Chapter 676 Qiao Yun Gives Him a Very Strange Feeling

Li Hanzhou's heart skipped a beat.

He just wanted Qiao Yun to give him a hug, or say something to him: Boyfriend, see you tomorrow.

When Qiao Yun was not caught up, Qiao Yun took the initiative, but after Qiao Yun was caught up, she still took the initiative.

Li Hanzhou thought helplessly, it seems that he can't hang around with her just because he is afraid of scaring the children.

The consequence of being too cautious is that he will be led by the nose.

Obviously his ideal first kiss should be naturally when the love is strong, not now...

Well, I'm even more excited.

Li Hanzhou stared at Qiao Yun's small mouth, his heart was pounding, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

His fingers curled up, then lifted up, and gently slid across Qiao Yun's cheek.

Seeing that he didn't move, Qiao Yun encouraged, "Although I haven't kissed anyone before, I will study hard, and you should work hard too."

Li Hanzhou suddenly felt that it would be good to be an experimental product.

Without hesitation, he raised his hand to pinch Qiao Yun's chin, lowered his eyelashes halfway, and lowered his head slightly, approaching Qiao Yun's lips.

Before touching the softness of my heart, a faint voice suddenly sounded, "Sister, what are you doing?"

Li Hanzhou: "..."

Li Hanzhou sighed unwillingly and turned his head away, and sure enough, he saw Lu Zhanxing standing behind them with a smile on his face, looking at Li Hanzhou as if he was looking at a big bad wolf who came to pick up his little white rabbit in the middle of the night.

Qiao Yun didn't show any embarrassment because of Lu Zhanxing's appearance, and asked as usual: "Isn't my brother working?"

"Go home and have a look while I'm free, I'm going to leave later..." Lu Zhanxing always felt uncomfortable all day long, so he took advantage of the rest time to go home and watch over his sister, unexpectedly, there was a surprise.

The corners of his lips twitched, and his eyes fell on Li Hanzhou, "Master Li, please take my sister back. It's inconvenient for our family to entertain you now."

The meaning of chasing guests is very obvious.

Li Hanzhou was not angry because of Lu Zhanxing's rude tone, he said softly to Qiao Yun, "I'm going first."

Lu Zhanxing raised his eyebrows in surprise, so he's leaving now?So simple?
No, this is not like Li Hanzhou's character at all.

Li Hanzhou didn't make things difficult for Lu Zhanxing, but he didn't want to make things difficult for Qiao Yun. He loved his future wife very much.

"Be careful on the road."

With Lu Zhanxing here, Qiao Yun couldn't carry out the experiment, so she opened her arms and gave Li Hanzhou a hug.

Lu Zhanxing: 0.0
Li Hanzhou smiled lowly, feeling dissatisfied in his heart because the hug was coaxed.

After Li Hanzhou left, Lu Zhanxing immediately showed a little milk dog's smile, "Sister, let's go home."

"Okay." Qiao Yun looked away, and followed Lu Zhanxing to the door.

Lu Zhanxing thought of the scene he saw just now, and asked tentatively, "Sister, what were you talking about just now?"

Qiao Yun said seriously with a small face, "I'm studying goodnight kisses."

"Huh? What the hell? Why did you study goodnight kisses with him." Lu Zhanxing's face was quite exciting, and those who didn't know thought he was performing a face-changing show.

Qiao Yun said sincerely: "We are in a relationship, this is an inevitable process. If it goes well, I will have a postgraduate child with him."

Lu Zhanxing's face cracked immediately, his face was smiling just now, but now his heart was so sore, "Sister, you think too early, you haven't reached the legal age of marriage yet."

Qiao Yun nodded in agreement: "So I started my research from dating, not from marriage."

Lu Zhanxing stared.

The meaning of my sister's words is that she agreed to fall in love first because she has not yet reached the legal age. If she does, is it possible to get married directly?

Sister, your view of love is a bit dangerous!
Lu Zhanxing grinned his teeth, his cheeks puffed up with anger, and Qiao Yun blinked, feeling that his brother was like a puffer fish, about to blow himself up.

Qiao Yun felt that her brother might be angry, but she didn't know what he was angry about.

But it doesn't matter, no matter what the anger is, she just coaxes it.

Qiao Yun thought for a while and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Lu Zhan didn't have time to eat in order to save time.

Qiao Yun said: "I'll cook something delicious for you, it will be done quickly, and it won't waste time."

When Lu Zhanxing thought that he could eat the delicacies made by his sister, he immediately changed from a puffer fish to a puppy, wishing he could wag his tail at Qiao Yun.

