Chapter 806 The Apocalypse Scandal

She hasn't chosen a school yet, but she actually prefers Qingda University, but Beijing University is also fine.

Su Qingqing's grades are good, and she has won many competitions. Many schools have taken a fancy to her.

Su Qingyan continued: "Qingdao University is pretty good. My cousin wants to apply for information technology, right? With your grades, there must be no problem. If you can be selected by the professor as an assistant to work on the project together, you will get extra points."

Qiao Yun had participated in the Star Cup, so he was obviously interested in it, so he suggested this.

When the Lu couple heard that they were thinking about Qiao Yun's studies, they took a guilty bite of the food.

It's hard to tell them that Professor Qiao doesn't need to think about studies at all.

Qiao Yun listened carefully to what they were saying without interrupting them. After they finished speaking, she said softly, "You can go anywhere."

"Sister, you can't go to Qing University, you have to go to Beijing University with me." Lu Shiran protested, and said aggrievedly: "Have you forgotten our ideal of stars and seas?"

Qiao Yun:? ? ?
Su Qingqing was not happy anymore, and said in a soft voice: "It's better to go to Qingda University, at least with my brother around, I can have someone to help me."

Lu Shiqi snorted and said, "What's so good about Qing University? Didn't there be a scum called Song Li before, which shows that the school spirit is not good. Sister Li, do you think Beijing University is better or Qing University?"

Li Miao, who was working hard to cook, raised his head in bewilderment, and then said dissatisfied: "Lu Shiran, are you insulting me by asking me a scumbag?"

Lu Shiran: "..." This is quite self-aware.

Qiao Yun was sandwiched between them, her temples were throbbing, one sister and one brother, she stood on the wrong side, she just watched them innocently, arguing for her ultimate ownership.

At this time her cell phone rang, she looked down, it was a message from Li Hanzhou.

【Girlfriend, have you arrived safely? 】

[Did you forget something? 】

Qiao Yun: "..."

What happened to the inexplicable guilty conscience?

Her eyes flickered, she really forgot to promise Li Hanzhou, and she wanted to call him when she got there.

Qiao Yun pursed her lips, just as she didn't want to get involved in their dispute, she stood up and interrupted their words: "I'll make a phone call, you eat."

"Go." Su Mian could probably guess who Qiao Yun was going to call, she felt sore but didn't say anything, but glared at Lu Shiran: "Okay, okay, what's there to argue about, let's eat."


Lu Shiran kept his mouth shut, planning in his mind how to abduct his sister.


Top floor box.

Jiang Jing glared at the so-called Professor Qiao's student in a daze, and blurted out for a moment: "Are you really Professor Qiao's student?"

"Naturally." The person who called himself Han Luo looked and spoke in a gentle manner, "My name is enough to explain it."

Jiang Jing remembered that Professor Qiao had a group of students who were personally taught by her. The surnames of these people were exactly the same, and all of them were named Han.

It is said that the surname was given by Professor Qiao.

The representative figure of the new generation who has risen in recent years, Han Wang, was taught by Professor Qiao.

Jiang Jing's doubts about Han Luo went away, and she couldn't help but think, it seems that Tianqi is not as deified as she thought, otherwise, why would Han Luo ignore Tianqi and join the Huo family instead?
This is really... an apocalypse scandal.

However, she had never heard that all the people in the Apocalypse Research Institute had jumped to Huo's, and it seemed that they had been well concealed.

Jiang Jing wanted to ask Han Luo what was going on, but she was not familiar with him, so it was difficult for her to ask, so she tentatively asked, "Do you understand the assessment?"

Because of the betting relationship with Qiao Yun, what she cares most about now is the assessment.

"Of course, it's nothing more than those few exams. If you're interested, I can talk to you." Han Luo smiled, like a spring breeze, and he looked very harmless.

Jiang Jing nodded politely: "Then I will trouble you."

Huo Chi glanced at Han Luo, and said to Jiang Jing with a smile in his eyes: "Miss Jiang asked the right person, Han Luo is now the head of our Huo's branch."

When Jiang Jing heard this, her doubts about Han Luo were completely gone. If she had no skills, how could she be the head of the branch office.

Although she had never heard of Han Luo, maybe it was because he didn't show up?
Han Luo fixed his eyes on Jiang Jing, and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket with a smile, "You take this."

"This is?" Jiang Jing took it over with a puzzled look on her face.

Han Luo said sincerely: "Apocalypse's assessment is divided into several items, and the first level is to crack it. You should know this?"

"Yes." Jiang Jing nodded.

The first test is actually not difficult.

It is necessary to use one's own knowledge to crack the safety net specially built by Tianqi for the assessment.

Jiang Jing is very confident in this pass.

Han Luo said, "Do you think it's easy?"

Jiang Jing did not deny: "I really think so. I wrote a cracking software and won an award, so this level is easy for me."

Han Ruo shook his head: "No, the clearance rate of the first level is [-]%."

Jiang Jing was surprised, she didn't expect to be so strict.

"The U disk I gave you has a lot of reference materials, which can help you upgrade and crack the software."

Jiang Jing couldn't hide her excitement when she heard the words.

This is the material compiled by the students taught by Professor Qiao, and it must be of great help to her.

She didn't think much of it and just accepted it.

A trace of calculation flashed in Han Luo's eyes, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "I wish you success."

I don't know why Han Luo's eyes made Jiang Jing feel uncomfortable, but she just took it as her own illusion, and said gratefully: "You have helped me a lot, if you need me in the future, just ask."

Han Luo said meaningfully: "I will remember your words."

I was chatting with the private detective when I sent a message.

Jiang Jing opened her mouth with a smile, and the smile on her face froze in the next second.

Su Qingyan was really at a famous banquet.

Then the Qiao Yun she saw just now wasn't a hallucination?
There are still twenty days before Tianqi's assessment, what is Qiao Yun doing here so early, and still with Su Qingyan! ! !
Thinking of Qiao Yun's so beautiful face, Jiang Jing's eyes were gloomy, she stood up abruptly, and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

She is going to rape!
After Jiang Jing went out, Huo Chi asked Han Luo: "Have you taken a fancy to her?"

Han Luo took a sip of wine slowly, his voice a little hoarse: "She is useful."

"Oh?" Huo Chi snorted and said with a smile, "Aside from being good-looking, what's the use?"

"I'll find out later." Han Luo half-closed his eyes and smiled strangely.

Huo Chi warned softly: "You know that my mission this time is to get Tianqi's AI core data, so don't do anything bad to me."

If he hadn't heard that Han Luo was Professor Qiao's student, he wouldn't have brought this person here.

He frowned and said, "It's fine if the safety net can't be breached, why don't you even remember the way to Tianqi?"

Han Luo's eyes flickered slightly: "I have been away for so many years, Tianqi's system has been upgraded long ago. As for the road, I did not make a mistake. Maybe they changed the land again."

(End of this chapter)

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