Chapter 691 Damn, when did you meet these big shots?
Lu Zhanxing, who hadn't spoken out since the last live broadcast, told netizens not to target Qiao Yun, but to point at him when something happened, suddenly posted a short essay.

In the small composition, it is explained in detail.

Why was Lu Ting adopted by them? Ever since Qiao Yun came back, what has Lu Ting done to Qiao Yun behind her back.

Lu Ting knew that her biological father designed the Lu family, but she chose to keep it secret.

And Lu Ting's biological mother once tried to kidnap Qiao Yun.

One after another, it was a matter of shame and humiliation to the Lu family, which was clearly described.

The wound that was once bloody and finally healed was re-peeled and unfolded in front of the public.

Tell them his sister was the most innocent person in the whole thing.

Lu Zhanxing's popularity is not in vain. As soon as the essay was published, it became a hot search.

In addition, there is also the matter of the Lu Group to bless the enthusiasm.

All the fans feel sorry for Qiao Yun.

Netizens who were still holding on to everyone in the Lu family suddenly felt their cheeks burn, expressing their respect.

Can a teenage girl really be so vicious?It's hard to believe.

It must be that Lu Zhan acted for his reputation and told nonsense.

Fans said: You are finished, I am very upset now.

There was a lot of noise in the hot search.

Xie Ying almost fainted, staring at the phone, covering his heart: "Brother, my dear brother, what are you making at this time, now your family's affairs have completely dragged you into the water, you should silence, etc. The limelight is over, you can do whatever you like."

Although he also felt sorry for Sister Lu.

But as Lu Zhanxing's manager, his first consideration was naturally his own artists.

Lu Zhanxing snorted coldly: "It's nothing to do with my sister, it's these idiots who insist on involving my sister."

Xie Ying: This artist, who wants to take it away quickly.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Xie Ying said helplessly: "I've already posted it, I can only control the public opinion first, and focus on how miserable Sister Lu's life was before... what the hell!"

Xie Ying was halfway through speaking when he suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

Lu Zhanxing was taken aback, and subconsciously raised his voice: "What are you doing? You scared me."

Xie Ying: "Damn it!"

His eyes widened, and he looked at Lu Zhanxing: "Damn!"

Lu Zhanxing's forehead was throbbing with blue veins: "Speak humanly."

"Fuck, look, when did you know these big shots?" Xie Ying signaled Lu Zhanxing to look at his phone quickly.

Lu Zhanxing was confused and turned on his phone to check his account.

In an instant, his expression shook.

It turned out that not long after Lu Zhanxing's essay was posted, netizens and fans were still arguing about the credibility of Lu Zhanxing's essay.

Countless bigwigs liked and reposted Lu Zhanxing's essay.

Some even bluntly said excitedly: [If you don't know how to cherish, return the person, and I will love her. 】

【Pooh!She has been wronged so much in your family, bah!Pooh!Pooh】

[Forget it, now that you have found your way back, I won't bother with you. 】

Good guy, click into these accounts to have a look.

Isn't this a certain biologist?
Is that the boss of a certain technology company?
Isn't this the head of a certain family in a certain city?

Who is this, a physicist who has won an international award...

All the top figures in the academic world suddenly appeared to support Lu Zhanxing, which stunned the netizens.

[Fuck, Lu Zhanxing is able to get so many awesome people to stand for him? 】

[It's true, it seems that what happened to sister Lu is true, and Lu Ting is a disgusting thing. 】

[This style of painting makes me dare not look directly at them. These glittering names almost blind me. 】

[Why do I feel that these people are not standing in line for Lu Zhanxing, but speaking for Sister Lu? 】

[Nimma's is too fantasy. 】

It's okay for a big shot in the academic world to stand in line, but it's too shocking for a large group of people to stand in line.

Netizens who questioned were completely silent.


So many bigwigs supported Lu Zhanxing's essay, if they continue to question, wouldn't it mean that the bigwigs are also blind?
The direction of the wind is gradually changing.

At the same time, Shengyang High School suddenly issued an announcement to punish Lu Ting.

A netizen found the campus network of Shengyang High School and posted all the posts that the students had discussed with Lu Ting.

The ironclad evidence is that Lu Ting is not pitiful at all, it is Qiao Yun who is pitiful.

The netizens who participated in the Internet explosion blushed, and said again: [Even if Qiao Yun is innocent, is it true that Lu Zhanxing used the money from the Lu family to squeeze the employees and kill the workers' lives in exchange for resources? 】

Fans: Come on, let's talk about my brother Lu hiding his identity and entering the entertainment industry as a hotel chef.


