Chapter 678 Professor Qiao's Unexpected Joy
Qiao Yun told Li Hanzhou the address.

Li Hanzhou was curious about what Qiao Yun wanted to do, but he didn't ask much, and drove directly to his destination.

It's a pity, he originally wanted to take Qiao Yun on a date, but now it seems that time will be wasted.

When they got there, Li Hanzhou and Qiao Yun got off the car together.

When she got to the door, Qiao Yun paused, she didn't know what to think, she turned her head and said to Li Hanzhou, "You can't go in."

Li Hanzhou was taken aback for a moment, then hummed suspiciously.

With a sullen face, Qiao Yun said confidently, "She's watching you, I don't want her to see you."

Li Hanzhou didn't speak, but looked at Qiao Yun with deep eyes, and after a while, he sighed and said, "Little friend, if you tease me like this again, I'll be a beast."

Qiao Yun:? ?When did she tease him?

Qiao Yun didn't know that her straightforward behavior made Li Hanzhou's heart itch. She asked Li Hanzhou to wait for her outside, and then walked in by herself.


Qin Xuan stayed in the detention center for several days, but there was no news from his family.

She thought that her family would be able to get her out soon. After all, she broke the law not once or twice, which time she was acquitted before staying for an hour, or someone came to take the blame for her.

The Qin family's power in country M is not empty, it is enough for Qin Xuan to act recklessly.

However, now, in just a few days, her delicate face has faded a lot, and her usual aloof attitude has disappeared. Now that she is in such a mess, she is probably thrown into the crowd, and no one will take a second look at her.

Qin Xuan's heart was in a mess, and she only felt that the future was gloomy. At this moment, she was notified that someone would meet her.

Qin Xuan was overjoyed, her family must have come to rescue her, and thinking of this, a smile finally appeared on her gloomy face.

But when she came to the meeting room and saw who was looking for her, anger immediately appeared on her face, and she stared at the person, becoming more and more ruthless, wishing she could eat the person in front of her alive.

Qin Xuan paused every word, and what he said seemed to contain blood: "Qiao! Yun! What are you doing here? To see my joke?"

Qiao Yun's dull face did not change at all, she looked Qin Xuan up and down, and hit the nail on the head: "You are not doing well."

Qin Xuan snorted, and became more and more sure that Qiao Yun just came to see her as a joke, and the culprit for her poor life was not Qiao Yun.

Her face twisted: "Don't be too happy, I will make you regret it when I go out!"

"Oh." Qiao Yun said lightly: "The police have evidence and will sue you. You won't be able to get out."

Qin Xuan looked disheartened: "So what if I sue, my grandfather will rescue me."

"He doesn't plan to take care of you." Qiao Yun told her the truth ruthlessly: "Well, but your mother wants to take care of it. She asked my cousin to sign a letter of understanding, but your grandfather personally apologized to my cousin and said he didn't care about you."

"Impossible!" Qin Xuan didn't believe it, thinking that it was Qiao Yun deliberately provoking her again.

Qiao Yun opened her eyelids, and asked with a puzzled face, "Then why are you still here?"

Qin Xuan's body trembled, and his heart was cold.

In fact, she knew that what Qiao Yun said was right, and she didn't want to admit it now, it was just deceiving herself.

If grandpa wanted to rescue her, how could she still be here?Could it be that grandpa chose Lu Shiran and gave up on her?
Qiao Yun stared at Qin Xuan's expression, and said calmly: "You are suspected of drug possession, the circumstances are serious, and you will be sentenced to death or life imprisonment."

Qin Xuan denied it aloud: "I didn't do it!"

"Who is that?"

Qin Xuan was speechless.

How did she know who it was, she didn't understand at all, she just wanted to teach Lu Shiran a lesson, let Qiao Yun understand how she felt, how somehow she got involved with drugs.

Qiao Yun said: "You used the purchased account to instruct the kidnappers to inject Lu Shiran with drugs, and the chat records are the evidence."

"What?" Qin Xuan couldn't believe it.

The case is still under investigation, so Qin Xuan knows very little information. He was shocked when he heard Qiao Yun say that the order was sent from her account.She really didn't do this, it would be strange if she wasn't shocked.

Without even thinking about it, she retorted: "I didn't do it! I understand, it must be your Lu family's plan to frame me! Isn't it? I really didn't realize that you are so scheming!"

Qiao Yun looked at Qin Xuan with mentally retarded eyes: "The account is yours, and in your hands, how can I frame you?"

Qin Xuan was stunned.

Qiao Yun is right, the account is in her hands, how can the Lu family forge chat records?
Qin Xuan's mind was confused, and he murmured to himself, "Who is it? Who wants to harm me?"

