Chapter 316 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (6)

In the end, under the repeated urging of Mrs. Su, Li Xiu'e went up the mountain with Sister Qiao.

Thinking that she was about to earn a lot of money, Mrs. Su became overjoyed, looking at Zhao Xiaowan next to her, she felt that everything was an eyesore.

What's the use of being obedient and capable?It can't bring her money, so it's not as useful as half of the eldest daughter-in-law!

"Didn't you say you want to take care of the ugly girl? Then you should go quickly! Don't always stay here without making a sound, with no eyesight at all!"

"Mom, then I'll go back first." Zhao Xiaowan seemed to be hurt by her words, and walked towards the west courtyard with her head down.

Seeing this, Mrs. Su didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her, and even secretly scolded Zhao Xiaowan for being cowardly.

Zhao Xiaowan raised her head after walking a few steps, but there was no trace of sadness in her eyes.

Such parents are not worthy of her respect, let alone feel sad about it.

Su Mu was walking back and forth in the room at this time, she was already able to get out of bed, so naturally she didn't want to lie in bed all the time.

Suddenly a series of hurried footsteps sounded outside the door, Su Mu hurriedly fled back to the bed, covered the quilt, and turned to look at the door.

At this time, my mother should have gone to the mountain. Who will come over?
It wasn't until the door opened and Zhao Xiaowan walked in that she breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Mother? Didn't you say you were going to dig wild vegetables on the mountain with sister Qiao? Why didn't you go?"

Zhao Xiaowan wanted to tell her the truth, but she held back her words.

It's better not to let Mu Mu know, lest she be sad.

"That's because your uncle and sister Qiao went together and left me to take care of you at home."

"So that's the case." Su Mu nodded, but she didn't believe it in her heart.

Li Xiu'e was not such a kind person, either Zhao Xiaowan had promised her something, or Zhao Xiaowan was hiding something.

Su Mu didn't continue to ask. Since Mother didn't want her to know, she had her reasons.

Seeing her so well-behaved, Zhao Xiaowan felt satisfied and sad at the same time.

Just a little bit, she failed to protect her child!

Maybe there is a real providence in the world, let her hear the conversation of the boss of the Su family, and let her see the true face of this family!

The thing she regrets the most now is that she didn't agree to Yan Lang's first proposal to split the family, because she was concerned about face and her parents' health.

But what did she get in exchange for this?It was the child who was almost thrown out by the family to feed the beasts!
This time she will never hold back!
"Mumu, I've thought about what you said before. It's really a good choice to split up. Although life will be a little bit hard at first, it will definitely get better and better in the future. Mother asks you, do you really want to marry?" Divorce? Are you kidding me?"

"Well, I really want to separate. Grandparents don't see us at all. If we continue like this, our future will only be more sad. And now Tongtong and Xixi are getting bigger and bigger. I don't want them I can't help myself in the future, so it's better for us to go out and live alone now. Although life is a little bit hard, it's also good for the family to be together and not be dragged down, isn't it?"

Although I don't know why my mother agreed to split the family, but in Su Mu's opinion, it is the best news.

Without this family, their lives will definitely get better and better, because Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan are both down-to-earth and hard-working people. It can be said that half of the success of the Su family is due to them. Li Xiu'e is so lazy, she has already been sitting and eating!

Zhao Xiaowan was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then made a decision, "Then it's decided, I will discuss with your father when he comes back, and try to split them out in a few days."

"it is good."

Zhao Xiaowan reached out and stroked Su Mu's hair, and said with emotion: "It was all mother's fault before. I blame mother for worrying too much. You might as well have thought through it. If mother could wake up earlier, maybe we have already lived a happy life now." Good day."

"It's not too late now, Tongtong and Xixi are not ready yet, we still have time, mother don't need to blame yourself, and you should have concerns, this shows that you have a good heart, if you are like auntie, I am afraid This family has already been separated!"

Zhao Xiaowan was amused by her, and poked her forehead with her finger, "You, it's fine to talk about this in front of me, I must not let your aunt listen to it, otherwise I will come to you to settle accounts, she is the last I can't hear people say that she is not at all."

"Don't worry, mother. I'm not stupid. How could I tell her this? By the way, has mother ever thought about dividing the family? What if grandparents or uncles come to trouble us?"

Zhao Xiaowan put away the smile on her lips, looked outside the door, and said firmly: "If they really do this, don't blame me for disregarding family affection, I will definitely sever ties with them."

Hearing this, Su Mu nodded secretly.

Although I don't know what kind of stimulation my mother received just now, I have to say that the stimulation was good!

In the past, Zhao Xiaowan was most concerned about family affection and had a weak personality. No matter how much Mrs. Ren Su quarreled and scolded, she never resisted, but now she can say that she has severed ties with them, which shows that she has indeed grown up.

Su Mu liked her change very much. If she remained the same as before, even if they separated, they would not be happy.

Now she is looking forward to the days after the separation.

Let's talk about Li Xiu'e and sister Qiao.

Before Li Xiu'e went to the mountain, she took sister Qiao to Jiang Yan's house at the end of the village.

"You wait here for me. I have something to say to her, and I will come out soon." Before entering the gate of Jiang Yan's house, Li Xiu'e did not forget to turn her head and tell Qiao Jie.

"Well, then I'll wait for mother here." Sister Qiao found a shaded place under a tree and sat down.

"Okay." Li Xiu'e glanced at her, then hurriedly walked over and knocked on the door of Jiang Yan's house, "Is Jiang Yan at home? I need you, open the door!"

At this time, Jiang Yan was serving medicine to the man, when she heard the sound, her hand stopped, and the medicine juice almost spilled out.

The man naturally also heard the voice, turned his head and looked outside the door, "Miss Jiang, it seems that someone is looking for you."

"Well, Mr. Xiao, I'll go over and have a look first, and I'll continue to give you medicine when I come back." As she said that, Jiang Yan was about to put the medicine bowl on the table beside her.

Xiao Yu reached out to stop her, "My left hand has gradually regained consciousness, so don't bother Miss Jiang, Miss Jiang just needs to put the medicine bowl in my hand."

Jiang Yan didn't want to, but she had to, and put the medicine bowl on his left hand.

"Xiao can drink medicine by himself, Miss Jiang should hurry up and open the door."

Seeing that he was very stable, Jiang Yan could only leave unwillingly, to open the door for Li Xiu'e.

When she saw Li Xiu'e, her expression changed suddenly, "Why are you here?"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head to look into the room again, and after confirming that the man hadn't come out, she breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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