Chapter 662 "Go to hell!"

Thinking of how the two elder brothers of the Lu family defended Qiao Yun, Qin Xuan felt sore and jealous.

No matter what she does, no one dares to object.

However, because of Qiao Yun's appearance, all of this came to an end.

No, she has to save herself.

Qin Xuan grabbed Mrs. Qin's hand suddenly: "Mom, I only have you now, you have to help me."

"How can I help you?"

"Help me go back to country M." Qin Xuan said: "As long as I leave the country, no one can do anything to me. Can the laws of Hua country still be governed by country M?"

Mrs. Qin hated iron but said: "Why did I tell you two days ago that you didn't listen to what I told you to go abroad immediately. If you listened to me, nothing would happen now."

"Mom, I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't not listen to you."

Qin Xuan complained in a trembling voice: "Grandpa wants to push me out to make his grandson happy, are you willing?"

Mrs. Qin is naturally unwilling and reluctant, and she is really afraid that her father will ignore Qin Xuan.

She thought for a moment, and said, "I see, your grandfather doesn't care about you, and I'm your mother, so I can't ignore you."

"Mom, you still love me the most." Qin Xuan was relieved to hear that his mother was willing to help her.

When she goes abroad, let's see what else they can do with her.

Qin Xuan thought viciously, when the matter calmed down, she would double ask Qiao Yun to get it back.


Mrs. Qin secretly contacted a private jet, intending to charter a plane to take Qin Xuan back.

After making arrangements, he wanted to take Qin Xuan to become a monk, but was stopped by bodyguards.

"Sorry, the master has ordered that the lady is not allowed to go out."

Qin Xuan scolded: "What are you, you dare to restrict my personal freedom."

Mrs. Qin glared at Qin Xuan, telling her not to cause trouble, and then said with a smile: "I just want to take my daughter out for a walk?"

The bodyguard did not back down, but repeated: "My lord has an order, so please forgive me."

Madam Qin's smile froze.

These bodyguards are all right-hand men by her father's side. If she dares to make a scene, she will definitely alarm her father.

In the end, there was no other way, Mrs. Qin took Qin Xuan back to the room.

As soon as Qin Xuan returned to the room, he angrily swept the cosmetics on the dressing table to the floor.

Mrs. Qin didn't say anything, but her face was really ugly.

Qin Xuan finished venting, and urged: "Mom, what should we do now? Grandpa treats me so strictly, how can we go out."

"Don't worry, I'll think about it again." Mrs. Qin asked Qin Xuan to be calm.

After a while, she smiled: "There is a way. You can tell your grandfather tomorrow that you want to surrender."

"Didn't you agree to send me back to country M?"

"Listen to me. On the way, I will arrange for someone to take you away." Mrs. Qin: "This is the only chance."

Qin Xuan's eyes lit up: "That's a good idea. But will grandpa blame you?"

Mrs. Qin said indifferently: "I am your grandfather's biological daughter, and I have stronger feelings than you. When the time comes, I will be soft and cry, and your grandfather will soften his heart."

"I can rest assured that."

Qin Xuan thought that the sky would be high and the emperor would be far away tomorrow, and no one could do anything to her, so he slept very soundly that night.

Wait until the next day.

Qin Xuan pretended to be condescending, and told Mr. Qin that she had figured it out and was going to surrender.

Mr. Qin took it for granted that Qin Xuan would listen to him because he was overwhelmed by him, and arranged for someone to escort Qin Xuan to surrender without thinking too much.

Old Master Qin said to Qin Yuan, "She's still obedient."

Qin Yuan looked at Qin Xuan, who was not in a hurry, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Compromising so easily is not at all like Qin Xuan's character.

Here, Mrs. Qin took the opportunity to insert her driver.

Waiting on the road, waiting for the red and green.

The driver turned a corner, taking advantage of the mixed traffic, and drove Qin Xuan to the capital airport to take a private jet.

Qin Xuan looked out of the car window, with mocking eyes in his beautiful eyes.

How glorious she came here at the beginning, but now she is leaving in such a mess.

It's all Qiao Yun's fault.

It was Qiao Yun who harmed her.

Qin Xuanyue became more unconvinced as he thought about it, took out his phone, and sent Qiao Yun a message.

Not far away, in an ordinary van.

Zhou You stared sharply at the fleeing vehicle, and ordered through the contact machine: "The chicken is out of the cage, pay attention to the surroundings, and follow the chicken closely."

"Got it, Chick is walking towards Anyang Avenue."

Zhou You replied, "Received," and said with a weird smile, "Catch the chicken and stew it."


After that, Zhou You sent Qiao Yun another message, telling her that the chick had escaped.


Sheng Qiao Hospital.

Today is the day Lu Shiran was discharged from the hospital.

