Chapter 675 A Big Gift For You

When Zhong Lu was in a stalemate, he raised his hand, slapped off the pen in Mrs. Qin's hand, then raised his neck, like a proud big white goose, and said angrily, "Threatening me? Okay, you dare to do it on your body!" One cut, and I dare to jump from here."

Mrs. Qin was stunned.

In order to prove that he was not joking, Lu Shiran walked slowly to the window, opened the window, and threatened: "Come on, who is afraid of whom! When the time comes, everyone will believe that I jumped down by myself, or you Because you are afraid that I will compete with you for family property and want to plot against me, and push me down."

He said with a sinister smile: "Don't forget, there is Qin Xuan's lesson from the past, and everyone will definitely believe me more."


"Threatening me, you uncle, I hate people threatening me the most! Cut it off, why don't you cut it off."

Mrs. Qin didn't know what to say for a moment, she never expected that Lu Shiran would play this trick for her.

"You..." Madam Qin pressed broken glass against the artery on her wrist angrily, "If you don't believe me, I'll show you right now."

Lu Shiran felt guilty for a moment.

To be honest, he was really worried that Mrs. Qin would do something.

The two of you threatened me, and I threatened you, but neither of them moved, they were secretly observing each other.

"Why don't you do it?"

When the atmosphere was deadlocked, a cold voice came.

Qiao Yun walked in, still holding the phone in her hand, she first glanced at Mrs. Qin inexplicably, and then looked at Lu Shiran who was about to step out of the window with one foot.


Lu Shiran was stared at by Qiao Yun's condemning eyes, he didn't know why he was a little panicked, he hurriedly pulled his foot back, and smiled mischievously: "I just want to scare her."

Qiao Yun didn't believe Lu Shiran's words. If Mrs. Qin really dared to do something to her, according to Lu Shiran's character that she would rather die than surrender, she would definitely jump off and take the opponent into the army.

Lu Shiran lowered his head and explained in a low voice: "I saw that this is the second floor, and there is a shed below. Even if I jump down, I won't be injured. Brother, my skills are still very good."

Qiao Yun taught with a sullen face, "No, you don't cherish your body."

"I was wrong, sister."

Mrs. Qin said disdainfully, "I knew you didn't dare to dance."

Qiao Yun turned to look at Mrs. Qin, and said in a flat voice, "It's okay for you to harm yourself, I have a video."

She raised her mobile phone and pointed it at Mrs. Qin.

"What..." Mrs. Qin staggered and almost fell to the ground, "You actually secretly videotaped?"

Lu Shiran was surprised: "Sister, when did you come?"

He thought angrily, why didn't he think of the method of video recording, he was still too naive.

Qiao Yun looked at Mrs. Qin as if she was looking at a clown: "When the cup falls."

That is, from the beginning to the end, Lu Shiran had Qiao Yun's backing, and he said confidently: "You do it, do it quickly."

Mrs. Qin's eyelids twitched, and her gaze fell on the mobile phone Qiao Yun was holding. She wondered if she could grab the mobile phone with her own strength.
She raised her head, and happened to meet Qiao Yun's quiet gaze, and suddenly felt a little bit of panic in her heart, and she just felt shivering all over, as if there was nothing to hide from what she thought in her heart.

"Not yet?"

Someone spoke again, the voice was loose and lazy, deep and magnetic.

Mrs. Qin followed the voice and looked over.

Li Hanzhou was wearing a black shirt, leaning against the door frame, looking at Qiao Yun's eyes, gentle and dazzling.

Mrs. Qin looked like the sky was thundering.

When did Li Hanzhou come?
Li Hanzhou smiled: "Madam Qin's acting skills are really good."

There was a bang in Madam Qin's head.

Feeling ashamed and lost at home.

She stuffed the letter of understanding into her bag in a hurry, and then ran away in a hurry as if she was shameless.

Lu Shiran blinked: "Are you running away?"

"Are you hurt?" Qiao Yun's light voice was filled with concern.

"I'm fine." Lu Shiran patted his head: "But sister, why are you here?"

"Cheng Yi said, you were taken away."

Lu Shiran clicked his tongue: "They made too much fuss. The old hag came to me just to ask me to sign a letter of understanding. Your brother is not stupid, so how could he sign it? Cut, you even threatened me, and I'm not afraid of threats." .”

"It's right not to sign." Qiao Yun praised: "Well done."

"Hehehe." Being praised by his sister, Lu Shiran was a little flustered.

"If you want to find you again, don't bother. Signing the letter of understanding is useless. If you break the law, you won't let her go."

Lu Shiran agreed: "I know, I will ignore it next time."

