Chapter 307 True and False Daughter (23)

Not long after Su Mu returned to the coffee shop, he met the distinguished guest that Lin Sisi had mentioned.

It looked like a group of rich second generations, with a full posture, swaggering in the door, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Lin Sisi rushed to Su Mu's side in her spare time, "Here, come, Mu Mu, the VIPs I'm talking about are them, although they don't look good, but they are all famous rich second generations, and they have always spent a lot of money. , I don’t know what wind brought them here today!”

She had heard a lot of rumors about this group of rich second generations, and she had the impression that the places they entered and exited were all high-end clubs, so why did they suddenly visit their small coffee shop?
Hmm...somewhat suspicious.

Lin Sisi was afraid that they would cause trouble, so she kept an eye out for it and turned on all the cameras in the store.

In this way, even if they dare to take the initiative to find trouble, she will not be afraid, and she will see who is the most embarrassed at the time.

After they sat down, Su Mu walked over.

"What would you like to drink, please?"

Her voice was cold and clear, and the people who were yawning from boredom suddenly trembled. They all sat up straight and looked at Su Mu.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but once you look at it, you almost can't take your eyes back.

Although the girl in front of her was wearing ordinary work attire, she still couldn't hide her stunning beauty. Everyone stared at her face, and couldn't help but be fascinated.

Su Mu didn't get a response, and looked at these people suspiciously, but saw them staring at her face blankly.

She couldn't help coughing lightly, and asked again: "What would you like to drink, please? If you don't drink, then I will leave first." After speaking, she straightened up and turned to leave.

Mo Yang, who was closest to her, was the first to react and reached out to touch Su Mu's hand. After being avoided by Su Mu, he was not angry, but found it more interesting.

Which of the women he met before did not try their best to please him, just to get some benefits from him, this was the first time he met someone like Su Mu.

Regardless of whether she was playing hard to get or she was just like that, Mo Yang had to admit that he wanted her.

"Of course we want to drink it. We wanted to taste the taste of coffee, but we didn't expect to get some unexpected rewards. Miss, what's your name? Maybe we can get to know each other first?"

Before Su Mu could speak, the other rich second generations couldn't stand it anymore.

"Yoko, you're not doing well, are you? I suggested you come here. To be friends with Miss, you should start with me, right?"

"That's right, Yoko, you've gone too far, and we all want to make friends with Miss Sister."

"Miss, do you have a boyfriend? If not, what do you think of me? I have always been generous to my girlfriends, and I know how to hurt others. Do you want to think about it?"

Su Mu listened to their words and was not moved at all, "It seems that you are not here to drink coffee, so please forgive me for not being able to accompany me, I have something else to do."

It wasn't until she walked away that everyone realized.

"Damn, what I said just now was in vain? This woman has a bit of a temper, which is interesting."

"Luo Yu, it's you who knows. I didn't expect such a remote coffee shop to hide a beautiful woman. This is much prettier than the ones I dated."

Luo Yu, who was the one who first proposed to come to this coffee shop, was stunned for a moment, and then smiled triumphantly, "It turns out that my eyesight is still very good."

At first he was just swiping his phone in boredom, and he didn't care when he saw someone promoting this coffee shop, but after he suddenly caught a glimpse of a beautiful side face, he immediately became interested, and this is how the coffee shop came about. Row.

I didn't expect the girl's frontal face to be far more beautiful than the side face, it seems that they came here this time is worth it.

Thinking of Shengshi Meiyan who was watching closely just now, Mo Yang smiled, "This person is the one I have my eye on first, so don't rob me, or don't blame me for turning my back on him."

"This sentence is exactly what I want to say." Luo Yu glanced at him without any fear.

Since you don't want to let go, then just use your own skills!

Su Mu hadn't planned to talk to those rich second generations, but who knew they would come to her.

"Miss, from the first moment I saw you, I couldn't help but like you. I hope you can give me a chance to be my girlfriend, okay?"

Luo Yu stared straight at Su Mu, his eyes looked very affectionate.

For him who has dated countless girlfriends, talking about love is a piece of cake.

"Sorry." Su Mu's response was still indifferent, not to mention that she didn't like Luo Yu at all, and that she only saw fun and amazement in Luo Yu's eyes, obviously he didn't like herself either.

Luo Yu's smile froze, apparently he didn't expect to fail, "Can you tell me why?"

"Your acting skills are very good." Su Mu glanced at him lightly, and left with the coffee pot.

Great acting...

Luo Yu twitched the corners of her mouth, so she saw that she was really a smart woman.

He really doesn't like Su Mu, to be exact, he doesn't know what liking is at all, he just thinks it's funny.

Because he had met many girls before that, even if it was only for a few minutes, as long as he said the word 'like', they would all wish to hand over their lives to him, let alone doubt the truthfulness of these words.

'Like' is fun, isn't it?

Also since then, he often said "like" and watched those women fascinated by him.

Only he himself knew that he didn't have the slightest feeling for them, not even a heartbeat.

Su Mu was the only girl who made him feel excited, so he adopted the usual method, thinking that he could easily take her down, but he failed unexpectedly.

"What exactly is liking?" He lowered his head and couldn't help muttering to himself.

As soon as Su Mu got rid of Luo Yu, Mo Yang came to find him.

"Miss, I'm very interested in you, can I give you a chance? I want to tease you."

Su Mu stopped in his tracks and looked at him rather puzzled, "Sir, if I'm not mistaken, we've known each other for less than 3 minutes. Maybe your interest is superficial?"

Mo Yang didn't deny it, "It's true that I became interested in you because of your appearance, but your personality is also very attractive to me, so should you consider it? Try it with me?"

As he spoke, Mo Yang gradually got closer and closer.

Although Su Mu saw liking in his eyes, she didn't think this liking would last long.

"Thank you for your liking, but I..."

"What are you thinking about? Tell me." A deep voice sounded from behind, startling the two of them.

Su Mu turned his head to look and found that the person who came was still an acquaintance.

"Gu Gu Gu Jing?" Compared to Su Mu's indifference, Mo Yang almost stared out his eyes.

Why is Gu Jing here?

(End of this chapter)

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