"I want noodles."

"Okay." Qiao Yun pursed her lips.

Brother, it's so coaxing.

Qiao Yun cooked a bowl of seafood ramen for Lu Zhanxing, and the delicious Lu Zhanxing didn't have the heart to think about Li Hanzhou at all.


When Lu Jingzhi got home, he learned that his sister cooked it for him, so he managed to avoid Lu Zhanxing spitting out the noodles.

Lu Zhanxing sat proudly in front of Lu Jingzhi, drank the last mouthful of soup, and burped: "It's delicious."

How could Lu Jingzhi not see Lu Zhanxing's deliberate showing off, and sneered, "Are you full?"


"Okay, practice with me."

Lu Zhanxing's expression froze: "Brother, are you a devil?"

"Why, you are allowed to come to the company to practice with me in the middle of the night, but I am not allowed to practice with you now, to see how kind my brother treats you, and wait until you are full."

Lu Zhanxing: "..."

He put down his chopsticks, stood up quickly, and said anxiously: "I can't do it, I'm going to be late. Brother, I'm leaving first."

After speaking, he ran like the wind.

Lu Jingzhi shook his head and laughed, he raised his foot and wanted to go upstairs, but just stepped on the steps, his footsteps paused, and with an unknown mood, he turned to the small kitchen.

With a serious face, he lifted the lid of the pot to have a look.

The pot was cleaner than his face, and it was probably eaten by Lu Zhanxing. A gloomy smile flashed in Lu Jingzhi's eyes, it seemed that it was time to find a good brother to practice.


Qiao Yun didn't know about the dispute between the two brothers, so she went upstairs after cooking noodles for Lu Zhanxing.

Then I received another call from Pei Yao.

"Boss, I found out something about the G.M Institute."

The drug that the kidnappers almost injected into Lu Shiran was from the G.M Research Institute, and from Li Hanzhou's mouth, Qiao Yun knew that this drug was simply not available in China.

So even though Qin Xuan was under the law now, Qiao Yun decided to check it out out of caution.

She has never given up. The kidnapping of Lu Shiran may be the idea of ​​two different people.

But she has no proof yet.

Li Hanzhou said that he would do the research, and Qiao Yun agreed, but then Li Hanzhou fainted, so Qiao Yun asked Pei Yao to collect information on the G·M Research Institute first.

After Pei Yao's investigation, he found something was wrong.

"Three years ago, under Li Hanzhou's manipulation, the G·M Research Institute was destroyed, and all the participants were taken away, but I noticed that their system lost part of the information."

Qiao Yun was thoughtful when he heard this.

Pei Yao continued: "This part of the information is the record of all the funding sources of the research institute. I have a feeling that if we can know who invested in this research institute, we might be able to follow the vine to find out who appeared in the country. The source of this potion, then maybe we can know if there is a second person who wants to be unfavorable to Lu Shiran."

"Can it be recovered?"

"It will take some time."

Although the G·M Research Institute was seized, many materials and computers were still sealed. This matter has not been fully settled in Country M, and is still in the investigation stage.

It's not impossible for Pei Yao to get the computer system chip of the research institute, but it needs to be manipulated.

Although they Sheng Qiao Group has a lot of money, they can't just rush to grab it.

Pei Yao said to Qiao Yun, "Give me a few days."

Qiao Yun ordered: "As soon as possible."

"No problem, promise to complete the task."

If there is really a second person secretly trying to hurt Lu Shiran, Qiao Yun, who is very defensive, will never let him go.


Mrs. Qin was called home urgently by Mr. Qin's phone call.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his father's face, and his heart skipped a beat, feeling that something was wrong.

Mr. Qin didn't give Mrs. Qin a chance to speak first. When he saw someone came back, he raised his hand and slapped him.

There was a loud snap, which showed that he hit it with all his strength.

This slap not only stunned Mrs. Qin, but also shocked Qin Yuan.

With red eyes, Mrs. Qin complained, "Dad, why did you hit me?"

Mr. Qin ignored her grievances, and said coldly: "What good thing did you do, you don't know? Do you need me to remind you?"

Mrs. Qin covered her face, her eyes dodged: "What, what?"

Mr. Qin gritted his teeth and said, "Run to threaten my grandson, you are so capable! If you weren't my biological daughter, you would have been taken care of by me now!"

Grandpa Qin suddenly received a message from Lu Shiran, thinking that his grandson had figured it out.

But he didn't expect his grandson to surprise him.

The arrogant and threatening face of his daughter in the video once made him suspect that he had misjudged the person.

