Chapter 320 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (10)

"What? You want to separate?? This is not possible!" Before the old man had time to speak, Mrs. Su hurried over, holding a ginseng that had not been hidden in her hand.

Just as Su Yan was about to say something, he heard movement from the door. Looking back, Su Ying and Li Xiu'e were standing at the door. He had an unbelievable expression on his face, "Second brother, I just heard that you are going to separate?"

Su Ying came to the old man Su to discuss about Su Mu. Unexpectedly, he heard such a big news when he arrived at the door. He opened the door and walked in without thinking.

Su Yan saw that everyone had arrived, so he saved himself from notifying each one again.

"That's right, big brother, I'm planning to separate. Tong Tong and Xixi are not young anymore. Now it's time to grow up. The rations at home are not enough. I just think that we can keep close to them after the separation." some."

Su Ying breathed a sigh of relief and agreed with his thoughts, "You are right to think so. Even after the separation, you are still part of the Su family. I will send you delicious food in the future. Of course, if you get rich Don't forget about us!" Although he didn't believe that the second child's family would make a fortune.

While he was talking, Li Xiu'e kept twisting the flesh around his waist, telling him to pay more attention to what he said.

Why did you say something delicious would be delivered to them?The second child's family is going to be separated, so what does life or death have to do with them in the future!
But it's good for them to leave, so that no one will compete with Dongdong for rations, and her son will definitely grow tall and strong!

Su Ying was so annoyed that she turned her head and gave her a hard look.

How can he not know what she means, isn't he just not willing to give up those good things?But he was just saying some polite words. After all, he was his second brother. Even if he never contacted him again, the superficial relationship still had to be maintained.

Old man Su looked at Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan, and asked in a deep voice, "Second brother, have you really thought about it?"

"Yes, Dad, I've already thought about it, let's separate."

Old Man Su nodded, "Okay, I'll go tomorrow..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mrs. Su, "What's the matter! No!!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan again, and said in a bad tone: "Don't think I don't know what you are planning, don't you just want these two ginseng? Dreaming! This is what the eldest daughter-in-law found, no matter what. If it’s not your turn, you’ll die of this heart!”

As she said that, Mrs. Su's hand holding the ginseng tightened a bit, as if she was worried that Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan would come to snatch it.

Being looked at by Mrs. Su with wolf-proof eyes, Su Yan's heart ached. He really overestimated himself. In his mother's heart, how could he have ginseng?
However, this also strengthened his determination to separate the family. What is the need to stay in such a family?
Su Yan stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Xiaowan who wanted to refute, and explained: "Don't worry, mother, it was found by my sister-in-law with great effort. Naturally, we won't want it. The reason why I said these is not to ask for things at home, but just to let you know Say hello. Tomorrow I will invite the village chief to come over to be a witness, and we will continue to respect our parents in the future, but we also hope that our parents will stop meddling in our family affairs."

As soon as these words came out, Su Ying's first reaction was whether the second brother knew something. He quickly looked in the direction of old man Su, but seeing him shaking his head slightly, he was relieved.

Since father didn't disclose it, then the second brother must not know about it. It should be just a coincidence.

The old man Su didn't agree immediately, but looked at Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan deep in thought.

Both the second child and the second daughter-in-law are cowardly, and if they can take the initiative to propose a separation, it must be because someone is behind the scenes or they have something to rely on.

If that was the case, then he might not be able to let them go so easily.

It's just that before the words were spoken, Mrs. Su couldn't sit still, "What do you mean? I can't take care of your family's affairs? I'm your mother! You say you want to honor me, but What's the difference between you breaking off relations with me like this? I don't agree!"

She still counts on the second daughter-in-law and the ugly girl to continue to help the family with the work. Without them, who would do the work of the family?You can't count on her to come, can you?
"If Mother doesn't agree with my request, then follow the village chief's family separation rules."

With just this one sentence, Mrs. Su had to swallow her unfinished complaints.

Follow the rules set by the village chief?How is that possible!That's going to take away one-third of the family's silver. Is it easy for her to save some silver?

"No! This is absolutely not possible!!"

At this moment, old man Su also started to speak, "Since your mother doesn't agree to separate the family, then let's forget about it first, you go back."

Su Yan clenched his hands tightly to hold back his temper, and took Zhao Xiaowan away without saying a word.

If he disagrees today, then he will come back tomorrow, and he will always find a chance.

As soon as the two of them left, Su Ying's face changed, and she looked like she hated iron and iron, "Father, mother, you are so stupid! Why didn't you agree to him? This is a great opportunity!"

Hearing this, old man Su looked up at him and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Think about the request made by the second brother just now, it is no different from breaking off the relationship! Why don't you just cut off the relationship with them directly? It's better than being snatched by them after the separation!"

"I've thought about what you said, but if the second child gets rich, won't we get any benefits?"

"Father, are you still counting on the second child to make a fortune?" Su Ying snorted, "Let's not say that they have the oil bottle of ugly girl, even raising Tong Tong and Xixi will cost a lot of money. They live together after the separation There is no place for them, so they will definitely use all the silver in their hands to build a house. How can they have any silver in their hands at that time? I am afraid that even eating and drinking will be a problem. If they find something to eat, parents, will you give it or not? ?”

As soon as his words fell, Mrs. Su hurriedly replied: "Of course not! No wonder he doesn't want anything. It turned out to be such a wishful thinking! Fortunately, I didn't agree, otherwise I would have suffered a big loss! Yinger, You are right, the best way is to completely sever ties with them."

"That's right, and I still have Xiu'e and I at home, so I can honor you as well. No matter how bad it is, there is Dongdong. I plan to send him to school after a while. If he can be the number one student in high school in a few years, that will be the real one." The glorious ancestors!"

As soon as Su Ying said this, everyone couldn't help but start to fantasize, as if they had already seen the scene of Su Dongzhong's number one scholar.

The old man Su was very suspicious, but he was also moved by Su Ying's words, and immediately made a decision, "Tomorrow I will go to the village chief. It is okay to separate the family, but if we want to completely sever the relationship, the Su family can give him a sum of money, but they will live together in the future." It has nothing to do with us."

Although Mrs. Su was reluctant to part with the money, she also knew that it must be given, so she nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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