Chapter 677 Find the right time, you can do it
Qin Yuan became more and more curious about Qiao Yun, and he couldn't believe that he couldn't find out the secret of Qiao Yun.

"If it wasn't for Li Hanzhou's support, she would be nothing."

Mrs. Qin's disdainful voice pulled Qin Yuan back from ecstasy.

Qin Yuan said in a flat voice: "With Li Hanzhou here, messing with Qiao Yun will only cause trouble for the Qin family, and grandpa will be even more angry."

Besides, he was humiliated by Pei Yao last time because of Qiao Yun's relationship. Until now, his family still thinks that it was because Qin Xuan provoked Qiao Yun that Pei Yao was dissatisfied.

"By the way, now that Pei Yao has a problem with you, what about your cooperation with the Apocalypse Research Institute?" Mrs. Qin was worried. As long as this matter can be done, the old man will definitely value Qin Yuan more and will not always think about landing. burn.

Qin Yuan said: "There will be a science and technology seminar tomorrow, and I'm going to try my luck to see if I can meet someone from the Apocalypse Research Institute."

Mrs. Qin hurriedly said, "You must finish this matter."

"I know." A stern look flashed across Qin Yuan's eyes.

It should be his, no one can take it away.

Mrs. Qin's eyes flickered again and she said, "Regardless of whether this can be done in the end, we'd better make preparations as soon as possible. Mom is afraid that your grandpa will be confused when he gets old, so he really carelessly treats the little bastard as his heir."

The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, holding the winning ticket and said: "I have a sense of proportion."

He was so confident that Mrs. Qin's uneasy heart finally settled down.


the next day.

Qin Yuan changed into a well-fitting suit and set off from Qin's house to the seminar site. When he left, Mr. Qin specifically asked him to pay attention to the people present and try to get on-line with people from the Apocalypse Research Institute.

Qin Yuan confidently told Mr. Qin that there was no problem, but before he arrived at the seminar site, Qin Yuan received a call from his assistant.

"President Qin, it's not good. The Li Group has released news that they will conduct in-depth cooperation with the Apocalypse Research Institute. The cooperation project is exactly what we need this time."

Qin Yuan's expression was gloomy: "The news is reliable?"

"It's true. The Li Group has released a statement on the Internet. This is the first time that the Apocalypse Institute has cooperated with a group other than Sheng Qiao, which has aroused a lot of discussion. The Li Group seems to attach great importance to this cooperation. There was a lot of momentum.”

Qin Yuan clenched his phone tightly, his eyes were angry and poisonous, like a poisonous snake.

He suspected for a moment that Li Hanzhou might be showing off to him on purpose.

Qin Yuan frowned, and said in a voice that could not hear the joy or anger: "I know, pay close attention to this matter, and report to me in time if there is any news."


Qin Yuan's face was very cold.

The Qin family wanted to formally start a business in China by relying on the cooperation with the Tianqi Research Institute, but was cut off by Li Hanzhou.

He couldn't help thinking that the G·M research institute he invested in four years ago was destroyed by Li Hanzhou.

In addition, Li Hanzhou also robbed Qiao Yun from him.

New and old hatreds gathered together, even Qin Yuan was scheming, and now he was also angered.

Li Hanzhou didn't know that Qin Yuan was about to explode. He deliberately spread the news about his cooperation with the Apocalypse Research Institute in order to stimulate Qin Yuan.Tell him whether it's Qiao Yun or cooperation, everything is his own, don't overpower him and rob him.


Mr. Qin didn't know that the cooperation matter was getting dirty again. He was trying his best to meet with Lu Shiran, and wanted to explain Mrs. Qin's impulsive behavior.

The main thing is not to blame him, after all, he really didn't know about it, if he knew, he would definitely stop his daughter from seeing Lu Shiran.

Lu Shiran didn't answer any calls from Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin didn't give up, and kept calling him from different numbers.

As a result, Lu Shiran's cell phone kept ringing, so loud that the old man couldn't help but look at him.

"Who called you? How many are there? Why don't you answer?"

Lu Shiran wrote lightly: "It's the one from the Qin family."

The old man's face turned cold instantly: "Isn't this the first time in this situation today?"

Lu Shiran was inexplicably guilty, and his voice became quieter: "He always wanted to meet me, but I refused."

The old man was shocked and said angrily: "Stinky boy, why didn't you tell me about such a big matter earlier, that old man is so shameless, my sister still has the face to see you if she is a scumbag!"

"Grandpa, I just don't think it's a big deal." Lu Shiran carefully looked at the old man's face, "Besides, I didn't promise to see him either."

