If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 663 Looks like they want to tear face off with me!

Chapter 663 Looks like they want to tear face off with me!

"This... what should we do now?"

Lu Zhanxing was so shocked that he couldn't react.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Li Hanzhou was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang in his mind.

So powerful that no one can shake it.

Who would have thought that a mere suitcase would convince Master Li.

Qiao Yun supported Li Hanzhou's head, and said calmly, "Sheng Qiao Hospital."

"Yes, go to the hospital." Lu Zhanxing quickly told Lu Jing, "Brother, go to the hospital quickly."

"I know." Lu Jingzhi looked serious.

If something happens to Li Hanzhou, I don't know if the Li family will blame them.

Qiao Yun took out a tissue, and slowly and carefully wiped off the blood on Li Hanzhou's hands.

She lowered her eyes, and her worried eyes fell on Li Hanzhou's unparalleled handsome face.

At this moment, the man's long eyelashes were quietly drooping on his eyelids, the aura around him was completely restrained, and his breathing fluctuated steadily.

Looked like fell asleep.

Qiao Yun raised her hand, touched his face with her fingertips, then rolled up her fingertips in a concealed manner as if she had done something wrong, and glanced at the seat in front of her guiltily.

Seeing that her brother didn't notice her small movements, she was relieved, and couldn't help but make a comment in her heart.

Looking at a cold person, it is quite harmless to close your eyes.

But a suitcase can knock him down, isn't it too weak?
Qiao Yun thought in her heart, when Li Hanzhou woke up, she should urge him to exercise properly.

But thinking that Li Hanzhou is different from others, Qiao Yun thought about it, and changed her words to Lu Jingzhi: "Not going to the hospital, go to Joseph Research Institute."

"Okay." Lu Jingzhi turned the steering wheel without hesitation.

On the contrary, Lu Zhanxing frowned and asked puzzledly, "Sister, is he injured so badly?"

"Just in case." Qiao Yun's tone was complicated.

She couldn't explain to Lu Zhanxing that Li Hanzhou's situation was different from others.

Lu Zhanxing thought it made sense.

Master Li's body is precious, so it's better to be careful and safe.


Qin family.

Mr. Qin just received news from his subordinates.

Qin Xuan ran away.

"Asshole, I'm glad that she's so obedient this time, so it's for this purpose." Mr. Qin was so angry that he sat on the sofa and slammed on his cane.

Mrs. Qin approached her intimately, and comforted her: "Dad, calm down first, this is the end of the matter, don't force Xuan'er any more."

Qin Yuan didn't persuade him, looking for a sense of presence at this time is just waiting to be scolded.

Mr. Qin stared at his daughter coldly for a while, then asked her in a deep voice, "Did you help her escape?"

Mrs. Qin's expression was slightly stiff, but she admitted decisively: "It's me."


"Dad! That's my daughter." Mrs. Qin shed tears as she said, and cried, "It's a piece of meat that fell from my body. You can't let me just watch her go to die."

"You are confused!" Mr. Qin closed his eyes, "You have completely ruined the plan."

Mrs. Qin stopped crying: "Plan?"

"Surrendering himself in is just a tactic to delay the attack. I have already arranged to push all the evidence of the crime to others. Qin Xuan is at most a person who knows and does not report."

Mr. Qin was going to be stupid to death by these two women in the family.

Mrs. Qin said weakly: "Your attitude yesterday, how do we know that you have other arrangements..."

Why didn't Mr. Qin know what Mrs. Qin was thinking, and said angrily: "You think I asked Qin Xuan to surrender because he wanted to show it to my grandson? I did have this idea, but at the same time I also arranged for Qin Xuan to be exonerated If she ran away now, wouldn't she be charged with a real crime?"

Mrs. Qin said awkwardly: "Xuan'er may have boarded the plane now, even if the charges are true, they can't do anything about it."

Mr. Qin thought to himself, you don't care anymore, his grandson probably thought he was helping Qin Xuan escape.

It would take a lot of work to get Lu Shiran to recognize him willingly.

Sure enough, Qin Xuan couldn't stay in the Qin family anymore.

"Sir, it's not good."

The butler hurried in and said anxiously, "I just got the news that the eldest lady was taken away by the police at the airport."

The three members of the Qin family were shocked.

Old Master Qin asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"


"Grandpa, this is wrong." Qin Yuan finally said, "It's a coincidence, as if I have been waiting for my sister for a long time."

Mr. Qin had an angry look on his face: "It must have been calculated."

Mrs. Qin interrupted their discussion anxiously: "Dad, what should we do now? Don't you already have arrangements?"

Mr. Qin asked the housekeeper, "Have you done what you were asked to do?"

"Master, don't worry, the matter has been settled, and now all the evidence will point to the lady's suitor, Mike."

"Okay, you did a good job." Mr. Qin was full of confidence: "According to the original plan."


After hearing the words, Mrs. Qin finally felt at ease.

If her daughter really went to jail, would she have any face as a mother?
Just then, there was a noise from outside.

Several bodyguards and two serious-looking men came in from outside while arguing.

The butler stepped forward first and asked, "Who are you?"

The leading man could not refuse, "Madam Qin, please come with us."