Qiao Yun added: "No matter what happens, don't hurt yourself."

"Oh." Lu Shiran felt guilty, if he knew that his sister had already arrived, he wouldn't be so impulsive.

"By the way, did you really record it?"

"Well, it's recorded."

Lu Shiran sneered: "Send me a copy."

Qiao Yun didn't know what he was going to do, so she nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Only then did Li Hanzhou ask Qiao Yun with a faint smile: "It's all right now, can we go?"

Lu Shiran asked in confusion: "Where are you going? Sister, you are here, let's have a meal together?"

"No." Qiao Yun shook her head, without changing her face, said: "I promised him first, and I can't go back on my word."

"Then let's go together."

"Impossible." Qiao Yun said seriously: "I am in a relationship with him, and we cannot have light bulbs. This is wrong."

Li Hanzhou almost lost his mind because of Qiao Yun's words.

He found that Professor Qiao is really good at pampering people invisible.

Lu Shiran was dumbfounded: "What the hell?"

Li Hanzhou took Qiao Yun's hand and clasped his fingers tightly: "Let's get to know each other again, I'm her new boyfriend."

Lu Shiran: What?What is this?

"I'll be leaving first. If you need anything, look for me." Qiao Yun took Li Hanzhou's hand and walked away side by side with him.

Lu Shiran shook in place.

How did the world change so fast?
"Brother Lu, are you okay?"

Yu Fan poked his head in from the door, and Cheng Yi stood behind him.

Seeing that Lu Shiran's body was stiff and his eyes were wide open, he shouted anxiously: "Damn, have you been drugged? Otherwise, why would you look like a fool."

Lu Shiran regained his composure, and said angrily, "You're just stupid."

Cheng Yi asked: "It's okay, what are you doing standing there?"

"It's nothing." Lu Shiran's head was in a mess, "By the way, why did you call my sister here?"

Yu Fan laughed and said, "We are just afraid that something will happen to you."

Lu Shiran muttered: "I'm a big man, and it's too embarrassing for my sister to come to the rescue."

Thinking of this, Lu Shiran felt a fire in his heart, burning so vigorously that there was really nowhere to vent it.

I don't know if it's because I feel ashamed to be rescued by my sister, or because of Li Hanzhou's words,
In the end, he simply burned the fire on Mrs. Qin.

If Mrs. Qin made trouble for him, he would make trouble for her too.

He was bullied to the top, how could he not retaliate.


Mrs. Qin returned to the car with a sullen face.

Thinking of being ashamed and thrown in front of the Li family, and being ruined by a little girl, Qiao Yun.

Angrily, she took the letter of understanding out of her bag and tore it to pieces!
It seems that this trick is useless...

Mrs. Qin thought anxiously, if Qin Xuan really couldn't come out this time, she didn't know whether Qin Yuan would be affected.

Mrs. Qin frowned, how could that be, Qin Yuan is innocent, why should he bear the blame for Qin Xuan.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt a headache. She rubbed the corner of her eyebrows, thinking resentfully.

If it wasn't for Lu Shiran, how could she be so ashamed today.

Maybe there is still something in Qiao Yun's hands now.

Mrs. Qin swore secretly that she would never let Lu Shiran return to the Qin family!She will make Lu Shiran regret humiliating her like this today!

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

When Mrs. Qin saw the call reminder, her heart couldn't help shaking.


In the car, Qiao Yun asked Pei Yao to arrange some people to protect Lu Shiran. The Qin family will find him once, and there may be a second time. She'd better pay attention.

Pei Yao didn't force him to be lazy this time, mainly because he was afraid that Qiao Yun would ask him if he had memorized the materials.

After giving the order, Qiao Yun glanced sideways out of the car window and found that it was not the way home, so she went to look at Li Hanzhou again, and asked with bright eyes, "Are you going on a date?"

"Cough cough cough..." Li Hanzhou almost choked to death on his own saliva.

He almost couldn't stand such a straightforward kid.

Of course, he was happy for Qiao Yun to be so straightforward.

If Qiao Yun dodged him, he would feel distressed instead.

Qiao Yun raised her hand, and gently patted Li Hanzhou's back with her soft hand, "You are so stupid."

Li Hanzhou held Qiao Yun's hand naturally: "Today's late is not considered a date, taking you to dinner is considered a celebration."

Today is Qiao Yun's first day of promising him, you must celebrate.

"Oh." Qiao Yun looked down at the clasped hands, but said nothing.

She didn't feel sick.


The two came to a western restaurant.

Li Hanzhou specially booked a couple's box, and when he walked into the box, he secretly glanced at Qiao Yun, wanting to know her reaction.