Qiao Yun looked at her strangely, and emphasized again: "I should ask you, the account is in your hands."

When Qin Xuan heard this, his haggard face slowly cracked.

She remembered one thing, on the day she planned to destroy Lu Shiran, a person came out of her room, and it was to explain that she came to find her.

Although there were only interests between her and him, she didn't think much about whether they were relatives.

Now being reminded by Qiao Yun, Qin Xuan suddenly felt enlightened.

Often the person who betrays you is the closest person to you.

Could it be he who let her take the blame?
Qin Xuan's lips turned pale again, she was unwilling to face this cruel fact.

After a while, Qin Xuan regained his senses, and sneered at Qiao Yun: "I almost believed you, you came here today to drive us apart, right, you should die, I won't let you do what you want!"

As soon as he said this, Qin Xuan clenched his hands tightly.

Once a seed of doubt is planted, it grows irrepressibly.

Qin Xuan thought again, Qiao Yun came to her today, could it be that he wanted to force her to confess?Or set her up to plead guilty?

She stared at Qiao Yun viciously: "As long as I don't admit it, so what if the chat records are used as evidence? Is there any evidence that I traded drugs? Is there any evidence that I traded drugs with the kidnapper? As long as there is no such evidence, The most is that I have been charged with intentional injury."

Although Qin Xuan is proud, living in a big family like the Qin family, where either you mess with me today or tomorrow, she still has a bit of a calculating mind.

At this point, she can still analyze rationally.

But even the crime of intentional injury is enough for her to suffer.

Qiao Yun was not as insidious as Qin Xuan thought, she came here to confirm if Qin Xuan knew something, and now it seems that her trip was not in vain.

Qin Xuan seems to know nothing about injecting drugs, but Qin Xuan should be suspicious.

Qiao Yun got the answer she wanted, so she stood up, looked at Qin Xuan who was out of her mind, and said softly: "I forgot to say something, Li Hanzhou is now my boyfriend."

Qin Xuan raised his eyes suddenly, his pupils trembled, and he couldn't believe it.

Qiao Yun lowered her eyes and said domineeringly to Qin Xuan: "He is mine now, you can't miss him, I will be very angry."

Professor Qiao not only protects the calf, but also has a strong desire for monopoly.

Even if it wasn't Li Hanzhou, as long as someone peeped at her things, she would not like it.

Qin Xuan's eyes trembled violently, and he said in a trembling voice: "You lied to me, right! I don't believe it, how is it can you be together?"

After leaving these few words, Qiao Yun didn't want to pay attention to Qin Xuan, and she just left.

Qin Xuan asked excitedly and angrily behind him: "Qiao Yun! Come back to me, and explain clearly to me..."

Accompanied by Qin Xuan's exasperated voice, was the indifferent and ruthless back of Qiao Yun who left.

Qin Xuan and Qiao Yun's figure disappeared, and he fell to the ground as if he had lost his strength, feeling dazed and at a loss.

Li Hanzhou was responsible for a large part of her falling into what she is today.

If Li Hanzhou hadn't given her hope, she wouldn't have happily come to Shangjing to marry him, but in the end she was slapped severely.

Li Hanzhou didn't remember who she was at all, he only had Qiao Yun in his eyes.

Qin Xuan regretted that she shouldn't have come to Shangjing, so she wouldn't be so depressed now.


Qiao Yun never took Qin Xuan's provocation to heart, after all, their strengths were not equal from the beginning to the end.

Now that Qin Xuan broke the law and was detained, in Qiao Yun's eyes, Qin Xuan went from an inconspicuous little guy to a brainless loser.

Qiao Yun was not in a hurry to go out to find Li Hanzhou, she called Pei Yao.

"Boss, have you finished seeing someone?"

Pei Yao knew that Qiao Yun had gone to meet Qin Xuan, and he had arranged the meeting through his relationship.

As Qiao Yun walked out, he ordered: "Let people pay attention to Qin Xuan's situation."

"Okay." Pei Yao never questioned Qiao Yun's orders.

Qiao Yun thought for a while, and then added: "If Qin Xuan wants to see someone, let her see, don't stop."

Pei Yao said loyally: "No problem, I will make arrangements."

"En." After Qiao Yun gave her orders, she wanted to hang up the phone.

"Wait..." Pei Yao asked, "Are you free to do now? Do you want to meet?"

Qiao Yun said, "It's something."

Qiao Yun didn't say anything, Pei Yao asked with a tacit understanding: "Boss, you are not with Li Hanzhou, are you?"

"Well. I won't tell you anymore." Qiao Yun had already seen Li Hanzhou waiting at the door.

Pei Yao: "..."

He knew it.

In the past, when Li Hanzhou hadn't caught up with Professor Qiao, he wanted to cling to her every day, but now that he catches up with her, can he be so clingy?

