Chapter 661

Is he so obviously biased?To the extent that Qin Xuan was so worried?But that is his own grandson, maybe he will be his heir, so what if he is biased.

Although Qin Yuan changed his surname to Qin, it couldn't change the fact that he was someone else's blood.The mountains and rivers he worked so hard to conquer are naturally left to his direct blood.

If he was on Qin Xuan's side, his grandson would definitely deny him completely.

This is an opportunity, through the "righteousness to kill relatives", let the grandson see how much he attaches importance to him, maybe he will be moved, and then recognize him.

Besides, Qin Xuan really went too far, what he just wanted to teach Lu Shiran a lesson, he absolutely didn't believe it, even used drugs, so don't blame him.

Mr. Qin thought a lot at this moment, and finally made up his mind secretly.

His voice softened: "Now that things have gotten to this point, even if you want to get away with it, it will be very difficult. Go and surrender."

"What, what? Surrender yourself?" Qin Xuan's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that this sentence came from his grandfather's mouth.

Mrs. Qin was also shocked. Her father actually asked his granddaughter to surrender?

Qin Yuan's expression darkened.

He guessed what grandpa was thinking, did he want to abandon Qin Xuan and prove to Lu Shiran that he was a selfless grandfather?

He planned this conspiracy, and even pushed his own sister to take the blame in order to achieve the goal of killing two birds with one stone.

But he miscalculated, his grandfather would be so ruthless.

Qin Yuan clenched his hands behind his back tightly. It is Qin Xuan now, will he become him in the future?
Mrs. Qin couldn't help raising her voice: "Dad, how can you let Xuan'er turn himself in? Isn't it true that Xuan'er did these things? What will outsiders think of Xuan'er and our Qin family? Don't you worry about the Qin family's face at all?"

Old Master Qin said with a cold face: "She has been found by the Lu family now. If she doesn't surrender, why wait for the police to come and arrest her? If she surrenders, she can be dealt with lightly."

Qin Xuan bit his lips tightly and shook his head: "I don't want to surrender, Grandpa, you can't leave me alone, don't you love me the most?"

Mr. Qin was indifferent, "Don't worry, grandpa won't save you, you go to the police station and surrender first. If the police ask you anything, don't say anything, leave everything to the lawyer, and I will make arrangements later."

Mr. Qin was so angry that he was really disappointed with Qin Xuan, but he was concerned that her surname was Qin, which represented the face of the Qin family. Naturally, he couldn't really make Qin Xuan a murderer.

Mr. Qin thought to himself, Qin Xuan has a brain and knows how to use others. At that time, he just needs to push all the evidence on that Mike, and make the police think that Mike did this for her because he likes Qin Xuan so much. .

In this way, the Qin family will be completely wiped out.

Mr. Qin had a good plan, but the three people present didn't know what he was thinking, thinking that Mr. Qin was just perfunctory Qin Xuan, and when she really surrendered, they would leave her alone.

Qin Xuan was flustered. If she really surrendered herself, didn't she do what Qiao Yun wanted?
She is really not reconciled!

Mr. Qin said impatiently: "You have two choices now, one is to surrender, and the other is to send you to surrender in person."

Qin Xuan had tears in his eyes, and his voice was trembling: "Grandpa, you can't treat me like this, I'm your granddaughter!"

Mr. Qin's words are put here, and he doesn't bother to say more to her: "Think about it yourself."

After speaking, he shook his hands and left.

After going out, he told the housekeeper: "Take care of Qin Xuan, if she doesn't surrender by tomorrow, take her there."


The housekeeper couldn't help saying: "Master, do you really want the young lady to surrender herself?"

Mr. Qin narrowed his eyes and said, "Think of a way to push all the evidence on Mike."

Asking Qin Xuan to surrender himself was just to stabilize the Lu family and prevent them from doing anything else.

After all, it takes time to transfer evidence.

In short, Qin Xuanhui will come back safe and sound in the end.

Mr. Qin didn't tell Qin Xuanming because he wanted to scare her, to see if she dared to disobey him in the future.

But after this incident, it is impossible for Mr. Qin to treat Qin Xuan like before. He has even made up his mind that when the matter is resolved, he will send Qin Xuan back to Country M and ask her to change her original surname.

In the study, Qin Xuan, who thought he was really going to die, broke down and cried: "How could grandpa be so cruel to me? Lu Shiran is his grandson, so am I not his granddaughter? Besides, he is okay Why, why are you targeting me like this!"

When she was in country M, she did more outrageous things than she does now, but she is still safe and sound.

Just because the victim is Lu Shiran this time, why not ignore her?
Mrs. Qin felt distressed when she saw it, and comforted her: "Who told you not to think long enough to provoke him? It's not like you don't know how much your grandfather attaches importance to him now."

Qin Xuan pursed his lips.

A faint regret arose in my heart.

If she knew that grandpa was so cruel, she wouldn't hurt Lu Shiran just to make Qiao Yun feel uncomfortable.

"Mom, I can't surrender." Qin Xuan said anxiously: "When I really surrender, who knows if grandpa will really help me, grandpa no longer sees us."

Mrs. Qin felt heartbroken when she heard this. Why didn't she see clearly that her father let her down so much.

Mrs. Qin clenched her fingers tightly, and turned her head to beg Qin Yuan, who looked puzzled: "A Yuan, quickly think of a way to save your sister."

Qin Yuan sighed and said: "Mom, it's not that I don't want to help, it's that grandpa is angry now, even if I say it, it won't help, maybe it will make grandpa turn his anger on me."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, then continued with a frowning face: "I haven't negotiated a cooperation with the Apocalypse Research Institute, and my grandfather has already made a big opinion of me..."

"I'm trying to figure out a way." Mrs. Qin's only reliance is Qin Yuan, and of course she doesn't want Qin Yuan to fall out of favor in front of her father.

Qin Xuan sneered coldly: "Although the two of us have been on bad terms since we were young, you are also my own brother, and you are both prosperous and hurt. Please tell me a few words with grandpa. As long as grandpa is willing to make a move, I will be fine. , what can the Lu family do with me?"

She wasn't afraid of Qiao Yun's threat at all, what she was afraid of was that her grandfather would ignore her.

Qin Yuan's face remained unchanged: "Qin Xuan, because of you, Grandpa even doubts me now."

Mrs. Qin heard the words and said, "Forget it, you don't care about this."

Qin Yuan lowered his eyes, and looked at Qin Xuan with pity: "If you don't want to annoy Grandpa completely, you should listen to Grandpa and surrender yourself. Since Grandpa said that there is an arrangement, there must be a plan."

As far as he said, if Qin Xuan didn't listen, it wouldn't be his business.

Looking at Qin Yuan's tall and ruthless back, Qin Xuan couldn't help but sneered.

Look, this is the Qin family. For their own benefit, they don't even care about family affection.

(End of this chapter)

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