Chapter 55 Holographic Online Games (19)

"Hey~~" The three stared at the two with ambiguous eyes.

Su Mu's heart skipped a beat when he heard his words, and for the first time there was a look of surprise on his expressionless face, "You just..."

"Yeah, just what you think."

"But why?"

Why do you like her?Her current appearance is so ordinary, her strength is also ordinary, and she can't speak nice words, so she can't think of any advantages in herself.

"No reason, just because I like it, what's your answer?"

Su Mu pursed her lips and lowered her eyes, "I'm sorry."

She didn't forget that she still had the task of capturing the villains.

The light in Mo Yan's eyes dimmed instantly, "Okay, I see."

The hot beauty and the three of them look at me and I look at you. Faced with this situation, they don't know how to persuade them.

After all, this is the young lady's choice, and they should respect it.

Su Mu originally thought that after such a thing happened, the relationship between them would be awkward.

But seeing that Mo Yan was in the same state as usual, she gradually let go and gradually forgot what happened just now.

"Susu, add blood." Mo Yan shouted while avoiding the boss's big move with his sword.

"it is good."

Su Mu raised her hand, and the emerald green flute appeared in her hand in the next second. She flicked it twice, and Mo Yan's blood bar instantly filled up.

She took the time to look at the three of Xi Chuan again, and found that their blood bars were almost full, and it seemed that Mo Yan had been able to resist the damage just now, so he lost the most blood.

Afterwards, Su Mu's attention was on Mo Yan alone, and when he saw that he lost blood, he immediately waved the flute to increase his blood to ensure that his blood volume remained in a relatively healthy state.

Dong Liu complained to the fiery beauty in a low voice while spreading hatred, "Boss is really scheming! In order to make the younger sister love him, he didn't hesitate to resist the boss's big move."

The fiery beauty held a bow and arrow in one hand, and when she heard this, she shrugged helplessly, "Did you just know? The boss has a black belly for a day or two."

However, his guess was indeed correct!
Although the younger sister has clearly rejected the boss, but he doesn't seem to have the intention of giving up.

Alas, I don't know if it's worth it for the boss to do this...

Today's Mo Yan's damage value almost exploded, and within a few rounds, the boss had only the last drop of blood left.

"Susu, come to make up for the damage." Mo Yan stepped aside and called out to Mu Rusu.

Su Mu didn't refuse. She knew that Mo Yan was trying to increase her experience, so she immediately went up to him with a flute and gave the boss a final blow.

The player who defeats the BOSS in "Xianyuan" can gain a lot of experience, which is why every time a dungeon is opened, players want to grab the BOSS and kill it last.
Su Mu picked up the treasure box that fell after the boss disappeared, and handed it to Mo Yan, "Here, the treasure box."

Mo Yan took it, opened the treasure chest, and it was still the same as the usual ones, and everyone divided them up.

Su Mu looked at the full backpack and clicked the expand button without hesitation. She didn't stop until [-] new backpack slots were opened.

[System: Congratulations to Mu Rusu for winning the fourth place on the wealth list. 】

The information announced by the system can be seen by all online players, so when the news came out, Hot Beauty and the others were dumbfounded again.

"Miss, have you recharged again?" Zhou Yang's face was full of resentment. The total time this time seemed to be less than 1 minute, right?

"Well, the backpack is full, and I opened some new ones."

Hearing this, not only Zhou Yang, but even Wei Chuan and Jiang Dong began to complain.

It is also a player of "Xianyuan", the young lady's backpack is full, she spends money to open a new one, their backpack is full, and they can only sell the things they don't use often.

Is this the difference from the world?They seem to feel it.

Mo Yan looked at Mu Rusu's serious expression that couldn't be more serious, a little more smile appeared in his eyes, and the frustration of being rejected in confessing also dissipated a little.

After getting along for this period of time, he also had a better understanding of her family's financial strength, and knew that she really had no concept of money.

But it is precisely because of this that he has to work harder, otherwise he may not even be able to support people.


Su Mu lay on the big soft bed with clear eyes and no sleepiness inside.

There will be a game tomorrow, and she has repeatedly warned herself to go to bed early, but it doesn't work.

After lying down for another 10 minutes, she got up helplessly, lay down in the game cabin, and logged into the game.

Perhaps because of the competition tomorrow, there are no fewer players at night than during the day.

After Su Mu went online, she found that she had nowhere to go. Seeing an inn not far away, she took out an anonymous card from her backpack, equipped herself with it, and walked into the inn.

When she was playing with Xiaomi before, she heard the other party say that the inn is the most gossip place in the whole game.

You can hear a lot of interesting or bloody stories in it.

As soon as Su Mu found a place to sit down, he heard the two people beside him gossiping unabashedly.

"Have you heard of it recently? The leader of Flying Immortal Beyond Heaven and that Ouhuang Yiyi are curling up together!"

Luo Mingyang and Cheng Yiyi?
Su Mu was stunned for a second, then moved back a few minutes, trying to hear more clearly.

"I also heard from my friend that this matter is no secret in their gang. The two almost went in and out at the same time, and their behavior was ambiguous. If you say that these two people have nothing to do with each other, I definitely don't believe it!"

"But to be honest, the two are quite a good match. Yiyi is so good-looking and has such a good personality. Mingyue Kejin really made money!"

"Hey, that's not certain! I heard that Mingyue Kejin's family is very rich, and he's a rich second generation! If this is true, then it's hard to say whether Yiyi Niaoyou is worthy of him!"

"I'm suddenly looking forward to tomorrow's game. Not only can I see the Great God, but I can also see Mingyue Kejin and Yiyi Niaoyiao. I heard that they both look like this in real life!"

Another female player obviously didn't believe it, "Can't you? This game has been played for so long, but there is still no one's face revealed!"

"That's true, but I believe that Mo Yan will not let me down. Whenever I see his eyes, I wish I could drown in his eyes."

Thinking of Mo Yan's eyes, Su Mu couldn't help agreeing with what he said.

Beautiful indeed.

Especially when he looks at you intently, you will feel that you are his whole world!
Su Mu sat there and listened for a while, until the two of them started to talk about unnutritious topics, then she got up and left.

The fact that Luo Mingyang and Cheng Yiyi were together was a surprise to her, as long as she didn't get involved with them, her mission would be completed.

Perhaps because of a knot in his heart, Su Mu lay back on the bed again and fell into a deep sleep within a few minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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