Chapter 327 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (17)

Hearing what she said, Xie Chao remained silent.

Jiang Yan also knew him a little bit, knowing that he was compromising, she didn't show it on the surface, but she was silently proud of it in her heart.

She thinks that the most right thing her parents have done in this life is to help Xie Chao, otherwise how can she live the life she is now?

"Xie Chao, I know you still have extra ginseng in your hand, I really need it urgently, please give it to me quickly." Jiang Yan urged.

She has been here for a while, if she still doesn't go back, Xiao Yu must be suspicious.

"No, I gave you all the first two days."

"No? How could there be no? This back mountain is so big, didn't you find out better before? Are you lying to me?" Jiang Yan stared at him suspiciously, trying to see from his face come up with something.

It's a pity that Xie Chao kept a cold face the whole time, without any change.

Does he really have no ginseng in his hand?So what should she do?
Thinking that if Xiao Yu's injuries were not complete, she would not be able to go to the capital, so she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, "Can't you find some more? If I knew you were so useless, I shouldn't have let my parents entrust me Give you!"

Xie Chao glanced at her lightly, pursed his lips and did not speak.

Seeing his attitude, Jiang Yan became even more angry, and her words lost their importance, "Are you dumb? I was talking to you. No wonder you couldn't find a wife until you died. With your temper and this Lame, who is willing to marry their daughter to you? Without me, you can just fend for yourself in Qingyu Village! I was really blind before to think that you are a plastic talent!"

"What do you mean by that sentence just now?" What does it mean that he can't find a wife until he dies?Was she cursing him, or did she know something?
"What do you mean?" Jiang Yan frowned, and after recalling what she had said, she immediately tried to remedy it, "Difficult, am I wrong? With your temper, besides me, Look at who else in the village is willing to talk to you!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as her words fell, she heard a soft voice from behind: "Thank you, little Orion..."

Jiang Yan's face darkened immediately. Just as she let out the words, a woman came to the door when she turned around. Isn't this slapping her in the face?
She wants to see who is so restless and dares to get involved with Xie Chao!

She quickly turned her head to look, but was stunned when she saw the person coming.

"Su, Su Mu?"

Seeing her, Su Mu was obviously a little surprised, "Jiang Yan? Why are you here? I heard from my aunt that you have a distinguished guest at your house, shouldn't you take care of the distinguished guest now?"

Hearing her mention of "Honored Guest", Jiang Yan's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately smiled and said, "I'm planning to go back, do you have anything to do with brother Chao? Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help you too."

"I just came to thank him for saving my life. I almost drowned a few days ago. He kindly sent me home. Now that I have recovered, I naturally want to thank him." Su Mu raised his lips to Xie Chao. smiled.

Xie Chaoweizheng, there is a large red birthmark on her right cheek near the corner of the eye. Compared with other girls in the village, she is not beautiful, but when she smiled, he felt that those beautiful girls were not half as good-looking as her, and even the birthmark became more beautiful. stand up.

He pursed his lips, silently moved his eyes away, but said in his mouth, "No need."

Saving her was just an accident.

He passed by there when he came back from hunting that day, and accidentally saw Su Mu rescue a man and a child ashore, and then she fell to the ground exhausted and passed out.

Just when he was hesitating whether to step forward to help, he saw Jiang Yan sneakily appearing with a straw mat, dragged the man onto the straw mat, wrapped him tightly, and dragged him back to her home.

Being able to prepare a large object like a straw mat in a short period of time, it was obvious that she had already ambushed there, and she only acted after Su Mu lost consciousness.

Xie Chao glanced at Jiang Yan who had gone far away, then at the one big and one small on the shore, and walked towards the two of them, but before he reached the shore, he saw a group of people approaching, Look flustered.

He watched them take the child away with his own eyes, but he didn't care about Su Mu who was lying on the ground. Before leaving, a woman even kicked Su Mu secretly. Xie Chao had a little impression of her, because she often asked Jiang Yan wants ginseng, she seems to be the eldest daughter-in-law of the Su family.

It was not until everyone had left that Xie Chao walked over, glanced at Su Mu who was so weak that he was almost out of breath, frowned, picked her up anyway, and sent her back to the Su family avoiding everyone's sight.

He didn't intend to save her, so naturally he couldn't accept her thanks.

Su Mu looked at him with frowning eyebrows, and suddenly raised her foot and took a few steps towards him, and didn't stop until she was only two steps away from him.

Xie Chao frowned slightly, and tightened his grip on the door frame.

The distance between the two was so close that he could smell the fragrance of her body, which was like the fragrance of flowers, but it was not pungent, but unexpectedly pleasant.

This was the second woman besides Jiang Yan who approached him proactively, and he didn't hate it.

"you want……"

"This is for you." Su Mu spread out his palm, and there were two taels of silver in it.

"Father and mother are very grateful to you for saving me at that time. Take this as my thank you gift. You can accept it quickly." As she said that, she stretched her hand forward so that Xie Chao could take the money.

But Xie Chao took a step back, "Take it back, I don't need it, it was... an accident to save you."

Xie Chao lowered his eyelids and didn't look at Su Mu.

After he said that, she will definitely take the money back, right?Maybe you still feel that he can't afford the words "life-saving benefactor", will you regret this trip?
Xie Chao was thinking wildly, when suddenly there was a burst of sweet fragrance, he suddenly looked up, but saw Su Mu walking in front of him at some point, smiling and spreading his palms, with the two taels of silver on it .

"What I just said..."

"I know what you mean, but whether it's an accident or something, the fact that you saved me is the same. I should thank you."

Su Mu insisted, but Xie Chao was even more persistent than her. Seeing that she couldn't move, he could only use another method - closing the door.

Su Mu stared blankly at the wooden door in front of him, unable to react for a while.

How could he close the door just like that?Even if you don't want money, it's okay to say a few more words!


Thinking of Xie Chao's patched clothes and shoes, Su Mu had an idea.

She put the two taels of silver back into her bosom, intending to exchange the two taels of silver for clothes and shoes for him.

Just as he was about to leave, Jiang Yan walked over with a smile on his face, "It turns out that you were the one who saved brother Chao at that time, brother Chao is like this, he never has a good face towards people he doesn't know, how about this , how about you give me these two taels of silver and let me pass it on for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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