Chapter 9 First-line Artists (9)

"That's right, Bai Mo and the others really don't like female celebrities very much!" Lin Qi looked at Bai Mo when she said this.

Seeing that he was just leaning back on the chair behind him, staring at the phone without any sign of anger, Lin Qi was completely relieved. It seemed that Su Mu had nothing special to Bai Mo.

So what if Su Mu looks pretty?Doesn't Bai Mo hate her?

Only she and Bai Mo are the best match, they are a destined couple.

"Well, so I may have to cause trouble for Teacher Cheng and Teacher Ji." Looking at Cheng Mingzhe and Ji Simiao, Su Mu's lips curved slightly, and a shallow smile slowly bloomed.

"how come?"

"How is it possible? We are the ones who trouble you."

The two hurriedly retorted. Based on Su Mu's appearance, personality and her good cooking skills, it seemed that the two of them were superior, and they were more like people who were holding back.

No one noticed that after Su Mu's words, Bai Mo's fingers holding the phone tightened a little.

"You guys have decided now? Then what about me and Ding Yao? Otherwise, Bai Mo, why don't you invite me?" Lin Qi's seemingly casual words were actually brewing in her heart for a long time, just waiting for this moment .

The special feature of the variety show "Love You" is that male guests have the initiative, while female guests have the right to choose.

To put it simply, only the male guest can initiate an invitation, and if the female guest agrees, the two will form a group. If not, the male guest will be alone, and the female guest can continue to accept invitations from other male guests.

There is also another special situation, that is, no one invites the female guests, so they can only take orders.

The order placement is directly linked to the elimination in the next few episodes, so all the female guests don’t want to let themselves be placed on the order, and try their best to choose a one-person team.

This can also explain why Lin Qi likes Bai Mo so much, but still teams up with Ji Simiao all the time, just because she doesn't want to be eliminated from the show.

"Sorry, I didn't plan to form a team." Bai Mo just looked up at her lightly, and his tone was very flat, as if he had no interest in what she said.

"Oh, I guessed it would be like this, so just now I was just expressing emotion, you don't need to pay too much attention." No matter how disappointed she was in her heart, Lin Qi didn't show it on her face.

"Okay, it's getting late, everyone, let's go to bed early, don't you have to form a team to go out tomorrow?" Cheng Mingzhe began to change the subject, worried that the atmosphere would become awkward.

"That's right, I'm already tired after going out for a walk today." Ding Yao was the first to agree, standing up and rubbing her sore neck, "Su Mu, too, hurry up and go back to rest, I'll take you to the room."

"Thank you, but I still have to take the dinner plate back to the kitchen." Su Mu picked up the dinner plate on the dining table and stacked it, and was about to take the third one, but Bai Mo snatched it away.

"Go and rest, I'll take care of these." Bai Mo not only snatched the dinner plate from her hand, but also took away the two dinner plates she had folded.

"Don't bother Mr. Bai, I..." Su Mu stepped forward to snatch those dinner plates back, but Lin Qi stood up and spoke at this moment.

"It's okay Su Mu, I can stay and help, you and Ding Yao go up first." Lin Qi kindly persuaded.

"Let's go, let's go." Ding Yao tugged at her while winking at her.

Of course Su Mu knew what she meant, it was nothing more than not letting her stay as a light bulb.

She also meant it.

The two walked to the second floor, Ding Yao leaned close to Su Mu's ear and whispered, "Did you find out too?"


"Lin Qi likes Bai Mo! She's so obvious today, you must have noticed it too, right?" She said with a look of 'don't pretend to me, I already guessed it'.

"I can feel it because Teacher Lin cares about Teacher Bai very much and likes to work with him." One thing Su Mu didn't say was that Lin Qi's hostility towards her made it hard for her to ignore it.

Ding Yao sighed suddenly, "Speaking of which, I also liked Bai Mo very much at the beginning. After all, he is good-looking. He is not only the young master of a big family, but also a top student. I feel that countless advantages are gathered in one person. It is difficult for a girl to like him. You won't be moved, will you?"

"That's true, what happened later? I feel that you don't like Teacher Bai now."

"Ah, this is because even if I like someone more, I can't make too many changes for him. Bai Mo likes to be quiet, but I like to move. If I have to stay in the villa and never go out, how is that possible? "Ding Yao spread her hands, looking helpless.

"It's a good thing to figure it out earlier. It's good for Teacher Ding to keep it now." Su Mu saw it clearly. Ding Yao still had Bai Mo in her heart, but she was not as impulsive as Lin Qi, and her feelings were more subtle.

The two walked slowly, and before they knew it, they had arrived at the door of Su Mu's room.

"Okay, your room is here, let's talk later if we have time."

"Okay, then, see you tomorrow!" Su Mu waved goodbye to her, opened the door and walked in.

The first thing she did when she returned to her room was to lie on the bed. The mattress was very soft. Her body sank and bounced up slightly. She enjoyed this comfort very much. Compared with the wooden plank bed in the house she rented, it was nothing so comfortable!

Just as she was about to fall asleep because the bed was more comfortable, there was a faint knock on the door.

Su Mu raised his hand and yawned big. He straightened his wrinkled clothes and got out of bed to open the door.

"It's... Teacher Bai? Is there something you can do to find me so late?" Su Mu's sleepiness disappeared instantly after seeing that it was Bai Mo who came.

"Well, I have something to ask you, can I go to the balcony and talk?" He still looked lazy, but his eyes were looking directly at Su Mu, making her unable to say no for a while.

"Yes." Su Mu closed the door, followed Bai Mo, and the two walked to the balcony.

"Teacher Bai, what's the matter? You can talk now."

Bai Mo was silent for a few seconds before asking, "Why didn't you choose to form a team with me?"

"I've already said the reason, don't you hate female stars?"

Su Mu's answer was very honest, and there was nothing wrong with it, but Bai Mo just felt irritable and unhappy.

He didn't look at Su Mu any more, but looked at the night not far from the villa, and asked softly, "Then if I say I don't hate you and want to form a team with you, would you be willing?"

Su Mu suddenly smiled, "Does Teacher Bai want to test me? Don't worry, I certainly won't pretend to be sentimental and think that you will make an exception because of me. I'm a little sleepy, so I'll go back first."

Before leaving, Su Mu casually glanced at the corner not far away.

After she left, Bai Mo added softly, "I'm serious."

When the person hiding in the corner heard this, he clenched his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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