His daughter has always been gentle and gentle since she was a child, and she would only cry and come to him for protection when encountering problems.

In the blink of an eye, a video was thrown on his face, knocking him into a daze.

Only then did he realize that the daughter he had raised since childhood had unknowingly changed into a different temperament.

The granddaughter is obedient and the yin is contrary, and the daughter's personality is different from the outside, so it's hard for this grandson...

Thinking of this, old man Qin narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Yuan meaningfully.

Qin Yuan smiled stiffly and said, "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Old Master Qin withdrew his gaze. Maybe he was thinking too much. He raised his grandson by himself, and all his behaviors are under his supervision. If he has a wrong mind, he can't hide it from him.

He looked at his daughter and said coldly, "I warned you before not to go to my grandson, how dare you disobey me?"

"I, I have no choice but to. Xuan'er is my daughter. Dad, if you don't help me, I can only find a way by myself. Xuan'er is still young and ignorant. As a mother, can I still watch her suffer? ? Dad, you are also a father, if something happens to me, won't you help me?" Mrs. Qin cried while talking.

Although Mr. Qin has seen through the essence of his daughter, he was still a little moved when he heard what she said.

His anger subsided a little, and he rubbed the corners of his brows: "A loving mother has many failures! Let's forget about today's matter, let's not make another example."

Mrs. Qin took the opportunity to say, "Dad, think of a way to get him to sign the letter of understanding. As long as he signs, Xuan'er will be fine."

Mr. Qin laughed angrily: "If someone wants your life, you will sign the letter of understanding?"

Mrs. Qin's face was pale and she couldn't refute this.

Mr. Qin warned: "Lu Shiran is my own grandson, none of you are allowed to touch him, and if you dare to touch him, even you will get lost."

When Mrs. Qin heard this, shock appeared on her face, and her heart gradually became cold.She was extremely disappointed in what her father had done.

She couldn't hold it back for a moment, bit her lips and asked, "Dad, you are thinking about him now, but he never takes you seriously. Maybe not coming back now is to make you feel guilty about him, so he will get You love more..."

"Enough!" Mrs. Qin's words were like a knife, piercing Mr. Qin's heart fiercely. He wanted to teach Mrs. Qin a few words, but saw her tears falling down again.

Feeling restless, she finally stood up and walked upstairs.

"You should reflect on yourself, and you are not allowed to go out during this time."

Mrs. Qin's eyes widened slightly, and there was a trace of resentment on her face.

Looking at his mother's face full of anger, Qin Yuan said helplessly: "Mom, you are too impulsive, why did you run to find him, and even got videotaped to report to grandpa?"

"I never thought that he would be so vicious that he would file a complaint with your grandpa."

Mrs. Qin took out a tissue and wiped away her tears. The pitiful spirit she had just shown in front of Mr. Qin had long since disappeared.

"I've done so much, but it's not for you in the end. If Xuan'er's charges are confirmed, I'm afraid you will be affected too. Mom, I have been planning for so many years, how can I be willing to give up because of a little bastard."

"No hurry." Qin Yuan said calmly: "The reason why grandpa takes a fancy to him is that he still hopes that he will return to the Qin family. As long as he and grandpa have a quarrel, he will naturally not come back. No matter how long the grandfather If you like him, you will lose your patience."

He knows grandpa too well.

Now he keeps talking about maintaining Lu Shiran, but he is waiting for Lu Shiran to pass on his family, otherwise, after so many years, why did he wait until now to look for him.

The Qin family, where are the good people in the true sense, all for profit.

If Lu Shiran can't bring benefits to Grandpa, Grandpa will definitely not look at Lu Shiran more.

Mrs. Qin said angrily: "I'm almost successful, if Miss Lu didn't show up..."

"Qiao Yun?"

"It's her. It's her who does bad things every time. She made Xuan'er lose face last time, and now it makes me lose face." Mrs. Qin said, "Don't touch his grandson. I'll vent my anger on Qiao Yun. Your grandfather can't blame me anymore." ?”

Qin Yuan said, "No."

Mrs. Qin was surprised: "You really have a crush on her?"

Qin Yuan said inexplicably: "She's very interesting, isn't she? She looks so cute on the outside, but she's as fierce as a wolf on the inside."

And Qiao Yun gave him a very strange feeling, she had a faint aura of a superior person, as if no matter what happened, she could control the overall situation.

Qin Yuan checked Qiao Yun thoroughly, but no matter how he searched, the information told him that Qiao Yun had indeed lived in the countryside for many years, and was only taken home by the Lu family last year.

But with her temperament, can the Lu family really support it?

(End of this chapter)

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