Chapter 328 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (18)

here you are?
Su Mu quietly rolled his eyes.

"Jiang Yan, don't you think I'm a fool? Let's not talk about whether the relationship between you and Xie little Orion is as good as you said, and let's say that this is two taels of silver, not a small amount. How can I know you?" Won't you be greedy?"

Jiang Yan's face was flushed red by her words, "How can you think of me like that? I just saw that you were rejected and wanted to help you. If you don't appreciate it, forget it. Why speak so harshly? My relationship with Xie Chao Of course it's very good, can I still lie to you?"

"It's hard to say. After all, when I first arrived, I heard with my own ears that you disliked Little Orion Xie very much. Why do you say that you have a good relationship now? It's really hard not to make people suspect that you changed your words so quickly."

"That's because..." Jiang Yan didn't expect that what she said at that time would be heard by Su Mu. She opened her mouth to explain, but she didn't know where to start. After all, what she just said was from her heart.

She really felt that Xie Chao was useless, she could find some precious ginseng for her before, but now that the ginseng was gone, he was useless to her.

"You don't need to explain to me. I just said this to let you stop thinking about the money in my hand. I won't give you the money. It's getting late and I'm going home."

Staring at her back, Jiang Yan secretly gritted her teeth, didn't she just get a few taels of silver?What an air!
If the ginseng in her hand had not been used or given away, the silver in her hand would be several times more than Su Mu at this moment.

but it does not matter.

So what if Su Mu has money now?After all, she has lost a huge opportunity, and she may only be a peasant girl in the village in this life, and she is destined to be unable to turn over!
And she is the one who wants to be Princess Jing, so will she be short of money in the future?
After figuring it out, Jiang Yan followed Su Mu down the mountain.

But the more she walked, the more she felt something was wrong. Why didn't Su Mu turn around yet?The direction she was going was her home!

Thinking that Xiao Yu was still at home, Jiang Yan couldn't calm down. She trotted forward, opened her hands to stop Su Mu, and stared at her cautiously: "What are you going to do?"

"Of course I want to go home, otherwise, what do you think I'm going to do?" Su Mu gave her a sideways look because he didn't understand, and planned to go around her and continue walking.

Who would have thought that she would block him again, "You are not allowed to leave unless you make it clear! And you said go home, who are you lying to! The front is my house!"

Or someone else Jiang Yan would not be so sensitive, but this person is Su Mu!She was the one who rescued Xiao Yu at the beginning, and was later taken back to the capital by Xiao Yu, where she was honored and favored for a lifetime.

Although she has snatched the opportunity to save people this time, it is hard to guarantee that Xiao Yu will not have other thoughts after seeing Su Mu, so the best way is to block any communication between them.

Su Mu was stopped by her again and again, feeling extremely upset, "Jiang Yan, your house is not the only one with so many houses in front, right? Could it be that your family lives here, so I can't afford to live here? And I'm leaving now It’s the road in the village, when did this road become your home?”

"Exaggerated words! If you didn't go to my house, how could you go this way! My family is the only one living here now, why don't you say you are not going to my house?"

Su Mu didn't bother to talk to her, and strode forward without saying a word.

She wondered if Jiang Yan had some kind of persecution paranoia, otherwise why would she keep thinking that she would go to her house?If she stays at her own home and doesn't go back, what is she going to someone else's home for?

Seeing her continue to walk forward, Jiang Yan's expression changed suddenly, she didn't care much, and hurried over to grab her.

But Su Mu stopped in front of a yard, turned to look at her, and said without a good face, "I'm already home, why don't you continue to follow? Not everyone is interested in your home, you don't have to be like Guard me like a wolf guard."

After finishing speaking, without looking at Jiang Yan again, she opened the door and entered the courtyard.

Jiang Yan felt extremely embarrassed when she heard her slightly sarcastic words, but her ugly face felt a lot better after seeing the "home" in Su Mu's mouth.

"What kind of house is it? It's just a ghost's lair. Su Mu, I'm waiting to see how you look in distress in two days."

Thinking that in two days Su Mu would live a lifetime like those people before, she felt very relieved!

She returned home in a happy mood, but when she saw Xiao Yu, she restrained her smile. She almost forgot the business!

Xiao Yu already knew from the mouth of the hidden guard what she had done, even though he was getting more and more tired of her in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face.

"Miss Jiang's visit this time is not short, but is there something urgent?"

"No, I just met some acquaintances on the road and chatted for a while. How is Mr. Xiao resting? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Jiang Yan asked worriedly.

Thinking of what the dark guard said, Xiao Yu thought about it, raised his hand to his mouth and coughed lightly, and then said: "I am fine, but the speed of wound healing is much slower than before. At this speed, I am afraid I will go home This will be postponed for later.”

After finishing speaking, he sighed regretfully, as if he was distressed that he couldn't go home.

But there is one person who is more distressed than him at this time.

When Jiang Yan heard that her plan to return to Beijing would be postponed, she was secretly anxious.

She had no shortage of ginseng before, and hoped that Xiao Yu would recover soon, so she put all the ginseng in her hand into Xiao Yu's decoction, which made him recover so quickly.

But right now, no one is participating in the quick recovery. With only those soups and medicines, when will she be able to follow her back to Beijing?

She still understands the reason why there are many dreams in the night. At this time, no one knows that she is hiding someone at home, but after a long time, she will inevitably not be exposed, and she is also worried that Xiao Yu will see the flaws in it and see through her tricks.

After much deliberation, it is better to leave early.

"Master Xiao, I have something urgent to go to my neighbor's house, and I may come back later, so you should be more careful at home."

Xiao Yu frowned upon hearing this, "Miss Jiang seems to be very busy today, could it be that there is something urgent that I can't deal with? Seeing that it's getting late, why don't Miss Jiang go tomorrow?"


I'm afraid that Li Xiu'e's family will have already sold the ginseng tomorrow, and she will definitely not get anything by then.

"Young Master Xiao, don't worry. I grew up in the village and I'm used to living at night. And it's just some trivial things. You don't have to worry about it."

Seemingly feeling unable to persuade her, Xiao Yu sighed softly, "In this case, Miss Jiang, please be careful."

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for your concern, the little girl will."

Coming out of the house, Jiang Yan still had a smile on her face.

Xiao Yu's attitude towards her is getting better and better, it can be seen that she has gradually grasped his heart, as long as he can fully recover, he will definitely not leave her here alone.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but quicken her pace. She wanted to ask Li Xiu'e for ginseng to make soup for Xiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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