Chapter 56 Holographic Online Games (20)

Today is the busiest day of Mingcheng University since the start of school and graduation.

From seven o'clock in the morning, people came in and out of the school one after another.

By eight o'clock, it was the peak time of the flow of people, and the school gate was crowded with people. It was under such circumstances that Su Mu entered the school under the cover of his brother.

Su Qi brought Su Mu to his exclusive lounge.

Taking off the black coat covering her head, Su Mu took a deep breath, her face was still pale.

Su Qi came over, touched his sister's forehead, and asked with concern: "Mu Mu, are you okay? Why is your face so pale? Did you get scared just now?"

Looking at his younger sister's pale face, Su Qi felt very distressed.

"It's okay, brother, I'll be fine slowly."

Su Mu raised his head and gave Su Qi a comforting smile, hugging the black coat, sitting on the sofa, obediently.

Seeing her like this, Su Qi's heart softened, "Okay, then you have a good rest, brother still has things to do, remember to call me if you need something."


After receiving the affirmative reply from his sister, Su Qi left at ease, leaving Su Mu here alone to continue resting.

But after a while, there was a rustling sound from the door, and then the door handle started to turn. Su Mu sat up straight in an instant, and turned his head to look in the direction of the door.

Fang Xin carefully pushed open the door of the lounge, looked inside, and happened to meet Su Mu's eyes.

She quickly took two steps back in fright, and the door was completely opened because of the movement of her hand, and the whole picture of the lounge was displayed in front of her.

The room was not big, the walls were covered with monitors, and a dark green sofa was placed directly facing the monitors. The girl who had just looked at her was sitting on this sofa.

After seeing the other party's face, Fang Xin had undisguised jealousy in his eyes.

There will be such a beautiful girl here!

The girl in front of me is wearing simple short-sleeved trousers, which are not eye-catching in the crowd. With her flawless face and her own unique temperament, I believe that even if she hides in a corner, she will become the focus .

And this kind of person is the type that Fang Xin hates the most, and he can get everyone's attention without any effort.

But she hasn't figured out the identity of the other party yet, and she doesn't dare to offend him rashly.

It would be fine if it was a player with other purposes like her, but if she really had something to do with Young Master Su, she wouldn't dare to go against him if she had ten guts.

So she decided to find out the details of the other party first.

Thinking this way, she walked directly into the lounge, not noticing Su Mu's frown all the time after she entered.

Fang Xin walked to the sofa next to Su Mu and sat down, with a very friendly smile on his face, "Miss, you look so beautiful! Are you also here to participate in this game competition?"


Su Mu was not used to being too close to strangers, and when the other party was talking, her body kept moving quietly to the other side.

Fang Xin noticed her movement, his face was ugly, but he still asked with a smile: "Then why is Miss Sister here? Don't you know that this is the organizer's lounge? It's wrong to rush in!"

Hearing this, Su Mu looked up at her with strange eyes.

It turned out that she herself knew that it was wrong to come in hastily, so she just acted casually into her own home.

"I know, I'm just a little uncomfortable, I borrow the lounge to rest for a while."

As soon as she heard her say that, Fang Xin was sure that the girl in front of her had the same purpose as her, and she was also here for Su Qi!

Her expression changed a few times, and her attitude became unfriendly, "Since you know, you shouldn't come here. I've seen you do it a lot. You just want to seduce Su Qi in the name of being uncomfortable, right?" ?”

"Cough..." Su Mu choked on her words.

She seduced Su Qi?
Do not make jokes……

She followed her throat, and after she felt more comfortable, she explained, "I don't have such thoughts."

"No best! To tell you the truth, Su Qi belongs to me. If you have the same idea, you'd better stop thinking about it as soon as possible, otherwise I will definitely not make you feel better!" Fang Xin's tone was ruthless, but This bit of ruthlessness was not enough to scare Su Mu.

She just didn't understand where the other party's self-confidence came from, and he even used threats, as if Su Qi was now her property.

Unwilling to continue arguing with her about who Su Qi belongs to, Su Mu glanced at the time, got up and left.

Fang Xin had just finished speaking, seeing Su Mu leave without hesitation, he was even angrier!

The eyes staring at Su Mu seemed to be poisoned, and he raised his lips and smiled, "You better not fall into my hands, or I will definitely make you look good!"

Walking out of the lounge, Su Mu took out a mask from his pocket and put it on, covering most of her face for a while, only showing her eyebrows and full forehead.

Su Qi asked her to wear this mask before going out, and at the same time gave her a map of the competition venue, saying it was to prevent her from getting lost.

With the map in hand, she walked slowly along the route.

When encountering a crowded situation, she just bowed her head and stayed where she was, trying to shrink herself into a ball.After those people left, she raised her head and continued to walk slowly.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly, but as she got deeper into the venue, the dense crowd made her somewhat resistant, and she couldn't move for a while.

She hesitated for a while, but decided to go to her brother to find a way to bring her in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, she collided with the person behind her.

Su Mu held the tip of his nose that was slightly sore from being hit, and raised his head slightly, trying to force back the tears that had accumulated in his eyes.

Because of her action, she bumped into the opponent's eyes.

Su Mu couldn't help being taken aback, she seemed to have seen these eyes somewhere, they were very familiar.

While she was in a daze, a long-lost voice came from her mind, {Master, the person in front of you is the villain father!But I want to remind you that the villain's father is younger than the master, so the master should not bully him. }
Su Mu hadn't thought about the eyes clearly yet, when she heard Yaoyao's words, she replied {Oh. }
Yaoyao thinks highly of her too much, the other party is still a boy no matter what.

"Student, are you alright?" Su Mu's slightly deep voice rang in Su Mu's ears, and her ears couldn't help but soften.

Shaking his head, "It's okay."

"That's good."

At this moment, Su Mu finally dared to look directly at the other party, and found that the other party was tall, even taller than her brother, probably 1.9 meters, not only the height, but also the appearance.

His eyes are deep and narrow, like a whirlpool, if you don't pay attention, you will be sucked in. Under the high bridge of the nose is a beautiful lip shape. At this time, the corners of his mouth are slightly curved, showing his good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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