Xie Ying frowned: "It's all over now, sister Lu's matter has been clarified, and all the public opinion has come to your side."

If it wasn't for having contact with the Lu family and knowing their character.

Xie Ying is as suspicious as the netizens, that the Lu family is a black-hearted businessman.

This kind of thing is actually very difficult to do.

Most people think that if the disaster does not harm the children, it means that the children are not benefited.

If the matter of the Lu Group cannot be clarified, Lu Zhanxing may be boycotted.

Lu Zhanxing doesn't care about his own affairs at all now, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.


The fact that my sister was wronged at their house was found out by these big bosses...

Their family is estimated to be disgusted.


Li Miao has been paying attention to the public opinion on the Internet for the past two days, and suddenly came across Lu Zhanxing's clarification essay, and only then did she know that Lu Ting was worse than she imagined.

When get out of class was over, she couldn't wait to run to Qiao Yun.

"Qiao Qiao..." Li Miao held up her mobile phone, her face full of excitement: "Look, your second brother has spoken, and now all netizens know that compared with Lu Ting, you are the most innocent."

"I know." Qiao Yun was neither surprised nor happy, with a look of anticipation.

Qiao Yun's performance was so calm that Li Miao also felt that she was making a fuss.

She was surprised again: "Your family is so secretive? Now many bigwigs in the academic world are fighting for you."

Qiao Yun gave his hands a pause while cleaning the table.

This was a bit out of her expectations.

Seeing Qiao Yun packing up the textbooks, Li Miao asked suspiciously, "It's not over yet, how did you pack it up?"

"Ask for leave." Qiao Yun stood up and explained to Li Miao, "I have something to do."

Li Miao blinked, not understanding what major event could make Qiao Qiao, who loves to study, ask for leave.

Qiao Yun hadn't walked out of the school gate yet.

She received a call from Grandpa Joseph and Qiao Xun.

All came to ask about Lu Ting.

Qiao Yun didn't mention these things to them, they knew very little, so they didn't know that Qiao Yun was forced to be wronged.

The impression of the Lu family was greatly reduced in an instant.

Qiao Yun assured them again and again that she didn't care about Lu Ting at all, so they didn't feel wronged at all before giving up.

At the same time, Qiao Yun received a secret message asking if she wanted to choose a new family.

The group of cubs in the research institute even said: The Lu family's brains are not working well, and they can't tell the good from the bad, or send them to the research institute for treatment?
Qiao Yun: "..."

Before returning to the Lu family, she always thought that these people were afraid of her and respected her.

Unexpectedly, they also love her.

Qiao Yun in the past didn't understand these feelings, but now Qiao Yun can feel their love and care for her.

Qiao Yun touched her heart, it was warm and a little happy.

So it was rare for her to explain patiently to them.

The current family is very good, she doesn't need to change, she completely cut off these people's eagerness to take her away.

After Qiao Yun replied all the messages, she got into the car parked by the side of the road and said softly, "Go to the Lu Group."


The low-key black bulletproof bridge car started the accelerator and drove towards the Lu Group.


Lu Group.

All large and small shareholders have been present.

Lu Xian and Lu Rui pushed the door open and came in.

The conference room, which was still whispering, fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Lu Xian.

At this meeting, Lu Xian couldn't give a perfect explanation, and he was afraid that he would be voted out of office.

Lu Xian didn't change his face, he pulled out the chair and was about to sit down.

Before I sat down, I heard someone sneer and took the lead in attacking: "Mr. Lu, don't you feel guilty sitting in this position now?"

Lu Xian ignored the sarcasm, sat directly on the first chair, and then looked at the person who challenged him: "Dong Xia, if you have any opinions, why don't you just say so?"

Xia Dong seems to have been preparing for today, asking his assistant to send the documents to the major shareholders.

The shareholders opened the document and looked at it, which was an analysis of the current situation of the group.

Lu Rui's brows were deep, and he turned to look at Lu Xian.

The two brothers thought of being together tacitly at this moment.

This man came prepared.

In such a short period of time, all these preparations have been made, will there be any tricks?

Xia Dong's attitude toughly said: "In just a few days, the crusade of the group accounted for more than 80.00%on the Internet. As soon as the market opened, the group's stock market fell directly, and the family members of the death workers were still pulling down the banner downstairs. The reporter was staring. "

"President Lu doesn't feel that he should bear a lot of responsibility for today's situation."