Pei Yao felt more and more that he was a yellow cabbage.

He couldn't help thinking, is it so good to fall in love?Otherwise, he also finds someone to talk to?


Seeing Qiao Yun coming out, Li Hanzhou asked her, "Is the matter over?"

Qiao Yun didn't hide it from Li Hanzhou: "Qin Xuan might know something."

"Oh?" Li Hanzhou's mouth twitched: "What did the research institute find?"

Qiao Yun shook her head, "There is no news yet, so I came to ask her."

Unexpectedly, there will be a surprise.

Qiao Yun withdrew her thoughts, and said again: "Also, I told her that we are dating, and she was very angry."

"Qin Xuan's matter has nothing to do with me." Li Hanzhou smiled slightly: "Your matter has nothing to do with me."

The arc of Qiao Yun's lips rose a little: "Congee Congee, very good."


Li Hanzhou thought to himself, the children look cute and cute, but sometimes they are quite dark-bellied.

Thinking of what he hadn't finished today, he jokingly asked, "Do you want to go on a date with the very well-behaved Congee?"

Qiao Yun's eyes lit up: "Okay."

All couples have to do is go on a date.

She and Li Hanzhou are both very busy. Although they have established a relationship, they don't actually spend much time together. Most of the time they spend researching and dating with each other through the Internet.

Li Hanzhou smirked and said, "How do you want to date me?"

Without thinking about it, Qiao Yun said, "I've made up my mind."

Li Hanzhou was slightly surprised: "So fast?"

"En." Qiao Yun nodded solemnly.

Li Hanzhou asked itchingly: "Could it be that you planned it long ago?"

"Yes." Qiao Yun didn't deny it, and said truthfully: "Couples are going on a date."

Li Hanzhou is very curious now, how exactly does Qiao Yun want to date him?


Qiao Yun took him to the base of the Apocalypse Research Institute in Shangjing City. Under the gaze of a group of shocked researchers, he was directly dragged into the laboratory by Qiao Yun, with a mechanical part stuffed into his hand.

Qiao Yun said enthusiastically: "Let's date, let's start by researching intelligent robots."

Li Hanzhou:? ? ?

Li Hanzhou looked down at the mechanical parts in his hand, his expression was indescribable: "Is this the date you want?"

Qiao Yun blinked: "I like the laboratory, so I brought you here. Isn't dating just taking the other party to the place she thinks is the best?"

Li Hanzhou held his forehead, thinking with a headache.

Others are tired of falling in love all day long, but he is in love, so he came directly to do experiments?

Qiao Yun couldn't understand the complicated expression on Li Hanzhou's face, and asked hesitantly, "Did I do something wrong?"

Li Hanzhou's eyes fell on Qiao Yun's body, Qiao Yun lowered his eyes, looking pitiful.

His heart softened, and he said with a smile: "You are doing the right thing. I am very glad that you can bring me to the laboratory. After all, Professor Qiao's laboratory is not easy to enter."

Qiao Yun nodded in agreement, it was really difficult to enter, anyone who dared to enter would be sent to death.

Hearing that Li Hanzhou liked it, Qiao Yun was relieved.

She asked Li Hanzhou expectantly: "Then are you happy now?"

Li Hanzhou said sincerely: "Happy."

Qiao Yun was satisfied: "Okay, continue next time."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

He felt like he was shooting himself in the foot.

Then he discovered that Qiao Yun was concentrating on doing the experiment, so that even an earthquake would not shake her in the slightest.

His legitimate boyfriend has completely become a foil for the experiment, and Li Hanzhou suddenly felt his feet hurt even more.

But looking at the gleam in Qiao Yun's eyes, he thought helplessly that as long as the children were happy, he would be willing to live in the laboratory for the rest of his life.

Qiao Yun suddenly took Li Hanzhou to the laboratory that was never approached by anyone, which caused a lot of commotion in the branch office.

I'm going to die, is Professor Qiao going to treat Li Hanzhou as a test subject?
It's not that good, is it?
The person in charge of the branch office was startled, and hurriedly contacted Pei Yao, asking him to persuade Qiao Yun not to be impulsive if he had something to say.

Even if we really want to use Li Hanzhou as an experiment, we still have to wait for the night to be dark and windy.

It has to be said that Qiao Yun's unscrupulous character, apart from her powerful background, has a small part due to the unconditional indulgence and support of the people in the research institute.

When Pei Yao heard that Li Hanzhou had stepped into Professor Qiao's laboratory, his sourness instantly turned into a lemon.

This is not treating Li Hanzhou as an experiment at all, but sharing her most important things with Li Hanzhou.

Professor Qiao's unique romance is probably only understood by him.

(End of this chapter)

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