Chapter 690 The Storm Is Coming
Just when Mr. Qin thought that Lu Shiran would accept his help, he heard Lu Shiran said firmly: "This is my family's business, we will solve it ourselves, so we won't bother you."

Mr. Qin frowned subconsciously, and said in an ignorant tone of your child: "If they can solve it, the matter won't be such a big mess."

Lu Shiran remained silent for a while, "I have no reason to accept your help."

Now that she has decided not to get involved with the Qin family.

He wouldn't take a penny from the Qin family, even if he was helped by them.

And if he really dared to ask Mr. Qin to help, his family would definitely be furious.

Lu Shiran knew his grandfather's temper very well.

Even if it is bankruptcy, she will never accept any benefit from the Qin family.

Mr. Qin is not discouraged: "It's not that I accept my help, it's Grandpa who wants to help you. Even if you don't accept it, I will always treat you as my own grandson. "

Lu Shiran really didn't understand Mr. Qin, so he looked into Mr. Qin's eyes.

He looked at himself kindly with his eyes, without any calculations in his eyes, as if they were genuine.

Lu Shiran's eyes fluttered, and he asked tentatively, "What can you do to solve our Lu family's troubles?"

Mr. Qin said ambiguously: "I have my own way."

Lu Shiran will come to see Mr. Qin, just to hear what he can do, but now that he can't ask, it is impossible for him to accept Mr. Qin's help.

He refused more firmly: "Even if you want to help yourself, I won't accept it, so don't worry about it. If it's okay, I'm going back to take care of my grandpa."

Before Mr. Qin could speak again, Lu Shiran ran fast.

He was afraid that if he continued talking to Mr. Qin, he would be shaken.

To be honest, as long as the family can survive the crisis, he can do anything.

It's just that he has concerns in his heart, afraid of making his family sad.

Lu Shiran knew very well that his family did not want him to have contact with the Qin family.

Mr. Qin narrowed his eyes, looking at Lu Shiran's back.

The boy's back was straight and his steps were fast, but the hesitation that flashed across his face still didn't escape his eyes.

Lu Shiran's refusal was within Mr. Qin's expectation, but also beyond his expectation.

"Master, the young master is unwilling to accept your help, what should we do now?" Xiao Zhang asked Mr. Qin's next plan respectfully.

The corners of Mr. Qin's lips curled up: "You really think he's unwilling to accept it. He really wants to but he doesn't dare. I don't need him to agree. I came here this time to let him know that I have the ability to solve this matter. Afterwards, as long as the crisis of the Lu Group is resolved, he will think of me first."

Mr. Qin intends to kill two birds with one stone, not only can he bring the Lu Group into his family, but also make Lu Shiran have to recognize his ancestors because he owes him a huge favor.

He didn't do all this for Lu Shiran.

Mr. Qin investigated the Lu Group and found that their development momentum has been very rapid in the past year, and their business has never lost money.

If the Lu Group can be acquired, it will be very beneficial to the development of the Qin family in China.

It can also shock other families in the country.

Mr. Qin turned around and walked out of the hospital, and said with a smile: "Lu's stock hasn't fallen hard enough."

Xiao Zhang suddenly realized: "Good master, I understand how to do it."

Mr. Qin could see from Lu Shiran's face how panicked the Lu family is now.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face uncontrollably.

Just a while ago, their Qin family was like the Lu family as they are today.

Now the tide has turned.

It's not enough, it should be worse, it's enough to calm him down.


When Lu Shiran returned to the ward, the old lady asked him, "Where did you go, why did you go there for so long?"

Lu Shiran's eyes dodged: "I didn't go anywhere, just walk outside."

The old lady thought that Lu Shiran was worried about the situation of the old man, so she went outside to get some air, so she didn't ask any further questions, so as not to make Lu Shiran feel more uncomfortable.

Qiao Yun's head, black and white eyes turned around on Lu Shi's body, and then retracted it.

"Shi Ran, grandpa is fine." The old man was also a little guilty for making his family worry about him in the midst of their busy schedule.

As he got older, some things were really out of his control.

Lu Shiran suddenly asked: "Grandpa, will our family be fine?"

"Of course." The old man was full of confidence, "You have to believe in the abilities of your father and your uncle, even if they can't handle it, there is still your big brother."

Lu Shiran forced a smile: "Yeah."

