Chapter 315 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (5)

As soon as Zhao Xiaowan entered the courtyard, she saw Li Xiu'e and Mrs. Su talking about something, and seeing her coming, the two immediately separated.

When Li Xiu'e saw Zhao Xiaowan coming out of the east courtyard, she felt a "thump" in her heart.

Why is Zhao Xiaowan in the east courtyard?Didn't all the conversation between her and Su Ying be heard?
With doubts, Li Xiu'e asked tentatively: "Xiaowan, did you go to the East Courtyard to find Miss Qiao? No wonder I just came out of the East Courtyard and didn't meet you."

"Yeah, I just went to talk to Qiaojie for a while. By the way, Mumu seems to be getting out of bed soon. I won't go digging wild vegetables in the mountains today. I plan to take care of her at home. I'll wait until she recovers." go."

"What?!" As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Su's eyes widened suddenly, and her reaction was a little excited, "You said she can get out of bed? When did this happen? Why didn't I know?"

Zhao Xiaowan nodded, "Yeah, I also found out when I was serving Mumu's meal just now, so I just went to talk to Qiaojie, and when Mumu can leave tomorrow, we will go dig wild vegetables."

Qiaojie is smart, she knows who treats her well, so she doesn't worry that Qiaojie will expose her at all.

Li Xiu'e and Mrs. Su looked at each other, and found that the other's face was also very ugly.

"Xiaowan, even if Chouya can get out of bed, it will be tomorrow, but how can I live today if there is no food at home? Do you want to watch the whole family starve? How about this, I will help you look after Chouya at home, you What do you think about An Xin and Qiao Jie going to the mountains to dig wild vegetables?" Li Xiu'e rolled her eyes and suggested.

It's fine if she doesn't know what Su Ying and the others are planning, but once she knows, how can she be willing to watch Su Mu recover?

For Dongdong's rations, this ugly girl can't keep anything!

She turned her head and winked at Mrs. Su beside her, and asked, "Mother, is what you said just now reasonable? I can also take care of Chouya, so let Xiao Wan dig wild vegetables."

Mrs. Su is not stupid, so she naturally understands what she means.

Originally, after hearing the news that Su Mu would get out of bed soon, she still hesitated, but now seeing the attitude of the eldest daughter-in-law, what else does she not understand?
"For the second family, your sister-in-law is right, she can take care of the ugly girl, so you can take sister Qiao to dig wild vegetables on the mountain, today's work is heavy, you can find more, come back at night so that the second child and you Dad cooks!"

When Zhao Xiaowan heard the words, she felt cold from head to toe. Even though the weather was so hot, she couldn't feel any warmth.

She thought that telling them the news that Mu Mu could get out of bed in advance would cancel their plan, but she never thought that they had no intentions!

"How can this bother you, sister-in-law? Let me take care of Mumu. If sister-in-law really wants to help, why don't you take sister Qiao to dig wild vegetables? I remember you said that you were lucky, and every time you went to dig wild vegetables Can you find treasures? It just so happens that you haven’t been there for a while, so you should be able to find a lot of good things to improve your life, and Dad and the others can eat better when they come back.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Su also looked at Li Xiu'e.

The second daughter-in-law didn't say that she didn't remember it yet, but the eldest daughter-in-law is really lucky. Every time she goes to the mountains, she always brings back some good things. The ginseng she brought before was sold for a lot of money!

Haven't been here for a while, should be able to find more good stuff, right?If they dig up a few more ginseng and come back, wouldn't their family have to worry about food and clothing for a year?
Thinking of this, she immediately made a decision, "Xiu'e, let the second child take care of the ugly girl. You can take Qiaojie to the mountains and dig more ginseng. Dad went to the market to sell it, and we also improved our lives and lived a good life."

Zhao Xiaowan also persuaded from the side: "Yes, sister-in-law, I am not as capable as you. I can only dig some wild vegetables to bring back every time. Your luck has always been very good. This time, you might be able to dig something bigger than ginseng." There is even a precious baby!"

When Mrs. Su heard this, her eyes shone brightly.

"What the second family said is right, Xiu'e, I'll leave this matter to you. With your luck, you can dig out ten or eight ginseng this time, right?"

Li Xiu'e was so angry that she almost vomited blood as she watched the two sing along.

What do they think of ginseng?Even the pharmacy in the market couldn't produce three ginseng, so they asked her to dig out ten or eight?This is to make her throw her life on the mountain, right?

And this Zhao Xiaowan, who actually knew to trick her in turn!

She wrote down this account, and she will ask Zhao Xiaowan to get it back when she has the chance! !
"Mother, it's not that I don't want to go. You also know that I injured my leg a while ago, and I still have a limp when I walk. If I run up the mountain before the injury heals, won't it kill me?"

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Su began to waver. She knew about the injury of her eldest daughter-in-law. Of course, she didn't want her to get worse and spend more money, but she couldn't bear to let her give up those ginseng just like that.

At this time, Zhao Xiaowan suddenly said in surprise, "Huh? Sister-in-law, is your leg injury still not healed? But it has been more than a month since your injury? Didn't the doctor say that it would take half a month to heal when he left? Could it be that the doctor is lying to us? This is not possible! Mother, we have to go to the doctor to come and have a look, what if the sister-in-law's leg is not cured and she has a secret illness?"

The old lady Su didn't move, but turned to look at Li Xiu'e, and asked, "Is what the second family said true? When the doctor left, he said that the injury would heal in half a month?"

Li Xiu'e just wanted to say no, but then she thought that Zhao Xiaowan was with her when she saw the doctor. If she dared to lie, Zhao Xiaowan would probably expose her on the spot.

So she could only say "yes" very reluctantly.

When Mrs. Su saw this, her anger rushed into her chest, "Well, Li Xiu'e, you actually pretended to be sick at this juncture! In vain, I thought you were not fully recovered, and I was kind enough to help you take care of your children, but it turns out that you have been well for a long time. Yes! Why did our Su family marry such a lazy daughter-in-law like you, what a crime!"

"Mother, don't be angry, I was wrong. I was just worried that my legs were not healed, but I didn't dare to spend money on medical treatment, so I have been procrastinating until now. I will go to the mountains to find ginseng, and I must dig it before my father comes back." If you bring these treasures back, you will be merciful and let me go this time, but you must not let dad know, okay?" Li Xiu'e didn't dare to be arrogant now, and she looked at Old Madam Su cautiously.

Mrs. Su raised her eyelids slightly and looked at her: "Is what you said true? If you can really find a lot of good things, let alone half a month, no one will blame you even if you rest for a month!"

Li Xiu'e promised again and again: "It's true, I'm going now, and I won't come back until Dad comes back!"

(End of this chapter)

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