Everyone in the Lu family came to pick up Lu Shiran, including Li Hanzhou who just wanted to ask Qiao Yun out. Knowing that Lu Shiran was going to be discharged from the hospital, he also came here to express his concern.

If it was in the past, Li Hanzhou would not have looked at Lu Shiran at all, but it is different now, this is the cousin of his sweetheart.

If he wanted to abduct someone else's cousin, he had to express it anyway.

Finally able to be discharged from the hospital, Lu Shiran's life is alive and well.

Qiao Xun checked Lu Shiran for the last time, nodded and said, "There is nothing abnormal, you can go through the discharge procedures."

Lu Shiran was so moved that tears were about to fall, "Heaven, earth, I am free."

The old lady didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Is it okay for you to live in the hospital for three days?"

"As for, why not." Lu Shiran said with a sad face, "It's too boring. I will definitely exercise well in the future, and I will definitely not come to the hospital."

Lu Xian glanced at his watch and said, "It's almost lunch time, why don't you eat outside. What do you think of Master Li?"

Li Hanzhou said indifferently: "I can do it."

"Then it's decided like this." The old lady made a final decision.

A group of people were about to go to a nearby restaurant.

Qiao Yun's cell phone rang, and it was Zhou You who sent it to her.

Sure enough, everything was as she expected.

Qin Xuan absconded in fear of crime.

Qiao Yun raised her eyebrows and told Lu Zhanxing and Lu Jingzhi, "The chick wants to escape."

Lu Zhanxing looked confused: "What the hell?"

Qiao Yun said: "Qin Xuan."

"Oh, that's really not a thing." Lu Zhanxing subconsciously said, and soon realized that he said excitedly, "Escape?"


Lu Zhanxing commented: "She's finished."

Qiao Yun echoed: "It's over."

"Sister, let's go to the theater." Lu Zhanxing especially wanted to see Qin Xuan's expression after he failed to escape.

Lu Jingzhi reminded, "You're a star, aren't you afraid of causing a stir?"

Lu Zhanxing said indifferently: "Don't be afraid, I will pretend. Brother, I don't believe you are not interested."

Lu Jingzhi: It seems that I am really interested.

"Okay, let's go together."

Qiao Yun secretly poked and raised her hand: "Go."

There was obviously no emotion in her dull eyes, but Li Hanzhou strangely saw an emotion called schadenfreude?

Li Hanzhou thought to himself, could it be that he must not miss out on seeing a child with a wicked heart.

Lu Shiran was confused: "What are you talking about? What chicken? Where are you going, I will go too."

The old lady disagreed: "Just got out of the hospital, don't run around."

Lu Shiran, the wronged one, could only watch helplessly as the two cousins ​​took the cousin, and the cousin picked up Li Hanzhou.


The wicked trio from the Lu family got into the car with the intention of attacking Qin Xuan.

Just as he sat down, Qiao Yun's cell phone rang.

She took it out to take a look.

It was a message from an unknown number.

[Don't be too happy, I haven't surrendered yet, I will come back! 】

Qiao Yun frowned, and quickly realized that Qin Xuan was the only person who could send her such a message at this time.

After thinking about it, she tapped the keyboard with her tender fingertips.

【Come on. 】

Qin Xuan, who received Qiao Yun's reply, was so annoyed that he almost dropped his phone.

What does she mean by that?
Are you mocking her?

Qin Xuan thought angrily, Qiao Yun is really annoying.

two hours later.

The car stopped at the airport.

The driver stopped and took out Qin Xuan's small suitcase from the trunk.

Qin Xuan took the suitcase and looked at the huge airport with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

She thought proudly, as long as she boarded the plane, the Emperor and I would have nothing to do with her.

"Miss, let's go, it's time." The driver said respectfully.

"Let's go."

Qin Xuangang was about to take a step.

A group of people suddenly walked in front of her and blocked her way.

Qin Xuan frowned: "Get out of the way."

The leading man took out his ID card, and said in a calm voice, "Qin Xuan, right? You are now suspected of a crime of intentional injury and drug trafficking, and now you have to add a crime of absconding. Since the circumstances are too serious, please contact us. Return to the police station for investigation."

Qin Xuan was shocked, and stared at the group of plainclothes policemen full of sense of justice, with a look of shock and fear.

"Why should I believe your words, you must be fake!" Qin Xuan wanted to leave like crazy, "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The plainclothes policeman said seriously, "Do you want to assault the police?"

There were many people at the airport, Qin Xuan made such a fuss, many people surrounded him.

Hearing that it was the police arresting fugitives, some people even picked up their mobile phones to secretly record the video.

Qin Xuan's voice trembled: "Do you know who I am? I am Miss Qin, if you dare to touch me, my grandfather will not let you go!"

"Whoever you are, you are breaking the law now, come with us!"