Because they had to go to school tomorrow, Lu Shiran and Qiao Yun didn't stay long before they were driven home by the adults.

The two protested to no avail and had to go back.

In the corridor of the hospital, Lu Shiran lowered his brows and eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Brother..." Qiao Yun called him.

Lu Shiran was stunned for a moment, Qiao Yun actually rarely called them brother, maybe it was because of the unaccustomed relationship.

He was quite pleasantly surprised when he heard Qiao Yun call his brother suddenly.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Qiao Yun's voice was very low and her speech was very slow: "I saw it, you and the Qin family..."

"Did you see it?" Lu Shiran was surprised.

Qiao Yun nodded: "Yes."

Lu Shiran smiled awkwardly: "Here, I...we met by chance, he didn't come here specially to find me."

It feels like there is no silver 300 taels here.

Qiao Yun didn't bother with this question, she asked unhurriedly: "Do you want him to help?"

Qiao Yun could tell the intention of Lu Shiran and Mr. Qin's meeting without guessing.

Lu Shiran pursed his lips and said nothing.

Qiao Yun saw his embarrassment and struggle.

"Don't do things you don't like."

"But there are some things that I can't do if I don't like it. As long as it can help the family, I have to do it no matter how annoying it is."

"The Qin family is not good."

Qiao Yun seldom judges people so decisively, which shows how bad the impression of the Qin family is in her heart.

"Trust me, everything will subside in two days."

Qiao Yun's speech was not fast, and she spoke clearly every word.

Lu Shiran was stunned for a moment before realizing that his sister was comforting him?
The strange thing is, listening to Qiao Yun's calm voice.

Suddenly, tangled, hesitant, and weak, all emotions disappeared.

Lu Shiki held his hand and decided to wait. If the crisis of the Lu family could not cross the crisis, then he ...


In the suburbs of Shangjing City, there is an abandoned real estate because the developer ran away.

For several years, no one has paid attention to it, weeds are overgrown, and it is even invisible at night. Many people call it a ghost town.

Just in such a place where no one set foot, a black car stopped.

At the same time, a middle-aged man was pushed out of the car.

With a bang, he fell to the ground.

Before the trembling middle-aged man could recover, he was carried away by the arms of two burly men.

The middle-aged man was so nervous and scared that he couldn't even speak.

They were carried all the way to the top of the seventeenth floor.

The night breeze was cool, and the middle-aged man shivered as he looked at the dozen or so black-clothed men surrounding him.

"Why so slow."

The middle-aged man hunched over looking for the sound.

I saw a strong man with a strong figure and cold eyes walking over.

His eyes swept over, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe.

"You you you you... who are you? What do you want to do?"

The middle-aged man was tied up while walking on the road, and he still hasn't figured out what happened.

Zhou Youman said casually: "What's the rush, let me show you a few people first."

He gestured, and two more people were thrown over.

When the middle-aged man saw it, he was shocked and said: "Wife, brother-in-law!"

The two people who were thrown over were the middle-aged man's wife and brother-in-law.

When the middle-aged woman saw her husband, she cried and yelled, as if she had found a backbone, and started cursing.

Zhou You felt noisy and threatened, "If you keep making noise, I'll cut your tongue off."

The middle-aged woman gasped, her eyes were angry, but she didn't dare to curse anymore.

The middle-aged man felt that the sky was about to fall, so he mustered up his courage and said, "You guys are kidnapping and breaking the law!"

Zhou You had a ferocious expression on his face: "We are not kidnapping, but just asking you to come and ask something friendly. As long as you answer honestly, I guarantee that you and your family will be fine."

"What, what, what do you want to ask?"

Zhou You was simple and rude: "I ask you, is there someone behind your back to buy low-quality safety helmets for workers?"

The middle-aged man was startled, "Are you from Mr. Lu?"

He was a little surprised that Lu Xian would use this method to threaten him.

This is not at all like the Lu family's style.

Zhou You said viciously: "You don't care who I am, you just need to answer my questions."

The middle-aged man was a little scared just now, but now he regards Zhou You and the others as Lu Xian's people, so he won't be afraid immediately.

Because he knew that Lu Xian wouldn't really do anything to him.

Then he said confidently: "I have already explained to Mr. Lu clearly what should be explained."

Zhou You didn't talk nonsense, he directly asked the middle-aged man's wife and brother to be tied up.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Brother-in-law, help me!"

