If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 807 It's Not Humiliation, But It's Better Than Humiliation

Chapter 807 It's Not Humiliation, But It's Better Than Humiliation

Huo Chi's deep eyes were full of inquiry: "You better not lie to me."

Han Luo tightly clenched his hands by his side, and his voice revealed unwillingness: "Second Young Master, you know, my greatest wish is to lead the Huo Institute to overwhelm Apocalypse."

Huo Chi didn't believe it or not, he stared at him for a while, and soon he showed that unrestrained smile: "Don't be nervous, of course I believe you, after all, you are the person I introduced."

Han Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

After he came out of Apocalypse, he went directly to the Huo family. After some research, he finally chose the surly Huo Chi.

Sure enough, when the other party heard that he came out of Tianqi because of being unfairly treated, he excitedly introduced him to First Young Master Huo.

After confirming that he had the real ability, he successfully entered the Huo Institute.

Huo Chi would bring him out this time, it was beyond his expectation, if possible, he didn't really want to come back to Yuncheng, he was worried that the secret would be discovered...

But now he can't get off the tiger, there are only two ways to go, one is to fully assist Huo Chi to get what he wants from Tianqi, and the other is to leave the Huo family.

Having already sat in this position, he is naturally reluctant to give up.

Moreover, Huo's most fancy AI project is in charge of him. If he succeeds, he will be famous and make the group of Tianqi regret how they treated him back then.

Huo Chi shook the wine glass in his hand, with a sarcasm smile on his face: "I thought Tianqi was so fair and just, but that's the way it is, otherwise you wouldn't be suppressed, or even have your research results taken away."

Han Luo laughed a few times.

Huo Chi didn't know what to think of, and licked the corner of his lips: "Perhaps, we can do something big."

Han Luo understood that the second young master did whatever he wanted, and his temper was unpredictable, so he was afraid that he would make some trouble, so he hurriedly persuaded him: "Second young master, the eldest young master said it..."

"Don't mention him to me!" Huo Chi said impatiently: "Remember, you belong to me, not my elder brother! Besides, they didn't always regard Tianqi as a competitor, and I did this for the good of the Huo family."

Han Luo patiently said: "Second Young Master, our most important task now is to obtain information about AI from Tianqi."

"Who knows if this news is accurate or not? It might be groundless. Otherwise, why would they not dare to accept my invitation?" Huo Chi didn't take it seriously. He raised his hand and patted Han Luo's cheek with a cold voice: "Why, the wings are hard Do you dare to resist the young master?"

"No." Seeing that he was so stubborn, Han Luo moved his lips. After all, he was still afraid of gaining the upper hand and dared not persuade him any more, so he just asked, "What is Second Young Master planning to do, you'd better find out with me, so I can be prepared. .”

"I have to think about it." Huo Chi's eyes fell on Han Luo with a half-smile, "In short, there is something you can use. Don't worry, because you have worked hard for the Huo family for so many years, I will definitely help you. You seek justice."

Han Luo cursed inwardly, no wonder Huo Chi has only been suppressed by the young and old for so many years.

Really think that Yuncheng is Port K.


Qiao Yun got out of the box, leaned against the wall of the corridor, and called Li Hanzhou to report that he was safe.

As soon as the call was dialed, it sounded like the person on the other side had been waiting for the call. Qiao Yun was stunned for a while, and a warm color flashed in his emotionless eyes.

"Finally remember me?"

The man's voice was low, with a joking smile, as if he was speaking next to his ear, which made Qiao Yun's ears itchy.

She raised her hand to touch her earlobe, and muttered, "Sorry, I forgot."

"Huh? Forgot."

Li Hanzhou on the opposite side laughed, then sighed, and said with a hint of grievance, "It seems that my status in Professor Qiao's heart is not as high as I imagined."

"No." Qiao Yun denied the statement, and comforted him gently: "I haven't reported safety to anyone before, I'm not used to it."

No one dared to ask where Professor Qiao was going, and she didn't need to report her whereabouts, so she didn't react for a while.

The phone was quiet for a while, and then came Li Hanzhou's voice, low and provocative: "Then you have to get used to it as soon as possible, no matter where you go from now on, there will be someone who will remember you."

Qiao Yun pursed her lips, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and replied softly to the person opposite: "I see."

She is no longer alone.

Li Hanzhou thought to himself, his Professor Qiao is so well-behaved that it makes people feel distressed.

"If you have nothing to do, hang up first." Qiao Yun wanted to chat with Li Hanzhou a little more, but her family was still waiting for her, so it would be impolite to say too long.

"There is one thing." Li Hanzhou talked about a serious matter, "Do you know that the Huo family is in Yuncheng?"

"I know." Qiao Yun did not hide the truth from Li Hanzhou, and told him what he found out recently.

Li Hanzhou was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Pei Yao and Huo Shi to be involved. He pondered for a moment and gave his own analysis: "The people who secretly contact you are not with good intentions."

Qiao Yun nodded, thinking that the man would not be able to see, she hummed again.

When the people from the Huo family came to Yuncheng, the first person they contacted was not the outreach personnel of the Tianqi Research Institute, but the core researcher Han Wang, who either wanted to poach a corner or inquire about something.

No sincerity at all.

"Be careful yourself." Li Hanzhou knew that Qiao Yun was measured, so he didn't ask too much.

Qiao Yun hummed, and said a few words to Li Hanzhou before hanging up the phone. When she hung up, she felt a little bit of reluctance.

