Chapter 7 First-line Artists (7)

Su Mu didn't wait long, and the others returned to the villa one after another, and greeted her warmly when they saw her.

"Are you Su Mu? Hello, I'm Wen Zhixue, this is Ding Yao, the two behind are our one-day partners, the one on the left is Lin Zhao, and the one on the right is Cheng Mingzhe."

The woman was wearing a small fragrant dress, her long black hair was draped softly on her shoulders, and she had two pearl hairpins on her head. She looked really gentle and grand. She had a pair of almond eyes and her smile was very sunny.

Su Mu stood up, clasped his hands awkwardly, and nodded to them, "Hello, I'm Su Mu, please take care of me in the future."

"Hey, it's a star again! Is the program group so short of traffic?" A soft snort came, and the man stood not far from the door with his chest crossed, looking at Su Mu's direction with disgust in his eyes.

"Lin Zhao, how can you say that?"

"I just can't get used to these female stars who are glamorous on the outside, but dirty on the inside, what's the matter? Can't you?" Lin Zhao glanced at Ji Simiao provocatively. He had been displeased with this rich second generation for a long time.

"Okay, Lin Zhao, if you say that, Zhixue will be sad~" Ding Yao suddenly reached out and patted Lin Zhao's shoulder, and pointed him in the direction of Wen Zhixue.

She lowered her eyes slightly at this time, with a sad expression on her face, "I thought we were already friends, but I didn't expect you to hate me so much."

"Zhixue, I didn't mean that. Of course you are different from those female stars. I'm not talking about you. You are special to me. Trust me!" Lin Zhao panicked and stood beside her Keep admitting mistakes.

Having been with Zhixue for so long, he has gradually forgotten the fact that she is also a female star. After all, Zhixue gives him a different feeling from other female stars. She is so beautiful, gentle and sensible!

Lin Qi came over and bumped Su Mu's arm, and whispered in her ear, "Did you see that? How much Lin Zhao hates female celebrities, and Bai Mo is worse than him. Don't rush to find abuse! "

Su Mu pursed her lips and nodded slowly, "I know."

"Well, that's good." Lin Qi gradually felt relieved, and she and Su Mu had a good relationship again.

As long as Su Mu doesn't compete with Bai Mo, she is happy to help him!

Lin Zhao coaxed him for a long time before Wen Zhixue forgave him, and the two soon reconciled.

However, after this incident, Lin Zhao hated Su Mu even more. Although he would no longer say harsh words, he was not willing to give her any good looks at all.

Cheng Mingzhe looked here and then there, sighed helplessly, and tried to change the subject, "I'm hungry, should we start preparing dinner too? Do you have anything you want to eat?"

"Dinner? Is it your turn today..." Ding Yao tapped her forehead with her fingertips, looking thoughtful.

"Speaking of dinner, Su Mu, can you cook? Zhixue is the only one among us who can cook! You are all stars, so you should have similarities, right?" Lin Qi interrupted suddenly, pushing Su Mu away. go out.

Su Mu looked at her quietly before answering her question, "A little bit, I've met before."

After watching the previous episodes of the program, she knew Lin Qi's intention in doing this. Lin Qi was protecting Bai Mo.

In the first episode of the program, the guests have already set some rules in advance, for example, each person and his partner of the day are responsible for everyone's dinner, and today it happens to be Bai Mo's turn.

Even though she knew that she was thinking of Bai Mo, it was a bit selfish to push people out to cook to attract everyone's attention. At least Su Mu didn't have any affection for her.

"Zhixue's culinary skills are comparable to a five-star chef, and she wants to surpass her? Let's continue to dream of being a young lady!" Lin Zhao took the lead in turning on the ridicule skills, and at the same time did not forget to praise Wen Zhixue.

"I don't think it's nothing. Su Mu has just arrived, and she needs to give her a chance to show off. Do you need my help?" Cheng Mingzhe walked up to Su Mu and asked gently.

He has a gentle personality, never blush with others, never stingy with his kindness to anyone, giving people the warmth like a spring breeze.

For his assistance, Su Mu will naturally not lose face, "Thank you, it will be numb later..."

"It's my turn to cook today, newcomer, come and help me." A male voice appeared, interrupting what Su Mu hadn't finished speaking.

"Bai Mo???" Everyone looked in surprise at the man who walked behind Su Mu and grabbed her by the collar.

The man put one hand in his pocket and grabbed Su Mu's collar with the other. His posture was lazy and casual. He looked like he didn't care about anything all day long, but now something seemed different.

Lin Qi stood up immediately, "Bai Mo, what are you talking about? Su Mu just came here today, and she wants to show us her cooking skills. We should give her a chance to show it. If you want to cook If so, I can help you next time."

Regardless of how other people would react when she said these words, Lin Qi just wanted to separate Su Mu and Bai Mo.

She thought that according to Bai Mo's dislike for celebrities, Su Mu must have no chance, but she didn't expect that he would take the initiative to approach Su Mu, which made her feel very bad!
Bai Mo just looked at Lin Qi coldly, and said to her, "Stop meddling in your own business!"

"Let's go." After that, without looking at her, he carried Su Mu into the kitchen.

"Bai Mo?" Lin Qi stared at his back, but hadn't recovered yet. Did Bai Mo just say that she was meddling?He actually said her in such a strong tone?
"Are you okay?" Wen Zhixue patted Lin Qi on the shoulder, and kindly defended Bai Mo, "I think Bai Mo is doing it so as not to affect you? After all, even the fans who have watched the show know that Bai Mo should be silent today." Cooking, if you cover up for him like this, not only will he be scolded, but you will also be attacked by fans."

"Is that so?" Lin Qi felt hopeful in her heart. If it was true what Wen Zhixue said, would Bai Mo also be interested in her?

"I think it should be. Although Bai Mo looks very cold on the outside, he must be soft on the inside, just like he would take care of Su Mu who just arrived."

In her opinion, Bai Mo would find Su Mu who just arrived to cook with him, probably because he wanted to take care of her more and give her more shots, right?

"Thank you, Zhixue."

"You're welcome, if you like Bai Mo, keep working hard! I believe he can feel it!" Wen Zhixue smiled thoughtfully, and did not forget to comfort her.

The two thought they had figured out Bai Mo's thoughts, but they didn't know that they were wrong.

"Why did you ask me for help?" Su Mu asked Bai Mo who was washing vegetables while chopping vegetables.

He doesn't look like a meddler!

"Maybe because you are more pleasing to the eye."

(End of this chapter)

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