Seeing that Qin Xuan didn't cooperate, the plainclothes policemen simply grabbed her.

Qin Xuan kept struggling and shouted loudly: "Let go of me, I'm from M country, not Hua country, you have no right to arrest me!"

When the onlookers heard this, they were dissatisfied and pointed at Qin Xuan.

"Are people from country M superior to others? If you break the law, you should be punished by law."

"You are so young and so beautiful, why do you do bad things?"

"Shut up!" Qin Xuan shouted with red eyes, turned his head, but met Qiao Yun who was standing in the crowd, looking at her with relish.

Qin Xuan was stunned, and her eyes moved to Li Hanzhou again.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

why are they here
How can it be so coincidental?

What exactly is going on?

She roared heart-piercingly: "Qiao Yun! Why are you here?"

Qiao Yun glanced at her up and down, and said calmly, "Come and see you."

Qin Xuan felt that Qiao Yun was like a monster at the moment, and he couldn't hide from her wherever he went.

Qiao Yun calmly added: "I told you before, when the day comes, if you don't turn yourself in, I will arrest you."


Qin Xuan seemed to understand all the causes and consequences.

Why did the police come so quickly, and why did Qiao Yun come so coincidentally.

She laughed at herself: "It turns out that I was tricked by you!"

When she was still full of confidence, thinking that she could escape a catastrophe.

Qiao Yun appeared and slapped her, telling her to dream!

Too cruel.

What was waiting for her to turn herself in was simply waiting to see her laugh.

Qiao Yun knew about her plan a long time ago.

Qin Xuan looked embarrassed and said, "Are you satisfied now?"

Qiao Yun nodded: "It's okay."

Hurting her brother, she should learn a lesson.

She said in a calm voice, "Go in, reform yourself, and strive to be a good person."

The sneer on Qin Xuan's face slowly disappeared, and he stared at Qiao Yun bitterly.

She really hated Qiao Yun's condescending look.

Qin Xuan asked Li Hanzhou again with a sad face: "Over the years, have you ever thought of me once, even if it was only for a few seconds?"

Qiao Yun frowned, feeling a rare impatience in her heart.

She didn't like the way Qin Xuan looked at Li Hanzhou.

Li Hanzhou looked at Qin Xuan with the eyes of an ant, and said ruthlessly: "I don't know you at all."

Qin Xuan's lips trembled.

Qiao Yun had seen enough of the show, and reached out to pull Li Hanzhou: "Let's go."


Lu Jingzhi and Lu Zhanxing stood behind Qiao Yun and saw this scene.

I thought the same thing.

Is Qin Xuan pitiful?

It must not be pitiful, but it deserves what it deserves.

Seeing that Qin Xuan stopped struggling, the police immediately took out the handcuffs and wanted to take her away.

Qin Xuan stared at Qiao Yun's back with red eyes, and an evil thought came to her heart, so she shouted: "Qiao Yun!"

Qiao Yun turned around subconsciously.

Qin Xuan suddenly picked up the suitcase and smashed it over.

"Go to hell!"

The change happened so fast, Li Hanzhou, who was walking beside Qiao Yun, hugged Qiao Yun almost without thinking about it, and protected Qiao Yun with his body.

Li Hanzhou groaned when the suitcase hit his back.

Qiao Yun's heart beat uncontrollably, and she pulled Li Hanzhou away: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Li Hanzhou endured the pain in his back to reassure Qiao Yun.

Qiao Yun taught him a lesson: "Don't do this next time, I have feet and I can get out of the way."

Li Hanzhou said helplessly: "As long as it is related to you, I have formed a conditioned reflex."

Qiao Yun: "..."

Qiao Yun thought for a while, and grabbed Li Hanzhou's hand.

Li Hanzhou was obediently caught by her.

Qiao Yun sighed lightly: "You..."

She didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lu Zhanxing couldn't see it anymore, and stopped in time: "If you don't leave, you will be in the headlines."

Only then did Qiao Yun realize that because of this accident, more people gathered, and many people took videos of them.

Qin Xuan was detained by the police, and he almost gritted his teeth watching them "feeling so much".

She knew that she had lost, completely lost.


In the car.

Qiao Yun asked Li Hanzhou worriedly: "Are you okay?"

Li Hanzhou rubbed the back of his head: "Well, but..."

"What?" Qiao Yun pulled his cuff, looking at his eyes bright and full of concern.

Li Hanzhou put down his hand, his palm was stained with blood, he said expressionlessly: "I'm a little dizzy..."

After finishing speaking, he leaned his head on Qiao Yun's shoulder and fell unconscious.

Lu Zhanxing: "..."

Lu Jingzhi: "..."

To die!

The dignified Lord Li was knocked unconscious by the suitcase, and he laughed to death when he said it!
(End of this chapter)

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