

"You should know that I won't go back to Su's house, so don't waste time on me." Su Mu said straight to the point.

As if he had expected Su Mu to say that, Su Ziyi's expression remained unchanged.

"I know you don't like the atmosphere of the Su family, and I don't intend to persuade you to go back, because the Su family is not suitable for you." The Su family is not worthy of her with such a pure personality.

He could already imagine what would happen to Su Mu if he returned to the Su family.

Su's mother doesn't like her, so she will definitely find a way to embarrass her, and may even punish her physically; as for Su's father, maybe he will perform his father's responsibilities to Su Mu for a few days at the beginning, and after a long time, he will punish her. Throw it to Su's mother, only occasionally remembering to say hello.

Where is this home?Obviously a prison.

That's why he didn't persuade Su Mu to go home. He might be the only one who can protect Su Mu now.

Su Mu looked at him suspiciously, only then did he realize that Su Ziyi had changed a lot compared to before. He seemed to have lost the burden of being a young master when they first met, and became closer and gentler.

{Yaoyao, what's going on?He seems to be a little different from the original plot. } She thinks her charm is not so great.

{Master, wait a moment, I will check the data. }
After a while, Yaoyao came back, with a bit of surprise in his tone, {He actually dreamed about things from his previous life, never thought he would have such a chance!Master, he may be making atonement for himself in the previous life, or it may be to prevent the same thing from happening again. }
{It turned out to be like this, no wonder his attitude changed so much. }In this way, there is a reasonable explanation for why he targeted Su Huanying so much.

After all, he was so miserably tricked by Su Huanying in his last life, but unfortunately, when he learned the truth, he couldn't get out, so he could only make mistakes.

But it's different now, his feelings for Su Huanying are still only family affection, nothing has happened yet, and he still has time to make amends.

{The master seems to be very relieved of him, aren't you afraid that he will never forget Su Huanying?After all, they lived together for a lifetime in the previous life, so it is inevitable that they will have different feelings. }
{Don't worry, if he chooses Su Huanying, he won't be on my side, and he is so eager to get rid of Su Huanying, probably because he is afraid that there will be many dreams in the night. }
Yaoyao doesn't quite understand these twists and turns, it suddenly jumped up and down excitedly, {Master, I forgot to remind you of the identity of the villain's father when I was leveling up two days ago, but you have already met, you You should still have an impression of him, his name is Gu Jing, and he is a soldier. }
Gu Jing?

Su Mu's eyes flickered, and the tall figure he had seen that day appeared in his mind. It turned out to be him...

{Why didn't I detect a familiar smell on him? }Is this perception also come and go?

Yaoyao thought of the news she had found, and was a little hesitant to tell her master.

Now the master has finally found a way to recover, and only needs a few more tasks to restore his full strength and return to the fairyland, but that person got the news from nowhere and wanted to hinder the master's return.

I don't know how the master will feel when he finds out?Will he regret again that he misjudged the wrong person, resulting in a wrong payment of his heart?
Yaoyao thought for a while, and finally swallowed the words that came to her lips, {Maybe because of interference, I can't find out yet, but it must be true that Gu Jing is the villain's father, the master will start the strategy as soon as possible Bar! }
After all, there is no danger in this world, let's tell the master in the next world.

Thanks to Yaoyao's intentional concealment, Su Mu still doesn't know the bad things she is about to face. At this moment, all her thoughts are on how to attack Gu Jing.


Su Mu received a message from Lin Sisi, saying that some distinguished guests are coming soon, and the store needs help, so she should go back as soon as possible.

"The store is a little busy, I have to go back." She paused, and then continued: "You should also be busy with your own affairs, right? Don't waste your time on me, I am much stronger than you think .”

Su Mu knew that he was influenced by his previous life, and worried that she would be as easy to deceive as before, and that someone would bully her when he was not around, so she took time to visit Su Mu every day to make sure she was safe before going back to work.

But she is not the original owner, she will not let herself be wronged.

Hearing her words, even if Su Ziyi wanted to stay, he could only say "yes".

The relationship between him and Su Mu finally made progress, but he didn't want to go back to the original point because of a willfulness.

The words had reminded Su Mu that there was no need for Su Mu to stay any longer. After waving goodbye to Su Ziyi, she turned and went back to the coffee shop.

After she left, Su Ziyi also left. When he walked to the parking lot, he saw a few familiar figures, all of whom were unscrupulous second-generation rich men. Su Ziyi didn't bother to be with them, so he just nodded slightly and drove away.

On the way back, he was still thinking: I didn't expect that this group of rich second generations would also come to the coffee shop, he thought they would prefer to go to the bar.

At this time, Su Ziyi didn't think much about it, but every time he thought about it later, he regretted it. If he had known earlier, he should have the cheek to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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