Mrs. Qin has a dignified appearance, and her voice has the elegance of an upper-class person, "Run to my house and want to take me away? Are you crazy? Why don't you drive them out."

Before the bodyguard could do anything, the leading man took out his ID: "We are from the Public Security Bureau, want to attack the police? Mrs. Qin, you are now suspected of assisting the suspect to abscond, go back with us for investigation."

Mrs. Qin felt guilty for a moment, and then she said straightforwardly: "Even if you are the Public Security Bureau, don't try to take me away without evidence."

However, the criminal police didn't want to talk nonsense with her, "If there is any evidence, just walk with us and we will find out."

As he said that, he was about to step forward to arrest people.

Mrs. Qin was shocked by their righteous words, she turned to Mr. Qin for help: "Dad, I can't let them take me away."

Mr. Qin shouted coldly: "Call your superiors!"

The detective said: "Even if the superior came today, she has to go with us. Why, want to make trouble? Let's go together."

Mr. Qin was so angry that he almost beat his chest and stamped his feet.

If he was in country M, even the chief of the police station would respect him.

Qin Yuan rationally said to Mr. Qin: "Grandpa, this is not M country, we should keep a low profile in our work, and just take my mother to investigate, and they will have to release her after 24 hours at most."

Mr. Qin saw the strength of the other party. They didn't care that he was the head of the Qin family. In the end, he still didn't say much.

Anyway, it's just to make this poor daughter suffer a little bit, and let her have a long memory.

Mrs. Qin resisted to no avail and was taken away.

What a shame!

Mr. Qin said gloomyly: "It must be something good done by the Lu family! It seems that they want to tear themselves apart with me!"

Qin Yuan couldn't help thinking that this matter might have something to do with Qiao Yun.

How did he think at the beginning that he thought that Qiao Yun was obedient and easy to manipulate, and even wanted to pursue her?
But it may be that the more you can't get it, the more you miss it. Although Qin Yuan stumbled on Qiao Yun, he still misses Qiao Yun even more.

Mr. Qin ordered the housekeeper with an ugly face: "Go and ask someone to watch the police station."

The butler replied: "Yes."

Mr. Qin's majestic and old face was still a little angry: "Your grandfather, I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have fallen so hard!"

Qin Yuan whispered: "Grandpa, the Lu family is more difficult than we thought."

"Oh, fight with me, they are still tender, I was careless this time, and didn't take precautions against them in advance. I also blame Qin Xuan and your mother for not listening to me!" Mr. Qin sighed immediately: "Your cousin is here The Lu family has lived for such a long time, I hope they have not been spoiled by them."

He paused for a moment, then changed the topic and said: "But it doesn't hurt to be a little clever. The Qin family doesn't need a toothless tiger. I hope this matter won't affect your cousin's opinion of the Qin family."

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Qin Yuan's face.

Looking at the grandfather with such an obvious partiality, I felt so depressed that I couldn't vomit it out or swallow it.

Although Qin Xuan and his daughter were both taken away, Mr. Qin was not in a hurry when he calmed down. Anyway, after 24 hours, the police had to release him without evidence.


Lu Jingzhi drove Li Hanzhou to Qiaoser Research Institute in a hurry.

Qiao Yun had notified Grandpa Joseph in the car.

As soon as the car arrived, Li Hanzhou was rushed into the observation room again.

It was difficult for Lu Jingzhi and Lu Zhanxing to follow, so they could only wait outside.

Qiao Yun didn't follow up immediately, she took out her mobile phone and contacted Pei Yao.

"Evidence, send it over."


Pei Yao gloated again: "Boss, there is one more thing. Our people monitored that the Qin family wanted to give false testimony for Qin Xuan."

Ever since he knew that Qin Xuan was responsible for these things, Pei Yao had already arranged for people to keep an eye on the Qin family, including all their movements on the Internet.

So when the technicians of the Qin family wanted to erase the evidence left by Qin Xuan on the Internet.

The people on Qiao Yun's side created an illusion for them.

In fact, the evidence has not been eliminated at all.

Qiao Yun said seriously: "It is not allowed to give false testimony."

"I understand and I will tell the police."


Pei Yao added: "Also, what happened at the airport has already been posted on the Internet, and it hasn't caused much public opinion yet. Do we need to stop it?"

Qin Xuan made a big fuss at the airport and even smashed Qiao Yun with his suitcase. Someone who had troubled him posted it on the Internet long ago.

Qiao Yun said succinctly: "Don't stop it. Delete the video related to us."

Master Li was hit by a suitcase. This kind of embarrassing thing should not be known to too many people.

Qiao Yun nodded silently, she was really kind to Li Hanzhou, and she cared about his face so much.

"Okay, I see."

There was indeed a high-definition video of Qin Xuan hitting Li Hanzhou with a suitcase.

Pei Yao was speechless for a long time after seeing it.

But I still want to thank Li Hanzhou for protecting Qiao Yun.

After Qiao Yun gave her orders, she hung up the phone. The Qin family has Pei Yao to deal with it, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Qiao Yun walked into the observation room, glanced at Li Hanzhou who was being checked with various instruments, and blinked slightly.

She pursed her lips and asked Joseph, "Second Grandpa, how is he doing?"

José's expression was rare and dignified: "It may not be very good."

Qiao Yun was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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