Chapter 689 Lu Ting is dead, no bones left

She looked at the two sons and saw that they looked tired, and said distressedly: "Especially you two, what are you doing here without doing business. If the old man sees you appearing, he will probably faint again."

Lu Rui hurriedly asked, "Dad, is he okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that the blood pressure came up and made me faint. Now he is awake, and Shi Ran is with him."

Lu Xian heaved a sigh of relief. If the old man had an accident because of this, he would really be to blame.

It was all because he didn't do well enough that the group fell into trouble.

The old lady waved them away: "Okay, just do what you have to do, deal with the matter first and then come to see your dad, otherwise it will only make him more angry."

Lu Xian and Lu Rui looked bitter and bitter.

It's not that they don't want to solve it quickly, it's that things happened too fast, and they were caught off guard.

Many things take time to verify, which makes the public opinion intensify.

Su Mian said, "Mom, I'll go in and see Dad."

"You go." The old lady did not stop Su Mian.

"I'll go too." Lu Zhanxing turned his head and said to the rest of the people: "Dad, uncle, brother, go and do your work. I'm here."

"Okay." Lu Rui knew that it was really useless for them to stay here, and it would make the old man even more worried.

Qiao Yun didn't rush in.

She stood at the door of the ward, watched their leaving backs, thought for a moment, then raised her feet to chase after them.

Lu Jingzhi was full of worries when the road ahead was suddenly blocked. When he looked up, it was his sister.

Qiao Yun looked at him seriously: "I have something to ask you."

"Sister, don't worry, I'll take care of it soon." Lu Jingzhi thought that Qiao Yun wanted to ask her about being implicated, and his tone of voice was full of guilt.

When Lu Ting is mentioned, one can't help but think of the mistakes he made in the past.

Qiao Yun said: "It's not about this matter. I want to know what happened in the group, from beginning to end."

Lu Jingzhi was slightly stunned, and looked down at Qiao Yun's clear and stubborn eyes, but he couldn't say the words of refusal.

"Okay, let me tell you..."

He almost forgot that his sister is not an ordinary person, and her psychological endurance is stronger than anyone else.

Lu Jingzhi simply told what happened, including what he found out now.

After Qiao Yun heard it, she said without thinking, "Someone is playing tricks."

Lu Jingzhi smiled, "We also think the same way. Now there are too few clues, and we don't know who it is. However, commercial targeting is actually not uncommon, but it's the first time it's such a big deal."

Lu Jingzhi laughed again, why did he tell Qiao Yun so much about work without knowing it.

"Sister, go see grandpa, I'll go back to the group first."

Qiao Yun: "Oh."

Lu Jingzhi's eyes fell on Qiao Yun's fluffy and soft hair, his fingers were slightly curled, but finally he didn't have the courage to raise his hand.

He shook his head slightly and laughed, and walked towards the hospital door.

Qiao Yun didn't see Lu Jingzhi's hesitation.

She only noticed that the fuse of the whole incident was actually the purchaser of the safety helmet.

He seems innocent, but is he really innocent?

Qiao Yun squinted her eyes, took out her mobile phone and contacted Zhou You.

Zhou You was actually protecting Qiao Yun outside the hospital, and immediately answered Qiao Yun's call.

"Professor Qiao, do you have an order?"

"Go and do something." Qiao Yun's voice was soft and unquestionable, "Check someone."

Zhou You said in a respectful tone, "Who do you want to investigate."

Qiao Yun said succinctly: "The Lu Group, the one who bought the safety helmet."


Now that the Lu Group's affairs are making such a big fuss, Zhou You can understand Qiao Yun's meaning as soon as he hears it.

Qiao Yun instructed again: "As soon as possible."

Zhou You raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, I will find out about this person as soon as possible."


After Qiao Yun handed over the matter to Zhou You, she didn't ask any more questions. She still had great trust in Zhou You's ability to handle affairs.


Here, Zhou You hung up the phone and told his subordinates about the matter.

The subordinate immediately said: "I will monitor him right now."

"Come back." Zhou You called the man back, "I didn't hear what Professor Qiao meant as soon as possible? Go to monitor now, how long will it take to find any clues?"

The subordinates were puzzled: "What do you mean, Team Zhou?"

Zhou You rubbed his wrists, and a smirk flashed in his eyes, "Hehehe, I haven't done it for a long time, and if I don't do it again, my hand will die."

The subordinates understood, and their faces were eager to try, "Would this be bad?"

"The Lu family is too rigid, can we be like them?"

Zhou You looked at his subordinates, then at himself, frowned and said, "No, we are too small and lack momentum, go and call all the brothers around."


A few phone calls from my subordinates.

After a while, three vans stopped in front of them.

The car door opened, and a group of burly bodyguards in black suits got out from inside.