The old man was troubled and said: "It's not an option to continue like this, I guess he won't give up."

"Simple." Lu Xian didn't know when he came back and heard their conversation. He calmly said: "Instead of procrastinating like this, it's better to make it clear in person."

The old man showed hesitation, obviously he didn't want Lu Shiran to have any contact with anyone from the Qin family.

Lu Shiran had no objection: "I'm fine, it's just...Dad, do you really want me to see you?"

"It's not that you ran away with the Qin family just after seeing each other."

"Oh." Lu Shiran touched his nose: "Then you must not be secretly unhappy."

Since the appearance of the Qin family, the atmosphere of the whole family has become somewhat depressed. Lu Shiran has been avoiding the Qin family because he is afraid that they will be unhappy.

The corner of Lu Xian's eyes twitched: "Your father, I have never seen such a big storm."

The old man said worriedly: "I will go with Shi Ran."

Lu Xian persuaded: "Dad, Shi Ran is already a big boy, and he can't be protected by us for the rest of his life. There are some things that he can solve by himself. I believe Shi Ran has his own judgment."

Having said that, in fact, he was also worried.

Lu Shiran raised his head and raised his chest and said, "Grandpa, I can take care of it, you don't have to worry."

The old man was full of reluctance, but in the end he didn't object.

Lu Shiran is a quick-tempered character, after making a decision, he immediately sent a message to Mr. Qin, telling him that he would like to meet.

Mr. Qin was quite pleasantly surprised. He made an appointment with Lu Shiran to meet him, and rushed over there in a hurry.


The two made an appointment to meet at the teahouse.

Mr. Qin arrived early, and when he saw Lu Shiran his eyes lit up, full of enthusiasm: "Shi Ran, you are finally willing to see Grandpa."

Lu Shiran didn't respond, he sat down.

Old Master Qin didn't care, he kept looking at Lu Shiran, and explained: "Grandpa didn't know about Wan'er looking for you, I've already taught her a lesson, so don't be angry."

Lu Shiran said indifferently: "You teach her a lesson is your business, whether I get angry or not is my business."

Mr. Qin thought that Lu Shiran was still angry, so he handed the menu in front of Lu Shiran, and said, "I came here in such a hurry, are you hungry? See if there is anything you want to eat?"

Lu Shiran didn't move, and said bluntly: "No need, I met you because I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Mr. Qin thought to himself, did he want to recognize him?
Lu Shiran had a cold face, trying to make himself look ruthless: "I just want to tell you that although I have a blood relationship with you, I will not recognize you, and you will not come to me in the future."

Lu Shiran's words instantly extinguished all the joy in Mr. Qin's heart. He pondered for a moment, and said, "If you still don't let go, I'll send your aunt back to country M, so she won't bother you."

"No." Lu Shiran said impassionedly: "I was born as a Lu family member in this life, and died as a ghost of the Lu family. I won't recognize..." He turned the end of his voice, and swallowed the confession of a thief as a father, "I won't recognize you of."

Mr. Qin's face became more and more ugly, but he soon returned to normal, "It seems that there are many misunderstandings between us."

Lu Shiran said bluntly: "From the beginning to the end, I didn't think of you as a family member. There is no misunderstanding. The person you should really recognize, that is, my own father, may have been reincarnated and reincarnated to be the same age as me. , why don't you go find him and ask him if he will forgive you?"

Mr. Qin: "..."

"That's all I want to say." Lu Shiran said dryly, he picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea, then put down the teacup and stood up, "Going back."

He refused so coldly and ruthlessly, he probably won't come to him again in the future.

Mr. Qin couldn't see what he was thinking on his wrinkled face. Seeing that Lu Shiran was about to leave, he finally said, "I understand. Since this is what you want, then I won't force you."

Lu Shiran was surprised, he thought Mr. Qin would mess around.

Mr. Qin sighed and said, "I've always felt guilty all these years. When I was young, my family forced me to marry, so I ran away from home. When I met your grandma, we fell in love at first sight. She and I fell in love very much."

He said with a look of nostalgia: "I wanted to go home and divorce and marry your grandma. Who would have thought that your grandma would find out. Your grandma is stubborn and disappeared immediately. No matter how I searched, I couldn't find it. miss her."

Lu Shiran remained unmoved: "No matter what you thought at the beginning, the fact is that you lied to my grandma."

Mr. Qin frowned secretly, thinking that after hearing the story, Lu Shiran would understand him and he had no choice but to do so.

He sighed again: "You're right, it's my fault."