It's a pity that Qiao Yun didn't respond at all, she just pulled out the chair and sat down indifferently.

Li Hanzhou: "..."

Forget it, talking about romance with Professor Qiao is better than talking about research with her.

The two sat down, and the dishes were served one by one.

Qiao Yun didn't move in a hurry, she looked at Li Hanzhou with a thoughtful look on her face.

Li Hanzhou tapped the dining table lightly with his bony fingers, jokingly said: "If you continue to look at me, I will be a beast."

Qiao Yun came back to his senses, and asked without changing his face: "Do you want to do business with me?"

"Huh?" The topic changed suddenly, but Li Hanzhou didn't react.

Qiao Yun said in a soft voice: "Do you want to cooperate with the new technological products developed by the research institute?"

Li Hanzhou paused: "Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

Qiao Yun said solemnly: "It's said on the Internet that when you fall in love, you can enhance your relationship by giving gifts that the other party likes."

Professor Qiao is studying it very seriously.

Li Hanzhou has everything, Qiao Yun thought he might be interested in career, so he took him to make money.

Qiao Yun added another sentence: "Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields, I still understand."

Li Hanzhou propped his chin and laughed uncontrollably: "Little friend, you are so kind to me."

Qiao Yun nodded seriously: "You are my person now, so it should be nice to you."

Professor Qiao was famous for protecting the calf.

"But I don't need it." Li Hanzhou told her, "I don't want interests mixed up between us."

Qiao Yun blinked, seemingly puzzled, "The gift I gave you is not adulterated with interests."

The corner of Li Hanzhou's mouth twitched: "A gift of more than one billion... Pei Yao knows that you are such a prodigal?"

Qiao Yun nodded honestly: "He knows."


Qiao Yun didn't care and said: "It doesn't matter, I raise him just to let him make money for me, and I can't earn more than a billion, so why should I raise him?"

Li Hanzhou used to think that Pei Yao was a stumbling block in his love life, but now he finds out that this stumbling block seems a bit pitiful?
Li Hanzhou knew that being able to cooperate with Professor Qiao would bring him great benefits, but he still refused.

As a man, how can he let his wife take care of him? He doesn't want to lose face?

Then he heard Qiao Yun say: "Qin Yuan has been looking for me, just wanting this patent, oh, yes, he hasn't given up yet. If you don't want it..."

"..." Li Hanzhou snorted, and said without changing his face: "I accept your gift."

"Be good." Qiao Yun pursed her lips, seeming to reveal a hint of a smile.

Silently in her heart, she ticked √ the option of giving gifts.

Li Hanzhou always had the feeling that he was being tricked, it must be his illusion, how could Qiao Yun be so simple to trick him.

Li Hanzhou thought helplessly, he hadn't done anything yet, how could he be preempted by Qiao Yun.

Inexplicably, he had the illusion of being taken care of by Qiao Yun?
Thinking of the date Qiao Yun said today, he planned in his heart to give Qiao Yun a perfect date.


After eating, Li Hanzhou sent Qiao Yun home.

The car stopped at the gate of Lu's house, Qiao Yun unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car, told Li Hanzhou to be careful on the road, and then got up to leave.

But Li Hanzhou grabbed his wrist.

She paused and looked back.

The street lights on the side of the street fell into Li Hanzhou's deep eyes, which made these usually unfathomable eyes a little more gentle.

Qiao Yun's eyelids twitched. She didn't think much of it before, but now that she changed her mind, she realized that Li Hanzhou really fit her aesthetics.

Li Hanzhou rubbed Qiao Yun's wrist with his thumb, and said in a meaningful voice, "Did you forget something?"

"What?" Qiao Yun was puzzled.

Li Hanzhou let out a low laugh, with a rising voice: "Our relationship is different now, don't you think there are any shortcomings?"

"Oh." Qiao Yun suddenly realized, and remembered the information he had read, "I see, is it right to kiss you goodnight?"

Li Hanzhou couldn't help but widen his peachy eyes, staring straight at Qiao Yun's eyes. He licked his thin lips and said flattered, "I didn't hear clearly, please say it again."

"It's said in the information that when couples say goodbye, they will give each other a kiss. This is a way of expressing love."

With the mood of trying to do a good job in research, Qiao Yun lowered her head and looked at Li Hanzhou's thin waist thoughtfully.

It seems to be hugging, right?
Qiao Yun moved her fingers, and finally chose to grab the fabric on both sides of his shirt with both hands, and said without changing expression: "I'm ready, you can come."

As she spoke, she raised her fair neck and looked at Li Hanzhou with clear and beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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