Chapter 85 Beware of Protons (16)

It was getting late, and Su Mu was about to fall asleep, but Chuntao suddenly came in to look for her.

"Miss, this servant forgot to tell you something today."

"what's up?"

"Miss Zuo invites you to go on a cruise together tomorrow. This servant came back too late today, so I forgot about it for a while, please punish me." Chuntao knew that she had made a big mistake, and she knelt on the ground as soon as she entered the door, not daring to get up.

"It's not your fault. There are indeed many things to do today, which made you panic for a while. After staying at home for so many days, it's time for me to go out and help me prepare tomorrow's clothes later."

"Yes, Miss Xie, please forgive me."

Knowing that the lady didn't blame her, Chuntao immediately kowtowed to thank her, and then happily went to help the lady prepare the clothes to wear tomorrow.

After matching the clothes, Chuntao was stunned when she took the handkerchief. Why are there only a few handkerchiefs left for the young lady?She clearly remembered that there were many more not long ago.

Could it be that it fell somewhere else in the Prime Minister's Mansion?
Chuntao wanted to ask Miss, but she looked sleepy, so she could only suppress her doubts, thinking that she must search for it in the Prime Minister's mansion in the future.

At the same time, the Proton House.

Han Yu sat on the soft bed, but his eyes kept staring at the handkerchief on the desk, and there was a tangled look in his eyes.

Although it was not the first time he had done this kind of thing, he realized something was wrong after he calmed down.

The scene of him holding the handkerchief last time has already been seen by the other party, if... how would he explain it?Will the other party think that he has a special hobby?
Thinking of this, the blackness in his eyes became a little heavier, and the hand that was about to touch the handkerchief also stopped in place, and did not fall for a long time.

"Brother Han, secretly said that you didn't eat, I deliberately..." The woman's voice stopped abruptly, her eyes fell on Han Yu's hand and the handkerchief on the table.

There is a plum blossom embroidered on one corner of the light yellow handkerchief, the plum blossom is lifelike, and the fabric of the handkerchief also looks top-grade, one can imagine that the identity of the owner of this handkerchief must be not simple.

Seeing her come in, Han Yu grabbed the handkerchief that had made him tangled up just now, and stuffed it into his chest.

"What are you doing here?" His tone was not very good.

Ouyang Yue put the porridge she had boiled for a long time on Han Yu's desk, "I heard from An Yi that Big Brother Han didn't eat tonight, so I specially made porridge and brought it here."

Han Yu frowned slightly, and didn't look at the bowl of porridge, "This is not your job, so you don't have to do it in the future."

Ouyang Yue bit her lower lip, of course she wouldn't pretend to be affectionate and think that Brother Han was hurting her when he said this, most likely because she thought it was a waste of time.

Thinking of the handkerchief he held so carefully and treasured, Ouyang Yue only felt sad in her heart. She has been with Brother Han for so many years, but is she not as good as a young lady who doesn't know where she came from?

"Brother Han, I've been waiting for so long, don't you even want to take a sip?" Ouyang Yue's tone became lower and lower as he spoke, "If you don't want to drink, then I'll just pour it out."

She stepped forward to pick up the porridge bowl, but suddenly let go of her hand, and the porridge bowl fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

"I'm sorry Brother Han, I didn't mean it, I'll pick it up right away." She knelt down to pick up the pieces, but intentionally or unintentionally exposed the wound on her hand to Han Yu.

It was all accidentally scalded when she was cooking porridge.

Han Yu snatched the fragment from her hand and called out "An Yi."

"Subordinates are here."

"Find someone to come and clean it up. Also, send Miracle Doctor Ouyang back. Since he's not good at it, he'll be more peaceful in the future."

The three people present knew to whom the last sentence was being addressed.

At this moment, the blood on Ouyang Yue's face was gone, and she couldn't even keep smiling.

Brother Han, he actually said that to her in front of his subordinates, he really didn't show any affection at all.

An Yi just glanced at the wound in Ouyang Yue's hand and the porridge bowl spilled on the ground, and guessed the general idea, but sighed inwardly.

He first asked a servant to clean up the master's room, and then sent Ouyang Yue back to the room.

"Ouyang Miracle Doctor's hand seems to be injured. What medicine do I need? My subordinates can help you find it." After An An sent her back, he didn't leave immediately, but cared about her injury first.

Ouyang Yue's always pale face finally warmed up at this moment, "There is a bottle of wound medicine in the middle drawer on the second floor, please help me get it."

An Yi found the wound medicine according to what she said, and seeing that her hands were inconvenient, he helped her apply good medicine.

Putting the wound medicine aside, looking at Ouyang Yue who seemed to be still wandering, secretly reminded gently: "Since Ouyang doctor is injured, it's better to stay in the room honestly during this period, after all, you also know that the master's temper is not good. it is good."

Ouyang Yue couldn't understand the meaning of his words, but she was somewhat unwilling in her heart.

"Kuichi, can I ask you something?"

The dark side was expressionless, "You say."

"Brother Han, have you come into contact with any young ladies from aristocratic families during this time?"

He stared at her secretly, and looked at her with some unkind eyes, "I'm afraid this has nothing to do with Ouyang Miracle Doctor?"

Ouyang Yue also knew that it was inappropriate for her to ask such a question, but thinking of Han Yu's attitude towards the veil, her heart seemed to be scorched by a raging fire, and she wanted to seek a result.

"I'm just worried about Brother Han. There may be incense on those ladies from aristocratic families, which will affect Brother Han. After knowing who it is, I can take precautions in advance." Ouyang Yue's face was calm, as if she was really thinking about Han Yu generally.

If An Yi didn't know about her little thoughts, he might be fooled by her too.

What do you mean for the sake of the master?Mostly because you are worried that the master has someone in mind, right?

Looking at the calm face of the person in front of him as usual, An Yi suddenly felt dull, and even thought that An Er and the others must be crazy, so they felt that Ouyang Miracle Doctor was as unattainable as the bright moon.

After all, she is just like them, just a layman.

"Master Ouyang, my subordinates have to say that your excuse is full of loopholes."

"You, what do you mean by that? When did I make excuses?" Ouyang Yue didn't want to admit it.

"This subordinate has been with the master since he was a child, and he has met many ladies from aristocratic families, but he has never seen any discomfort from the master. You think it is affecting the master now, so can the subordinate think so? You can't cure the master. , but accelerated his illness?"

Ouyang Yue was shocked, and quickly denied, "How is this possible? I'm just worried that Big Brother Han will be affected by the incense on their bodies."

"I don't need to bother Miraculous Doctor Ouyang, master knows what to do, but you, Miracle Doctor Ouyang, hope you can listen to master's advice. After all, master doesn't like others to be meddlesome."

Ouyang Yue lowered her head, "I see."

An Yi left satisfied, and when he heard the sound of smashing things behind him, a sneer appeared on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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