After Lu Shiran made his words clear, he didn't want to wait. When he left, the melancholy on Mr. Qin's face disappeared completely.

He stood up slowly and walked out of the teahouse.

When the driver saw the old man coming out, he quickly opened the door for him.

Mr. Qin got into the car and asked the people sitting in the front row.

"How did you arrange the things you arranged before?"

"Master, it's almost done."

Mr. Qin said inscrutablely: "Find the right time, and you can do it."


Mr. Qin said again: "Xiao Zhang, your father hasn't come out yet, so I will leave the arrangements for you."

Mr. Qin's personal butler was imprisoned in the detention center for giving false testimony and has not yet come out, so the person who is following Mr. Qin now is the son of the butler, Uncle Zhang.

"Don't worry, old man, I know what to do."

"Very good." Mr. Qin narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of calculation in his eyes.

In this world, he is the only one who rejects people, and no one rejects him.


Mr. Qin agreed so happily not to bother him in the future, although Lu Shiran found it strange, he didn't think much about it.

I just thought that this matter was settled in this way, and when I returned to the old house, I said, "Grandpa, I just said that I will leave this matter to me, it will be absolutely fine, and the Qin family will not come to me again in the future."

The old man asked suspiciously, "Is it that simple?"

"Yes, yes, it's that simple."

"That's not right." The old man frowned: "The old man, why did he give up so easily?"

Lu Shiran spread his hands: "Maybe because I have a clear attitude."

"I hope I really gave up." The old man thought to himself, it's not good if the grandson is too good, there will always be someone who wants to snatch it.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "My dear grandson, do you want to consider being a scumbag?"

Lu Shiran:? ? ?Is this what my grandfather can say?

Lu Shiran thought he had accomplished a great event by himself, so he proudly told the whole family about it.

"Sister, brother, am I reliable?"

Qiao Yun praised him: "Reliable."

Lu Shiran climbed up the pole: "Look, you already have such a reliable brother, what more boyfriend do you need, do you want to consider breaking up?"

Qiao Yun: "..."

Lu Shiran questioned his soul: "Does your boyfriend smell like an older brother?"

Qiao Yun said with embarrassment: "It's very fragrant."

Lu Shiran almost choked himself.

Qiao Yun said again: "Children only make choices, and adults want them all."

"Who said that?"

"Miaomiao said."

"Isn't there still something you can't have both?"

Qiao Yun said rationally: "But you are not a fish, porridge porridge is not a bear's paw."

Lu Shiran was confused: "Who is porridge?"

"Li Hanzhou, I heard his family call him that."

"..." Hey, hey, I'll be jealous if you yell so intimately.

Qiao Yun's thoughts were straightforward, she was dating Li Hanzhou, and calling her by her name would be enough. After thinking about it, she remembered that Mrs. Li had called Li Hanzhou porridge.

Kind of cute nickname.

So Qiao Yun also decided to call Li Hanzhou porridge porridge.

Of course, she hasn't shouted in front of Li Hanzhou yet.

So, on the weekend, Li Hanzhou came to pick up Qiao Yun.

Qiao Yun's first sentence was: "Congee porridge."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

Li Hanzhou laughed and said, "What did you call me?"

Qiao Yun repeated: "Congee porridge."

Li Hanzhou really didn't know what expression he should use to face Qiao Yun, he said euphemistically, "Do you want to change your name?"

Calling him porridge would give him the illusion that Qiao Yun was calling him Zai Zai.

Qiao Yun didn't speak, but looked at Li Hanzhou with black and white eyes, clear and innocent.

Li Hanzhou and her looked at each other for a moment, then sighed: "Okay, you can call it whatever you want."

Qiao Yun quickly replied: "Good porridge."


Li Hanzhou gave up struggling, and remembered the unfinished goodnight kiss the day before yesterday. He unconsciously licked his thin lips, turned his face sideways, and propped his chin and said, "Qiaoqiao, the goodnight kiss failed in the experiment. Do you want to study meeting kisses?"

Qiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded without any awkwardness: "Okay."

Li Hanzhou's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he couldn't help laughing: "It's really good."

He took a shallow breath and was about to take action when Qiao Yun's cell phone rang untimely.

Someone sent Qiao Yun a message.

Li Hanzhou: "..." Fuck.

Qiao Yun picked it up and looked at it, her face was expressionless. She put down the phone and said to Li Hanzhou, "Let's go somewhere."

Although Qiao Yun's face was expressionless, Li Hanzhou just felt that Qiao Yun wanted to do something bad.

He hooked his lips with great interest: "Where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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