Chapter 805 What a Shocking Big Melon!
After Jiang Jing sent the message, she put away her mobile phone and followed Jiang Shaocheng to the clubhouse area on the top floor.

Before pushing open the door of the box, Jiang Shaocheng once again told Jiang Jing to be careful when speaking.

Jiang Jing was a little impatient. Unlike Jiang Yuan, she still knew a thing or two about these big families, so she naturally knew the status of the Huo family in Port K.

But now it's not in Port K. If you really want to say that Yuncheng is the birthplace of Sheng Qiao, how can a Huo family be so cautious?

Jiang Jing didn't take it seriously, she would follow because she wanted to find out the bottom line of Huo's research institute.

Push open the box door.

There were quite a few men and women, and the atmosphere was very lively, probably to please the Second Young Master Huo, and there were many beauties as companions.

Jiang Jing frowned in disgust, and glanced roughly, secretly surprised that all the high-ranking figures in Yuncheng were present.

The most conspicuous thing was the man sitting in the middle, dressed loosely, and his sitting posture was not right. He was lazily nestled on the sofa, and there was a sexy beauty sitting beside him.

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, he was talking to the people around him.

Jiang Shaocheng stepped forward enthusiastically: "Second Young Master, I'm sorry, I'm late."

When the man raised his head, his eyes were frivolous, and his eyes fell on Jiang Jing who was following behind Jiang Shaocheng, which was quite meaningful.

Jiang Jing was looked at very uncomfortable, and took a deep breath. It is said that this Second Young Master Huo is a romantic man, and he has made no achievements in the Huo family. He only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long.

Huo Chi took a sip of his wine, and said in an unhurried voice, "You really should be punished."

Ever since the Zhou family's ignorance provoked the Apocalypse Research Institute and was dealt a severe blow, the Jiang family has become the local snake in Yuncheng, but now the local snake has to smile because of Huo Chi's words.

"Okay, I'll punish myself with three cups first."

"Jiang Dong is really bold, I like to talk to bold people, since that's the case..." Huo Chi's eyes fell on Jiang Jing, and he slowly raised his finger, with a mischievous smile on his face, playing cards out of common sense Said: "Let her drink."

Jiang Shaocheng was worried that he had no chance to introduce Jiang Jing to Huo Chi, and now the opportunity came. He gave Jiang Jing a hand, and regardless of Jiang Jing's reluctance, he winked at her: "That's it!" It's my daughter named Jiang Jing, Jing Jing would like to offer a toast to the second young master."

"Dad." Jiang Jing couldn't understand, did she treat her as a wine hostess?
Jiang Shaocheng lowered his voice: "This is a good opportunity, you should perform well."

Jiang Jing suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, forced a smile and said: "Second Young Master, I often hear people talking about you, so I will toast you."

As he said, he raised his head and drank a cup.

Huo Chi didn't move, with a coquettish smile on the corner of his mouth, "Miss Jiang can drink a lot."

Jiang Shaocheng took the opportunity to say: "Second young master won the award, but it was just a small fight. My daughter has no other skills, but is interested in scientific research. She occasionally participates in competitions, and she always needs to socialize at the celebration banquet after winning the prize. So we can have a few drinks."

Huo Chi knew that the purpose of these people today was to go to the Huo family behind him, so he was not interested. Now that he heard Jiang Shaocheng's words, he took a few more glances at Jiang Jing, and asked by the way: "Which events did you participate in?" Contest?"

Jiang Shaocheng quickly talked about several famous competitions, some of which were sponsored by the Huo family. He borrowed flowers to present Buddha and said: "My daughter has always yearned for the Huo Institute."

Huo Chi laughed: "Why, as Yuncheng people, shouldn't you yearn for the Tianqi Research Institute?"

Jiang Shaocheng hadn't spoken yet. Jiang Jing, who saw her father flattering others for the first time, couldn't hold back, as if to show her own value, she straightened her back and said, "Second Young Master said that next month I will I'm about to take the Apocalypse assessment, but I haven't decided whether to enter the Apocalypse yet."

The tone was full of confidence, as if she would definitely pass the test.

"Are you going to take the test?"

"That's right." Jiang Jing replied subconsciously, and then realized that the person who spoke was not Huo Chi. She followed the voice and saw another man.

The man sat in the corner with a gloomy and pale face. Seeing her look over, the smile on his face was unclear: "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Han Luo. I used to be a member of Tianqi."

He smiled slightly and continued: "I am a student of Professor Qiao. If you don't understand what you don't understand, I can point you one or two."

Jiang Jing suddenly felt her scalp go numb.

Professor Qiao's student, now working for Huo's?
What a shocking big melon!

Qiao Yun, the man in the melon, was already sitting in the box.

The seat Su Qingyan booked was by the window, and when he looked out of the window, there was a riverside bridge behind him, and he could see the beautiful scenery of the city center.

Su Fan arrived one step earlier than them, and ordered a good meal at the right time. There were light Cantonese dishes and hot pot.

Qiao Yun didn't have much appetite, so he only ate a little, but Lu Shiran, who was sitting next to him, was extremely inattentive, and kept bringing food to Qiao Yun, as inattentive as if Qiao Yun was a person with incomplete limbs.

"Sister, what else do you want to eat, I'll get it for you."

Qiao Yun said obediently: "No, you eat."

"That won't work. If I don't take good care of you, that bastard Lu Zhanxing won't let you play with me in the future."

Before coming here, Lu Zhan had given thousands of instructions to Lu Shiran to put his sister first in everything, otherwise they would be separated.

So Lu Shiran took care of Qiao Yun along the way, and this time he also took care of his sister, and he didn't eat a few mouthfuls. Seeing that there was no food on Qiao Yun's plate, he took a piece of lettuce and boiled it. It turns out that my younger sister doesn't like meat very much.

Just as Qiao Yun swallowed the food in his mouth, hot lettuce was placed on the plate.


She reluctantly picked it up and ate it.

Lu Shiran said enthusiastically, "Sister, what else do you want to eat?"

He is very happy to be able to feed his sister.

Qiao Yun put down her chopsticks and shook her head: "No need."

"That's fine. If you have anything you want to eat, just tell me, and my brother will pick it up for you." His sister's hands are very precious, how can she do it herself.

Su Qingqing's jaw was about to drop from the sidelines.

I used to think my cousin's cousin was so annoying and robbed her of his cousin, but this time I see him differently. This is too virtuous and virtuous.

Su Fan just drank a few glasses of wine with Lu Rui and the old man, and now his face was a little red. He looked at Qiao Yun and congratulated him: "Qiao Qiao, I haven't congratulated you on your good grades in the college entrance examination."

"Thank you uncle." Qiao Yun thanked politely with sincere eyes.

In fact, Su Fan sent a congratulatory gift after the results came out.

Su Fan's heart warmed, and she asked with concern: "Have you decided which school to go to? I heard from your mother that many schools are rushing to get you. As expected of my little niece, she is amazing."

Qiao Yun pursed her lips in embarrassment, and said modestly: "Generally powerful."

Su Qingqing urged: "Cousin, do you want to consider going to Qingda University? It happens that my brother is also in Qingda University, so we can be companions."

(End of this chapter)

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