More than a dozen bodyguards said in unison: "Team Zhou." The momentum was very frightening.

Zhou You stroked his chin and nodded with satisfaction: "Now you have momentum. Come on, follow me to pretend to be a tiger. Give the investigation results to Professor Qiao as soon as possible."

He said earnestly: "Brothers, whether I can get Professor Qiao's little red flower depends on you."

Men:? ? ?

To be honest, we also want Professor Joe's little red flower.


Qiao Yun pushed open the door of the ward and went in, her eyes fell on the old man.

His spirit was not very good, his face was gloomy, and he seemed to have aged a few years in an instant.

Seeing Qiao Yun coming in, the old man waved to her: "Qiao Qiao, come here, Grandpa."

Qiao Yun walked over obediently, sat by the hospital bed, and was held by the old man.

The old man sighed, "I've wronged you."

He had seen the words attacking Qiao Yun on the Internet.

This time Qiao Yun was completely implicated by the Lu family.

His granddaughter is Professor Qiao, if it wasn't for this incident, how could she be insulted.

"Not wronged."

Qiao Yun held the old man's hand back, and said firmly, "We are family members. We face difficulties together."

The old man was happy because of Qiao Yun's words.

He really felt that Qiao Yun was trying hard to completely accept this family.

Lu Zhanxing, who kept silent all this time, vowed: "Sister, brother will settle it."


Qiao Yun was actually quite puzzled, did she seem worried about this?
Obviously, the affairs of the Lu Corporation should be the number one priority now, but they are all worried about her.

Qiao Yun's mood was inexplicably complicated, and even a little sweet.

Lu Shiran said dejectedly, "You all have things to do, but I can't help you with anything."

Su Mian smiled and said, "You can do your best by taking care of yourself."

Lu Shiran curled his lips, obviously dissatisfied with these words.

Qiao Yun comforted her, "You're still young."

"..." Lu Shiran kindly reminded: "Sister, don't forget, you are younger than me."

Qiao Yun nodded: "But I am Professor Qiao."

Lu Shiran: "..." It felt like a knife had been stabbed in the chest.

Now that the family is troubled, he can only stare blankly, even Lu Zhanxing, who is usually the most careless, can help.

Lu Shiran was extremely disappointed in his heart, wishing he could graduate right away, make a lot of achievements, and protect his family from wind and rain.

Lu Zhanxing didn't stay in the ward for long, and he still had to prepare for clarification.

The old man could not be discharged from the hospital yet, so Su Mian and the old lady stayed to take care of him.

Qiao Yun and Lu Shiran simply stayed because they had nothing to do.

It wasn't long before Lu Zhanxing left.

There was a knock on the door of the ward.

The person who came in was Li Hanzhou.

Qiao Yun didn't expect to see Li Hanzhou, so she froze for a moment.

Then he gave Shang Li Hanzhou a meaningful look.

For some reason, Qiao Yun felt a little guilty in her heart, as if she had done something wrong.

The old man was surprised to see Li Hanzhou coming.

Li Hanzhou explained: "I heard that you have been admitted to the hospital. Qiao Qiao and I are friends, so we should come to visit."

"It's such a hassle."

Why is the old man still a little moved?

There are not many people in this world who can be visited by Master Li himself.

Li Hanzhou chatted with the old man for a while, then got up to leave.

But before leaving, he asked Qiao Yun with a smile in his eyes: "Qiao Qiao, I'm leaving, don't you plan to see me off?"

Before Qiao Yun opened her mouth, Su Mian took the lead and said, "Qiao Qiao, you go see it off."

Although Li Hanzhou's tone of calling Qiao Yun made her a little weird, but Li Hanzhou is a guest, so he really should give it away.

Qiao Yun groaned, stood up, and sent Li Hanzhou out.

Lu Shiran looked at Su Mian with pity.

Auntie, how do you send your sister to the tiger's mouth?

At this time, Lu Shiran's cell phone rang, and someone sent him a message.

He took a look, his eyebrows lowered


in the hallway.

Qiao Yun and Li Hanzhou walked side by side, she asked, "Why are you here?"

Li Hanzhou replied without changing his expression: "Of see the parents."

Qiao Yun: ...

Li Hanzhou smiled sullenly: "Anyway, we will see each other sooner or later."

Qiao Yun retorted: "I've seen it many times."

"The past and the present cannot be compared, and our current relationship is extraordinary."

Li Hanzhou held Qiao Yun's little hand and asked intentionally, "Do you think so?"

Qiao Yun simply said, "Yes."

Li Hanzhou felt lonely.

He pretended to sigh and asked, "Don't you have anything to tell me?"

Qiao Yun was silent for a few seconds, then said decisively, "No."

