Chapter 319 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (9)

In the evening, old man Su and Su Yan came back from the field, and Mrs. Su told them the good news that Li Xiu'e had found two ginseng roots on the mountain immediately.

While they were overjoyed there, Zhao Xiaowan pulled Su Yan back to the room.

After a while, the two went to Su Mu's room together again.

"Mu Mu, I just heard what your mother said, do you really agree to split up?" Looking at Su Mu who was sitting on the bed, Su Yan asked lovingly.

Among the three children, the one he loves and loves the most is Su Mu. She has been ridiculed because of the redundant birthmark on her face, and she was even asked to call her "ugly girl". , so that no one dared to take her so far.

But it's also to blame for their inability to be parents. If their family is well-off, they can find a good family for Mu Mu no matter what.

"That's right, Dad, my grandfather and grandmother don't care about my life at all. I don't have any expectations for them, but I haven't dared to tell you. I didn't dare to bring it up until I heard that you and mother also had this idea." Su Mu The more he talked, the lower his head became, as if a little embarrassed.

Zhao Xiaowan hurried over to hold her hand, and comforted her: "I have discussed with your father, we will separate, and we will not live with them!"

Even living a poorer life is better than continuing to stay with these wolf-minded people.

Su Mu raised his head and looked at her in surprise, "Mother, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true, mother will still lie to you? Even if mother wronged herself, she would not wrong you. I just don't know how to be embarrassed by them. The Su family's house will definitely not be taken away. I'm afraid we have to find it first. A place to borrow." Zhao Xiaowan slowly frowned.

Although she had already made up her mind to separate the family, when it really came to this moment, she was still a little hesitant.

It seems easy to start over, but it is so difficult to do. They don't even have a place to settle down.

Su Yan obviously thought of this too, and said with a sad face: "Otherwise we'd still..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Mu interrupted, "I thought of a good place to live! Parents, do you still remember the yard at the foot of the back mountain?"

Su Yan nodded, "You mean the yard built by the fisherman? Mumu wants to live there? But it's not clean."

There used to be a fisherman living there, who built a small yard immediately after making a fortune selling fish, but he died suddenly suddenly after the yard was built.

It's not that there are no villagers who don't want to take advantage of this house, but within two days after living in it, they ran out crazily, shouting "Don't kill me, don't kill me".

There were also a few villagers who didn't believe in evil and lived in with them. They also ran out two days later in a panic, as if they had seen something terrible.

If only one person is like this, that's fine, but so many people are like this, obviously telling the villagers that this house is unknown, and it's best not to approach it.

Over time, villagers stayed away from this yard one after another, and rumors began to circulate in the village that ghosts lived in that yard.

Naturally, the village head did not allow such rumors to exist, and even thought about tearing down the yard and rebuilding it, but he was afraid of bumping into the ghosts inside, so he hesitated to do it, so it has been idle until now.

"I know what my parents are worried about, but it's still a place to live. Isn't poverty more terrifying than ghosts? And I don't think the facts may be like the rumors in the village. Those who were stimulated have not clearly explained the appearance of those ghosts. It is very likely that they have never seen it before. Isn’t there a saying that goes like this? Seeing is believing, hearing is believing. It’s a pity for us to give up without seeing it with our own eyes. Or is there a better choice for parents? "

Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan looked at each other and shook their heads.

How can there be any good housing for them now?Even if they wanted to build another yard, they didn't have so much silver in hand.

Su Yan gritted his teeth, said cruelly, "Mu Mu is right, no matter how scary it is, it's still a place to live. We just need to be careful and leave in time when we encounter danger."

Of course he is also afraid of ghosts, but since he learned what his parents did from Zhao Xiaowan, he feels that people's hearts are sometimes far more terrifying than ghosts!
And with his wife and children by his side, even if he was begging outside, he felt at ease.

"Then make it so. I will go to the yard tomorrow and clean it up briefly. When I come back, I will ask my parents to divide the family. Wannian, take this opportunity to bring all the things you want to take. I'm afraid we will have trouble in the future." Won't be coming back."


After discussing the results, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and then they were about to leave, so that Su Mu could rest well.

Just when they proposed to leave, Su Mu suddenly asked, "Why does Dad have to wait until tomorrow? I think today is the best time to ask."

Su Yan was stunned, a little puzzled, "Why did Mu Mu say that today is the best time? It's getting late outside now, even if they agree to separate, it will be tomorrow."

"Father must have seen it when he came back. My aunt found two ginsengs in the back mountain. My grandfather will take them to the town tomorrow to sell them and exchange them for silver taels. If you propose to divide the family tomorrow, they will definitely think you are Ben. Those who go with the money, not only will not agree to the separation, I am afraid that our life will not be easy in the future. But if you propose a separation today, it will be different, no matter whether they want to monopolize the money or save rations, they will He readily agreed, and even in order to prevent us from coming over in the future, he will definitely find a way to separate from us, after all, in their eyes, money is far more important than us, if you don't believe me, you can try it."

Su Yan was silent for a while, and then nodded in response: "I see, I will go to them and tell them, Mu Mu should rest early."

"it is good."

Su Mu watched them leave, and lay down comfortably on the bed, but did not rest.

She knew that her father would definitely go to her grandparents to talk about the separation of the family, and she was afraid that it would not take long for the news to come.

Just like she knew Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan, Su Yan also knew the old man Su and the old lady Su very well, and he knew what choice they would make without even thinking about it.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan came out of Su Mu's room, they turned around and went to Old Man Su's residence.

"Father, are you in the house? I have something to tell you."

Su Yan waited for a few seconds before Old Man Su's dull voice came from the room, "I'm here, come in."

As soon as the two entered the door, they saw Mrs. Su carefully hiding something. Thinking of the extra things in the house today, it is natural that there is no need to say more about what is inside.

"Father, I came to you to talk about the separation of the family."

(End of this chapter)

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