Chapter 40 Holographic Online Games (4)

Mu Rusu: In addition, from the moment you decided to abandon me, we have nothing to do with you. You should know exactly what is going on with my current level.

Su Mu ignored Xiaomi after posting these, and directly dragged her into the blacklist.

Her level shouldn't be so low. When she first played the game, although she didn't like recharging, her operation and awareness were not bad. In just half a month, she had already reached level [-]. Not too bad among people.

Once the gang started a partner mission, her partner was Xiaomi, and the two of them did the mission together. Although Xiaomi's level was not high and the operation often made mistakes, it didn't affect Su Mu much, and the mission was completed smoothly.

Since then, Xiaomi has always pestered Su Mu and became her regular partner. Su Mu had a good impression of her, so he didn't refuse.

I just didn't expect that once an appointment was made to open a dungeon, she was implicated by Xiaomi, and the two of them were hunted down by Xiaomi's former gang enemies, all their equipment was taken away, and even their level dropped back to level ten.

Xiaomi knew that she had caused Su Mu to suffer, and later even spent money to ask the gods to take them to upgrade, and bought countless fashions and equipment in the mall for Su Mu, but Su Mu didn't accept them, and always wore her novice outfit.

After all, Xiaomi's salary is limited. When she reached level 20, she didn't have the money to hire a master, so she made friends with Zhanfeng and his gang in the gang. From then on, the five of them opened dungeons to upgrade together.

Su Mu felt that she didn't owe Xiaomi anything, but Xiaomi owed her a lot, and she was too generous without thinking about it.

Seeing what Mu Rusu sent, Xiaomi felt a little guilty.

She was used to hearing people say that Mu Rusu was brought up by her, so she even forgot when she relied on Mu Rusu.

Thinking that she even told Mu Rusu just now to let her take care of her to upgrade her, her face became hot and she was extremely embarrassed.

She wanted to explain to Mu Rusu, but found that she had been blocked by the other party.

"How is it? What did Mu Rusu say?" Zhanfeng and the other three moved closer to Xiaomi, looking at her eagerly.

"Mu Rusu...she seems to have blocked me."

"...It's really useless!" The three of them turned cold for a moment, and without looking at Xiaomi immediately, they moved aside to discuss a solution.

Seeing the three of them turn and leave without hesitation, Xiaomi was still a little dazed, especially after seeing Zhan Feng's disgusting attitude.

She was thinking, is it worth it to give up a true partner for such a man?
But she might already have the answer, otherwise she wouldn't regret it...

After Su Mu cleared all the information of adding friends, he found that he had received a new private chat.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: Mu Mu, why did you remember to recharge in the game?Is the money enough?Do you need to transfer some points for you?

Su Mu was taken aback, big brother?

Only then did he remember that his elder brother Su Qi was also in this game, saying that he wanted to accompany his baby sister.

But Su Mu wanted to play by himself, and as an older brother, he couldn't bother him, so he could only develop his influence and vowed to become his sister's backer.

But after not playing for a long time, Su's father dragged him to work as a coolie in the company.

Mu Rusu: No, I still have it here, but I feel that the equipment is a bit shabby and I want to change it.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: That's good, what happened to your killing order today?Did they mess with you?
Mu Rusu: Well, there is a bit of a contradiction.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: Can killing them a few times relieve your anger?Big brother has a permanent hunting order, do you want me to help you say it in the world?
Mu Rusu: No, I will clean up after I level up.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: Well, then the eldest brother will not move them, and leave them all to you. In the evening, the eldest brother will go back to accompany you for dinner.

Mu Rusu: Good.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: If it’s not enough, remember to ask your elder brother. Elder brother has nothing else but a lot of money.

Mu Rusu: ...I know.

After being told by his wealthy elder brother, Su Mu was even more unrestrained in spending money.

See good-looking fashion, buy it!
Come across rare equipment, buy it!
Su Mu saved a warehouse just for blood recovery, mana recovery and resurrection potions.

I'm afraid there aren't even as many potions in the gang's warehouse as she has!

Now that the equipment has been upgraded, the only difference is the level. Su Mu is going to find some tasks to do.

But before she could accept the task, she saw that someone in the gang group was posting a message about opening a dungeon, and they were confirming the quota.

Seeing this, Su Mu also reported her name. The experience she gained from playing the dungeon was much more than that of taking the task slowly by herself.

Gentleman: To play the dungeon of the [-]th-level Demon Lord, you need to form a team with five different professions. Anyone want to come?
Mu Rusu: Me.

Gentleman: ... Uh, that Rusu, this dungeon is at level [-], your level is too low, it may not be suitable, otherwise I will bring you when I open a level [-] dungeon next time.

Although his words were more tactful, Su Mu still felt his disgust from the words.

Mu Rusu: Okay, excuse me.

The other party didn't want to use her, and she didn't force it. Just as she was about to close the group message, she saw Yiyi's message.

Yiyi Niaolong: Gentleman, can I go if I want?Although my level is less than forty, I will try my best not to hold you back.

Gentleman: Of course we welcome Yiyi to come. With Ouhuang like you here, we will definitely be able to issue heaven-defying equipment. Even if you don’t tell me, I plan to call you.

Yiyi Niaolong: That's really great!But my dungeon will end soon, can you wait for me for a few more minutes?

Mingyue Kejin: Since Yiyi wants to participate, then I will too.

Gentleman: Okay, then Yiyi, we will wait for you.Master, you want to participate too?You and Yiyi beauty are really like a husband and wife!Let our group of single dogs be envious!
Yiyi Niaolong: Gentleman, what are you talking about!Mingyue and I are not in that kind of relationship yet...

Mingyue Kejin: Well, we are just friends now, don't talk nonsense.

Gentleman: Oh, I know, don’t worry, I’ll keep it absolutely secret, and I won’t let others know.

Su Mu glanced at the conversation above, then glanced at Yiyi Niaoyiao's level, and found that the other party's level was six levels behind hers.

She is now level 36, but Ke Yiyi has just reached level [-].

Then think about Junzi's dislike for her and his enthusiasm for Yiyi.

Sure enough, Ou Huang is more popular than nanny, but...

Although she didn't have good luck, she couldn't bear the fact that she was rich!
Su Mu didn't read the news about them opening the dungeon, but took a random task to upgrade it.

The mission she took was to fight monsters, and the mission location was Luoxia Mountain.

Coincidentally, the place where Mingyue Kejin and the others opened the dungeon was also at Luoxia Mountain. She saw a few people not far away as soon as she was teleported over.

Mingyue Kejin and Yiyiyouyou stood together, the two had unique looks, one was gentle and considerate, the other was innocent, they looked like a perfect match.

(End of this chapter)

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