Li Hanzhou guessed that Qiao Yun would answer in this way, so he laughed heartily and stopped talking.

Qiao Yun was keenly aware that Li Hanzhou was unhappy.

Why not happy?

Thinking of this, she asked directly: "Aren't you happy? Why?"




The corner of Li Hanzhou's lips twitched: "Okay, I admit, I'm not happy."

"Yeah." Qiao Yun taught, "Speak up if you have something to say, don't play your temper."

Li Hanzhou:?

He lowered his eyebrows and said aggrievedly: "So many things happened, why didn't you tell me?"

Qiao Yun said confidently: "I can solve it."

"But we are dating." Li Hanzhou held her hand tightly: "We should bear it together, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing."

Qiao Yun was silent again, she reflected for a while, bowed her head and admitted her mistake: "I'm sorry, it won't happen in the future."

Li Hanzhou laughed immediately, his peach blossom eyes curled up, and his smile was charming.

Since Qiao Yun said no, then naturally she would not.

He no longer dwelled on this matter, his voice was light, as if he was talking about something unimportant: "Lu Ting is dead."

Qiao Yun stopped abruptly and frowned.

Li Hanzhou didn't care and said: "When she was transferred to another hospital, the staff couldn't take care of her and let her run away. They happened to be passing by the bridge at that time, and they saw her jumping off the bridge with their own eyes. Theoretically, she committed suicide."

Qiao Yun's heart was calm: "When?"

"It's been a while, and they've been hiding it for fear that I'll be accused."

Ever since Lu Ting was sent to the nursing home, Li Hanzhou hadn't paid any attention to her. If it wasn't for the online quarrel this time, the hospital was afraid that it wouldn't be able to hide the matter, so they would directly accuse Li Hanzhou of the crime.

Lu Ting jumped off the bridge by herself, and the hospital was guilty of negligence at best.

Qiao Yun's voice was calm: "A corpse?"

"I didn't catch it, but the chance of surviving in that place is basically zero. She can be said to have no bones left." Li Hanzhou looked at Qiao Yun: "Do you think I'm cruel?"

Qiao Yun's eyes showed confusion: "Huh?"

Li Hanzhou stared right into Qiao Yun's eyes: "I sent her to the nursing home, that kind of place is not easy."

Qiao Yun shook her head: "You are for me."

Besides, Lu Ting has many ways to go.

It was she herself who wanted to go to the extreme road and didn't turn back.

Now that it has come to this conclusion, who is to blame?

If she hadn't come back, Lu Ting would still be the beloved young lady of the Lu family.

But even if she came back, if Lu Ting didn't target her everywhere, and didn't lie to her parents, she would still be favored by the Lu family.

Qiao Yun sent Li Hanzhou to the gate of the hospital, and then she looked down at the hands they held together: "You should let me go."

Li Hanzhou shook his hand intentionally.

Qiao Yun said, "Childish."

Li Hanzhou was in an inexplicably happy mood. He let go of Qiao Yun's hand and emphasized: "Remember, don't hide anything from me. There should be no secrets between lovers."

"Oh." Qiao Yun touched his nose.

Only then did Li Hanzhou leave satisfied.

Qiao Yun walked back thoughtfully, and at the corner saw Lu Shiran and... Mr. Qin?
She tilted her head, didn't eavesdrop or stay, and went straight back to the ward.

Su Mian asked, "Master Li is gone?"

"En." Qiao Yun paused for a moment, but still didn't choose to tell them about Lu Ting at this time.


the other side.

Lu Shiran was wary and asked Mr. Qin: "You said that there is a way to solve our family's crisis, is it true?"

Old Master Qin said with a sad face: "Although you don't want to go back to the Qin family, you are my grandson after all, and the Lu family is Wan Wan's family. I can't bear to just sit back and watch."

"You told me not to contact you last time. Grandpa, did I follow suit? If it weren't for something wrong with the Lu family this time, I wouldn't have looked for you either."

Mr. Qin analyzed Lu Shiran again: "This matter may be a big deal to the Lu family, but it is just a trivial matter in front of the Qin family. In terms of financial power and power, the Qin family is indeed stronger than the Lu family. Of course, Grandpa did not mean to belittle the Lu family. "

Lu Shiran hesitated: "What do you want?"

"I don't want anything. Grandpa just wants you to live well."

Lu Shiran pursed his lips, facing the old man who was so sincere to him, he couldn't say serious words.

Although the members of the Qin family are not good people in his eyes.

Mr. Qin could tell at a glance that Lu Shiran believed half of his words.

I couldn't help laughing a few times in my heart.

His grandson is good in everything, but he is too kind and soft-hearted, in short, he is simple.

This point needs to be changed when she returns to the Qin family.

(End of this chapter)

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