Lu Xian was caught off guard by the other party's preparations, but he didn't panic. He put down the document and said bluntly, "You unite some shareholders and hold a general meeting of shareholders. Why don't you just say what you want to say?"

Xia Dongzhi is sure to win: "When the general manager makes an irreparable mistake and the chairman is absent, we, as directors, have the right to vote to decide whether the current general manager is suitable for this position. Obviously, Mr. Lu is not strong enough to make decisions. Unable to lead the group."

Hearing these words, some shareholders who knew were as calm as before, while those who didn't know were frightened.

Is this... serious enough to dismiss Lu Xian?

Lu Rui clenched his fists tightly, as if he wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lu Xian's eyes.

Lu Xian calmly said, "Do all the shareholders agree with his statement?"

Xia Dong glanced at the crowd confidently, and said in a calm manner: "I propose to conduct a recall vote!"

As soon as these words fell, the meeting room exploded!


the other side.

Suddenly a video went viral on the Internet!
Just this morning.

Sheng Qiao's boss, Pei Yao, who seldom showed up, suddenly accepted an interview from the national TV station.

in the video.

The reporter suddenly asked about Pei Yao and the Lu Group, which he had nothing to do with.

"President Pei, what's your opinion on the recent incidents of the Lu Group?"

Pei Yao, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, smiled frivolously and said: "I have a good relationship with the Lu family, and I feel sorry for this kind of thing, but I think there must be something hidden about these things. I believe that the character of the Lu family will not let them do it." Such unconscionable behavior."

He half-jokingly said: "Maybe someone wants to frame them, oh, I'm just kidding."

Pei Yao looked at the camera and said casually: "By the way, my teacher is very optimistic about the development prospects of the Lu Group, and has always wanted to cooperate with them."

The reporter took a deep breath, and the whole person was excited: "President Pei's teacher, is it Mr. MR.Q?"

Pei Yao nodded calmly: "That's right, it is MR.Q that has created new technology and brought space exploration to a new field."

As soon as this video comes out.

The whole network is boiling.

Not only the netizens are boiling, but even the academic world is boiling!
Mr. Q!
I am!

That super boss who has disappeared for more than a year and never sees the end of the dragon, is so optimistic about the development of the Lu Group?
Netizens who criticized the Lu Corporation nearly dropped their jaws.

The Shengqiao Group spoke uprightly in support of the Lu Group, isn't it afraid of being dragged into the water and ruined its reputation?
Or, did he dare to speak at this time because he had some internal information, so he was sure that the Lu Group was designed to dare to speak?

If it is said that Pei Yao is the only one who supports the Lu Group, then netizens have to question it.

Now that MR.Q is moved out, the falling stock of Lu Group has risen again!
You must know that being favored by MR.Q, whether it is people or things, in short, invest first and then talk about it, it will definitely make you a lot of money!
Just when the Internet was still crazy.

A valuable car was parked at the magnificent gate of the Lu Corporation.

Because of his words, Pei Yao, who disturbed the public opinion, got out of the car, put one hand in his pocket, looked up at the Lu Corporation, then turned to Qiao Yun, who was sitting in the car, who was petite and calm, and said, "Boss, I To shock everyone?"

Qiao Yun nodded: "Yes."

Pei Yao straightened his cuffs, and with his long legs, under the protection of a group of bodyguards, like a proud peacock, he moved towards the gate very imposingly.


Seeing Pei Yao's speech, old man Qin was about to go crazy.

What did Pei Yao get involved with?
Isn't this a mess?
He didn't even bother to think about why Pei Yao wanted to help the Lu Group, so he hurriedly asked Xiao Zhang, "How about what I asked you to do?"

Xiao Zhang hurriedly contacted the person in charge, and then turned pale with shock: "Master, someone is one step ahead of us and wants to buy the shares of the Lu Group!"

Old Master Qin's pupils constricted: "Who disturbed my good business?"

"This person is very mysterious and I haven't found out who it is!"

Mr. Qin gritted his teeth with hatred.

Who blocked his carefully planned acquisition plan?
"Master, what should we do now?"

Mr. Qin's eyes were dark, and he smiled secretly in his heart.

Since the acquisition plan fails, it can only be disintegrated from within.

He must make the Lu family suffer.

"How about Lu's shareholder meeting?"

"Proceeding according to plan."

A smile finally appeared on Mr. Qin's face.

As long as the Lu family loses control of the group and he completes the transfer of equity with those who work with him internally and externally, the Lu family will still belong to him.

(End of this chapter)

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