Chapter 84 Beware of Protons (15)

The birthday banquet was drawing to a close, and the emperor and queen left first.The queen wanted to call Su Mu to have a heart-to-heart talk, but seeing that it was getting late outside, and thinking of Su Mu's frailty, she had to chat next time, and Su Mu agreed.

As soon as the protagonist left, Su Mu was about to leave too. Today was much later than the usual rest time, and her body couldn't bear it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the gate of the palace, he met the returned prince and the third prince and his party. They had just sent the emperor and queen back to the bedroom.

Su Mu was a little embarrassed, and was bumped into just as she was about to sneak away.

Su Rou rolled her eyes, and asked pretending not to know: "Where is sister going? The banquet is not over yet, and I want to talk to my sister again. After all, we sisters have not seen each other for such a long time, and our relationship is estranged." gone."

"My daughter is feeling unwell and is going back to the residence first. I'm afraid I won't be able to have a heart-to-heart talk with Concubine Su. How about changing it to another time? Grandmother and father also miss Concubine Su very much, and you can come back to see it when you are not busy. "

Su Rou smiled reluctantly, "That's natural, thank you for your concern, sister, I will definitely go back to meet my grandmother and father after I finish handling the matter in hand. It's just my sister, after all, this is the queen mother's banquet, it is not appropriate for my sister to leave so early Bar?"

"It's nothing inappropriate." The prince glanced at Su Rou, stepped forward to wrap up the drape for Su Mu, with a gentle smile, "Mu Mu is tired? The queen just told me to take good care of you and send you back early, I'm still I didn't have time to tell you, since this is the case, let's go, brother will take you back."

"Brother Yao." Su Mu reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes, shaking his head lightly, "My uncle and aunt are not here, and Brother Yao still has to watch the banquet. How can I leave now? With Qinghe and Chuntao following, I will be fine, Yao Don't worry, brother."

"You!" Qin Xuyao ​​rubbed Su Mu's head and smiled fondly, "All right, then I'll let Qin Cheng follow you later, don't shirk this time."

Su Mu nodded obediently, "Okay."

She knew that Qin Cheng was a good friend of the prince and also the commander of the imperial army. He was extremely skilled in martial arts. With him around, her own safety was indeed guaranteed, not to mention that with him around, her brother could rest assured.

The prince left Qin Cheng to her, and brought the others in.

When Su Rou passed by her, she said softly, "My sister is really lucky! My sister is so envious."

Su Mu half-closed his eyes, stared at her back for a long time, and then chuckled.

It was probably because the crown prince spoke for himself just now, which irritated Su Rou again, but this is not bad.

Qin Cheng cupped his hands and came over, "The little Princess is leaving now?"

"That's right, I have caused trouble for Commander Qin." As he said that, he wanted to salute him, but Qin Cheng avoided him.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a wry smile: "The little princess has offended his subordinates, how can your subordinates accept your salute? The little princess just treats me as an ordinary follower."

"Okay then." Su Mu didn't force any more, and with Qing He's support, he got into the carriage and swayed all the way back to Xiangfu.


Many days have passed since the Queen's birthday banquet, but the topic of Su Rou in the city is still high. Although Su Mu's gift is more heartfelt, Su Rou's gift is ingenious and impressive.

Because of this, the turnover of any restaurants or other businesses operated by Su Rou has doubled. When people mention Su Rou, they are full of praise, even the third prince is praised as the most discerning.

Many people even compared Su Rou and Su Mu, the prostitute's daughter. After finding that Su Mu was inferior to Su Rou in every way, they lamented the injustice of the world, thinking that Su Mu took over everything from Su Rou.

Chuntao anxiously walked up and down the room, and occasionally glanced at Su Mu who was sitting at the desk, "Miss, are you not in a hurry? Those people outside dare to say that about you. Fame."

"Well, I'm not stupid." Su Mu held the account book and replied without raising his head.

Upon hearing this, Chuntao immediately ran to Miss, "Miss, did you expect this to happen in advance?" Otherwise, she wouldn't be surprised at all.

Su Mu picked up a brush and drew a circle on the account book, and nodded upon hearing that, "Well, I found out about it two days ago."

These days, she is slowly getting in touch with the Xiangfu's property. According to her grandmother's words, this is the property of the Xiangfu, and it should not fall into the hands of outsiders no matter what.

No matter how novel Su Rou's idea was and how sophisticated her means were, Mrs. Su did not believe her. She sent all her property to Su Mu so that she could start to learn how to take care of it.

It was only after contact that Su Mu knew why Prime Minister Su was so anxious to recognize Su Rou back.

Since Su Rou's industries spread all over the capital, the same industries have been suppressed, and the books of these shops in Su Mu's hands are all in a state of loss.

If things go on like this, the huge prime minister's mansion might have to rely on Prime Minister Su's monthly salary to survive, which happens to be absolutely unacceptable to Prime Minister Su, so he tried his best to bring Su Rou back.

As for Mrs. Su, it will not work anyway. Prime Minister Su also knows his mother's temper, so in desperation, he can only spread rumors in the city, how much he belittles Su Mu, and how much he praises Su Rou , he wanted to use these rumors to give Su Rou the identity of a prostitute.


In any case, she would not give Prime Minister Su this chance.

Su Mu shook off the improvement plan that had already been wiped out, "Chuntao, send this to grandma. If grandma agrees, then hand it over to the storekeepers and let them start preparing."

"Yes." Chuntao took it, folded it carefully and put it in the cuff, and went to Mrs. Su's residence.

At this moment Mrs. Su was about to take a lunch break, and when she learned that her granddaughter had sent someone to bring things over, she hurriedly let Chuntao in.

"Okay, Mu'er is really a good idea, these changes are very ingenious." Mrs. Su held the letter full of praise, and then returned the letter to Chuntao, "You send a message to Muer, let her do it with confidence and boldly." , no matter what the result is, I will stand by her side."

"Yes." Chuntao left with the letter, and she had to find the shopkeepers of various shops.

Mrs. Su rubbed the jade bracelet on her wrist, a look of relief flashed in her eyes.

It is said that Su Rou is smart and has a delicate heart, even her son said that she is a fool, who has pearls and jade by her side, but chooses the tiny glimmer.

But in her eyes, Su Rou is not as good as Su Mu, because compared to Su Rou's ambition that has been swallowed by fame and fortune, Su Mu's heart is still pure.

When people in the capital go to the shops opened by Su Rou to consume and enjoy every day, they don't know how many shops are quietly changing.

Even Su Rou didn't know, but even if she knew, maybe she wouldn't take it to heart.

Because she is very confident, she doesn't think there is anything that can be compared with modern products, and the industry of the entire capital will be in her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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