Zhou You said: "According to your point of view, it is your brother-in-law who took money from the black-hearted company and walked through the back door with you, so your brother-in-law should be fully responsible? Very good, let him learn a lesson!"

The middle-aged man's teeth chattered as he watched helplessly as his brother-in-law was hoisted up by a crane and then lifted off the roof of the seventeenth floor.

Zhou You gestured with a knife: "Now I just need to cut the rope, and he will fall from the seventeenth floor and be smashed to pieces."

When the brother-in-law heard this, he rolled his eyes and fainted from fright.

The middle-aged man's limbs went limp, and he almost fainted on the spot.

"No! My brother is innocent, he doesn't know anything! Husband, tell them the truth! Otherwise, they will kill my brother!"

The man's wife hurriedly shouted excitedly.

The middle-aged man resisted and didn't want to say anything.

Zhou You winked.

The subordinates understood and came up to support the middle-aged man and pushed him to the edge of the roof.

The middle-aged man looked down subconsciously.

It was pitch black and looked eerie.

His face turned pale in an instant, and he realized for the first time what it meant to be on the verge of death.

"I don't know what it's like to bungee jump here?" Zhou You stroked his chin and told his subordinates, "Let him try."


The next step is to tie the rope to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was frightened: "Don't, don't! I said, I will tell you everything, as long as you let me go!"

He was really frightened by these people.

Zhou You laughed and said, "Let's talk."

The middle-aged man turned pale and said, "I don't know who he is, and I don't know him either."

It turned out that the middle-aged man accepted a large amount of money from the other party, enough for him to spend several lifetimes, before he agreed to tamper with the safety helmet, which caused Lu's group to fall into a storm of public opinion.

As for why there was no extra money in his account, it was because the money was a cash transaction.

He never knew who the other party was, and the only time he came into contact with the other party was when he traded in cash.

The other party put the money in a designated place and asked him to go directly to get it back.

Fortunately, he kept an eye out and stood guard at the agreed place early, and then took a photo of the other party's profile.

"It's him..." The middle-aged man tremblingly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Zhou You.

Zhou You brought it over to have a look.

In the photo, a young man's face is sideways, and his face is not very clear.

It might be difficult for others to find out who this person is.

But Zhou You has the help of the Apocalypse Research Institute, as long as he uses their technology to find out who this person is, there should be no problem.

Zhou You took a photo with his mobile phone and said to the middle-aged man, "What should I do next, do I need to teach you?"

"No, no, no need." The man in the middle shook his head vigorously, his brow dripping with cold sweat: "I won't tell anyone that you have looked for me, I don't know anything."

"very good."

There was no warmth in Zhou You's eyes: "As for you... don't try to escape, my people will stare at you."

The middle-aged man was really dizzy now.

Although he took money to do things, he also killed people indirectly, and imprisonment is inevitable.

Zhou You ordered his men to throw him back.

Then send this blurry photo to the people at the Apocalypse Research Institute, and ask them to help find out who this person is.

After finishing all this, Zhou You asked his subordinates: "Did you record everything he said just now?"

"It's recorded."

"Okay, send it to Master Pei."



The news that Lu's Group is about to hold a general meeting of shareholders made the staff of the entire group panic.

It is speculated that there may be a change in the group, and perhaps President Lu was dismissed because of this incident.

Lu's Group is in the financial center, Shengqiao Group is two kilometers away from here, and Li's Group is next door.

The office buildings of the two major domestic groups are soaring into the sky, full of grandeur.

Looking at the two buildings, Lu Xian sighed, "When will the Lu Group be as strong as Sheng Qiao and the Li Group?"

Lu Rui smiled without saying a word.

Lu Xian said: "Now the media is reporting indiscriminately, the stock price has plummeted, and shareholders are still restless."

Lu Rui asked, "Do you want to tell Dad?"

"I don't want the old man to get a stroke of anger." Lu Xian straightened his cuffs: "Let's go, I have to explain what needs to be explained. In the worst case, I will ask to resign, but I won't let it happen if I want to seize power from our Lu family. He happened."

Lu Rui was worried.

He just got the news that someone is paying a high price to buy the odd shares of Lu Group.

Some retail investors and small shareholders are interested in realizing their shares.

Lu Rui got the news too late, and it was too late to intervene.

The person who bought it behind the scenes, I'm afraid it's not a good person...


at the same time.

There is a big news on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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