Chapter 8 First-line Artists (8)

"Then I'm really honored!" Su Mu looked at him and smiled, he was unexpectedly a kind-hearted person!

Bai Mo's hands washing the vegetables paused for a second, and then washed the vegetables as usual, as if the pause just now was just an illusion.

As the saying goes, when men and women match, work is not tiring.

Su Mu is very experienced in cooking, and Bai Mo is quick to do things, and the two of them cooked a table of delicious food in a short time.

Ding Yao was sitting on the dining table, swallowing while looking at the food on the table, and looked at Su Mu with admiration, "You made all of these?"

Few people know that Ding Yao is actually a foodie.

However, she is slightly different from ordinary foodies. She is very picky about food, but she will not stop eating it. It's just that she can't stop talking about delicious food. For ordinary food, she always orders as much as she can.

Su Mu nodded slightly, then shook his head again, "Not only myself, but also Teacher Bai's help."

Hearing this, Bai Mo turned his head and glanced at her. This time, he was called Teacher Bai again. Is it because of the closer relationship?

"The food looks very appetizing. Your cooking skills must be very good. Can I discuss it with you in the future?" Wen Zhixue had a smile on his face, as if he was sincerely praising Su Mu's cooking skills.

{Master, the hostess scolded you in her heart, and said that you stole her limelight as soon as you came, and she must show you something later. }Yaoyao checked Wen Zhixue's thoughts in her spare time, and then repeated her thoughts to Su Mu in the next second.

{Ok. }
{Master, you don't seem surprised at all? }Does the master not care about others scolding himself?
Su Mu picked up the chicken soup and drank it slowly, quietly raised his eyes to look at Wen Zhixue, and replied to Yaoyao in his mind, {because from her smile just now, I can feel that her words did not come from the heart. }
After her explanation, Yaoyao suddenly remembered.

How did it forget!The master is of the Nine-Tailed Fox family, and his perception of emotions has reached a superb level. The heroine is like a one-year-old child in front of the master, and there is no comparison at all.

It was nothing to worry about!Although the master looks weak on the outside, but she is very strong in person!

"Wow... this is delicious, this is delicious, this tastes great, I really don't know how to make it, and this! Ahhh, how can there be such a delicious thing, it's amazing!!"

The others were almost full, and they put down their chopsticks and sat on their seats to feel it quietly. Only Ding Yao kept poking left and right with the chopsticks, and her appetite was more like a bottomless pit, no matter how stuffed it would be. Full.

"Ah, so satisfying!" After the food on the table was wiped out, Ding Yao collapsed on the chair, stroking her stomach comfortably.

"Ding Yao, are you okay? You just ate a lot..." Cheng Mingzhe was a little worried. The food she ate just now was worth four people. Can her appetite be taken?

"No problem, no problem. I seldom eat so heartily. If it's just one time, it's fine." Ding Yao waved his hand at him, indicating that he was fine.

But in the next second, she suddenly sat up straight.

"What's the matter? Is it really difficult to digest after eating so much?" Cheng Mingzhe thought she was not feeling well, and was about to find some digestive medicine.

But Ding Yao suddenly clasped his hands together, looking at Su Mu with fiery eyes, "Su Mu, can you be friends with me? Of course I'm not here for your food. Of course, if you cook something delicious If you are willing to share with me, that would be great!"

Under her gaze, Su Mu nodded blankly and agreed, "This is not a problem."

"That's really great!!" Ding Yao ran to Su Mu's side in three steps at a time, took her hand, and shook her violently a few times to vent her inner excitement.

They got along so well, the other guests naturally didn't disturb them.

However, the smile on Wen Zhixue's face could hardly be maintained, what does Ding Yao mean?Why wasn't she so excited to eat the meal she made before?Isn't this clearly telling everyone that she is not as good as Su Mu?
And Lin Zhao, who said that her culinary skills are comparable to a five-star chef, but she was slapped in the face so quickly, and now they must be laughing at her in their hearts, right?She felt that she was overconfident, and that she was not good at cooking but she relied on bragging.

"I'm a little tired today. I'm going back to rest. I'll see you tomorrow!" Hearing Ding Yao's compliment to Su Mu, Wen Zhixue's complexion got worse and worse, and she couldn't sit down at all. The friction made a loud noise.

Ding Yao and Su Mu didn't speak any more, but turned their eyes to her.

Not only them, but several other guests also looked at her with surprised eyes. After all, Wen Zhixue is a very gentle existence in their eyes, and she would never do such a rude thing.

"I, I..." Wen Zhixue wanted to explain, but if she really said it, it would only appear that she was too petty, so she just ran away with her head down in the end.

"Zhixue!" Lin Zhao immediately chased after her.

"What's going on?" Ding Yao was a little puzzled, and felt that the originally good atmosphere was now completely destroyed.

Su Mu looked at the backs of Wen Zhixue and Lin Zhao, and she could guess some of them. Just as the original owner knew well in her memory, Wen Zhixue was gentle and generous on the surface, but she was very competitive in private, and enjoyed being surrounded by others. The feeling of being surrounded by people.

It was probably because Ding Yao had been courting her just now, so Wen Zhixue couldn't sit still.

"It's okay, didn't Lin Zhao chase after him? Speaking of which, I'm really tired today. Let's go to rest early. I don't know how to group tomorrow!" Cheng Mingzhe said what he was most worried about while hanging his shoulders.

When it came to grouping, the others became interested in an instant.

Ding Yao looked at Su Mu eagerly, while Lin Qi kept looking at Bai Mo's expression quietly, their thoughts were obvious.

Cheng Mingzhe and Ji Simiao looked at each other and smiled, feeling that they were suffering from the same disease.

"Su Mu, who do you want to be in a team with? If it wasn't required to be in a men's and women's team, I would have wanted to be with you." Ding Yao held Su Mu's hand tightly, and her tone was quite regrettable.

"Me?" Su Mu was stunned for a second, then turned his attention to Cheng Mingzhe and Ji Simiao, "I should choose between Teacher Cheng and Teacher Ji."

The two of them didn't seem to expect that Su Mu would choose them, with disbelief and surprise on their faces.

"Why, why?" Ji Simiao still couldn't help asking the reason, and his heart couldn't stand the thought of being with the goddess.

"Because I heard that the other two teachers hate celebrities, so I'd better not rush to find abuse." Su Mu's answer was a bit surprising, but it was also very true.

(End of this chapter)

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