Chapter 41 Holographic Online Games (5)

Su Mu looked at it for a while, then looked away, and focused on killing monsters.

Although she is just a nanny with few attack skills, she is more than enough to deal with these wild monsters at her current level.

Just as Su Mu clicked on the task bar and was about to submit the task, a deep and pleasant male voice rang in her ears.

"Your agility is very professional, have you practiced it before?"

Su Mu closed the taskbar, turned to look at him, and saw him leaning against a tree beside him, wearing a white robe and a long sword on his waist.

Seeing her looking over, she only flipped over and landed near her. Her figure was elegant and her movements were clean and neat. She looked like a charlatan swordsman.

Looking at his face again, his appearance is not particularly outstanding, but those deep eyes are extremely attractive, and I always feel that such eyes are a bit inconsistent on his ordinary face.

"No." Su Mu's voice was a bit cold, just like her, always expressionless.

"You're slow to level up like this. We're going to open a dungeon. We're missing one person. Do you want to come?" The swordsman raised his eyebrows and offered an invitation.

Hearing this, Su Mu glanced at him. She didn't think that such a good thing would happen to her, not to mention that her level was really a bit down.

Seeming to see her inner thoughts, the swordsman added: "It was enough, but I have a friend who is temporarily busy, so I can only find one nearby."

"Okay, I'll try not to hold back." After he explained this, Su Mu agreed.

Unexpectedly, the swordsman chuckled suddenly after hearing her words, "It's okay to delay, they won't blame you."

"En." Su Mu nodded, and returned to his team with the swordsman.

Mo Yan pulls Mu Rusu into their team.

Hot Beauty: Boss, where did you kidnap this little girl?
Xi Chuan: That's right, she's still a girl. Boss, you can't be...

Dongliu: What are you talking about!The boss is different from you, he has always been very clean and self-respecting.

Mo Yan: Don't pay attention to what they say, they always speak out of tune.

Mu Rusu: Yes, yes.

Mo Yan: Don't be restrained, the three of them are all good.

Su Mu usually doesn't pay much attention to the game rankings, and naturally he didn't recognize that the four people present are all ranked high on the combat power rankings.

Mo Yan: Let me introduce myself, I will come first, Mo Yan, a professional swordsman, ranks first in the combat power list.

Hot Beauty: It's my turn, Hot Beauty, don't look at my name, I'm a real pure man!Professional archer, ranked eighth in combat power.

Xi Chuan: I'm Xi Chuan, a professional fighter, and I'm lower than them in the combat power list, No. 12.

Dongliu: Dongliu, a professional assassin, ranks fifth in combat strength.

After the introduction, the four turned their heads to look at Su Mu.

Mu Rusu: Mu Rusu, a professional nanny, um... eighth in the wealth list.

Speaking of the next few words, Su Mu couldn't help turning her face slightly. Her ranking on the combat power list was too low to be seen. She really couldn't tell, so she could only make do with the wealth list.

A smile flashed in Mo Yan's eyes, he coughed lightly, and comforted Su Mu, "It's okay, the wealth list is also a list, you are much better than us."

"..." Don't think she didn't catch the ridicule in his words.

"Miss, remember to stay behind me later, I will protect you."

As soon as Mo Yan finished speaking, there was a tough guy in a golden shirt next to Su Mu. He grinned at Su Mu with a bright smile on his handsome face.

"Come on, you, you only know how to go on a rampage every time. When you protect the little sister, you might as well leave it to the boss to be reliable."

Dressed in black, Dong Liu pushed Xi Chuan away and gave him a pair of white eyes.

"Didn't I want to help you bear the pain? You think I want to!" Xi Chuan blushed at what he said, and couldn't help defending himself in a low voice.

"Heh, ask who would believe it?" Dong Liu sneered, not taking his words to heart at all.

"I..." Xi Chuan opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but he didn't say anything in the end. He knew that Dong Liu was telling the truth, and he really blamed him for not being able to bear it, and always rushing forward immediately.

"Miss Sister, you should follow me later, we will stay behind together, you help me recover blood, and I will output." The fiery beauty ignored the two people in the quarrel, and stood beside Su Mu with a bow and arrow on her back.

"Okay." Su Mu saw the bow and arrow behind him, and also took out the weapon she had just bought from her backpack.

"Miss, I remember that this flute is a new one from the mall, right? It seems to be called Jasper flute. I heard it's quite expensive."

Seeing the flute in her hand, the fiery beauty couldn't help exclaiming twice, worried that she might be wrong, so she took a closer look.

"I bought it in the mall, it should be the one you said."

Hearing Su Mu's confession, the hot beauty looked at her in surprise. This flute is not cheap, and it hasn't been bought in the mall for a month.

The young lady is indeed very rich!

Mo Yan also looked down at the flute in her hand at this time, and boasted: "The attributes are not bad, and at your current level, it is enough."

"Yes." Su Mu touched the flute in his hand.

She didn't buy this flute because of its attributes, but because she lacked a decent weapon, but hearing what Mo Yan said, she felt like she had overlooked something.

The great gods themselves will be welcomed by people wherever they go, let alone four great gods appearing at the same time, and the eyes of the surroundings are basically locked on several people.

Mingyue Kejin and their team are no exception.

Yiyi Niaolang: That seems to belong to our gang...

Gentleman: Which one?Yiyi, who are you talking about?

Yiyi Niaoyao: That's Mu Rusu over there, I remember seeing her talking in the group.

Gentleman: Mu Rusu?It really belonged to our gang. At that time she wanted to join us, but I thought she was low-level and refused.

Yiyi curled up when she heard this, her face was a little embarrassed, although Junzi didn't say this to her, but that Su Mu was even higher than her, and even she was disliked, so she...

But there is one thing she thinks she can compare to Mu Rusu, that is, her luck is better, even if her level is not enough, but she has more people to guide her, and it is only a matter of time before her level rises.

Thinking of this, she breathed a sigh of relief, she shouldn't be so arrogant, at least she is more useful than Mu Rusu.

Yiyi Niaoyou: The few around her don't look like our gang, can we form a team like this?
Gentleman: According to the rules of the gang, it seems that it is not allowed.

Mingyue Kejin's complexion darkened visibly to the naked eye, and someone violated gang rules in front of him. If he doesn't punish him well, how can he convince others?

"Mu Rusu!"

Su Mu raised his eyes to look at him, "Guard Master? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Although they had formed a team before, she felt that the other party must have forgotten her, after all, nurses have always been dispensable in the team.

(End of this chapter)

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