It's an emotion that didn't come up before.

It seems that her mood towards Li Hanzhou has changed again.

Qiao Yun shook her head lightly, turned around and wanted to go back to the box, when she saw Su Qingyan coming out.

Su Qingyan asked gently, "Are you finished talking?"

He was stabbed by Song Li before, and his life was saved because of Qiao Yun's relationship. Now facing Qiao Yun, he has more kindness besides family affection.

There is no indifference like when we first met.

Because of Ye Miaoshan's relationship, Su Qingyan has always been afraid of women.

"En." Qiao Yun looked at Su Qingyan with a pair of beautiful eyes, the eyes were clear and pure, and she looked like a good student.

Of course, if the emotion in her eyes can be softened and not so cold.

Su Qingyan has always been curious about what kind of experience can make Qiao Yun's feelings so indifferent, but compared to the last meeting, she is a little more popular this time.

Su Qingyan smiled, "I haven't told you yet, congratulations to my cousin for her good grades in the exam."

Qiao Yun blinked, and said indifferently, "I just said it."

"It's different, it was my dad who said it just now, and now I am blessing you." Su Qingyan felt very comfortable talking to Qiao Yun.

Even after getting such a good grade in the exam, she is still neither arrogant nor impatient, which seems to be a normal thing.

"Okay, thank you." Qiao Yun didn't have much contact with Su Qingyan, but he could feel his sincerity, and he felt a little closer to this cousin in his heart.

Su Qingyan took out his mobile phone and moved his fingers slightly, "I don't know what to give you. You can take this money and you can buy things you like. Take it as a reward from me."

next second.

Qiao Yun received a transfer.

She was stunned, and looked down, Su Qingyan transferred 5 yuan to her.

Qiao Yun was silent.

Why not only the Lu family likes to transfer money at every turn, but also the Su family.

Her temples twitched, she looked up at Su Qingyan, and said with a slight headache: "I don't need money, it's too much."

It's not much for her, but it may be a lot of money for Su Qingyan who doesn't rely on his family to earn money to support himself.

Su Qingyan paused with his fingers, thinking that Qiao Yun usually didn't have so much pocket money, so he was frightened by the 5 yuan for a while, and he comforted him: "I recently did a project with my mentor, and I got a lot, 5 yuan is not much , In fact, I should give you a little more, but it’s not good for you to take too much money now.”

The corner of Qiao Yun's mouth twitched.

There are countless zeros in her current account balance, and if she said it, she might shock Su Qingyan to the point of doubting her life.

Seeing Qiao Yun's dumbfounded look, Su Qingyan felt a little cute, and couldn't help rubbing her hands: "Sister, you can keep it, if it wasn't because of you, it would be impossible for me to enter Qiao Yun's research institute at my age. Impossible, I will buy you a better gift when I earn more money in the future."

These words were spoken with sincerity.

Qiao Yun lowered his eyelids and nodded slightly.

Su Qingyan laughed, somewhat understanding why Lu Zhan acted so aggressively.

"By the way." He lowered his voice and said, "Don't tell your cousin Qingqing."

Qiao Yun was confused: "Huh?"

"I only transferred her 1 yuan." Su Qingyan was rather blatantly biased, "Who made her only pass the No.3 exam."

Qiao Yun opened her mouth and said obediently, "This is not good."

Su Qingyan laughed again, "There's nothing wrong with it, it's called heaven rewards hard work."


When Jiang Jing found it based on the box number provided by the private detective, she saw Su Qingyan smiling at Qiao Yun's eye-catching face.

At that moment, she froze in place.

The thought of not bothering, just taking a sneak peek disappeared without a trace, and a deep wave of jealousy rose.

Her heart was constantly on fire, she clenched her fists, thinking angrily.

Didn't you say you don't want to find a girlfriend?

Not interested in relationships?
She really believed in ghosts!

Jiang Jing felt that her love had been ruined, and she was even more jealous of Qiao Yun who made Su Qingyan smile so brightly.

After all, she didn't suppress the fire in her heart, and walked over in high heels.

Su Qingyan never expected that someone would run out halfway and grab his hand suddenly. He was startled at first, and then subconsciously protected Qiao Yun behind him.

This action irritated Jiang Jing, her face was ugly and gloomy, and she asked, "Su Qingyan! You lied to me!"

After Su Qingyan found out that it was Jiang Jing, his brows were tightly frowned: "What are you doing?"

Qiao Yun glanced at Jiang Jing indifferently, and then took it back lightly, with a hint of interest in her eyes, wanting to see what Jiang Jing was going to do.

Jiang Jing bit her lip aggrievedly, cast her cruel eyes on Qiao Yun, and sneered: "What can I do? What are you so worried about, or are you afraid of what I will do to her! What is she to you?" Man, you protect her so much!"

Su Qingyan's face sank slightly, "I have nothing to say to you."

As he spoke, he turned his head to Qiao Yun and said, "Let's go in."

"Okay." Qiao Yun nodded.

However, in Jiang Jing's eyes, Su Qingyan's behavior was that she was worried about what she would do to Qiao Yun, so she immediately exploded in anger, and immediately stood in front of Su Qingyan, raised her head, and said stubbornly: "Don't go, you and me Tell me, what is your relationship with her?"

Su Qingyan was a little angry, her eyes were cold: "What relationship do I have with her, it's none of your business."

He didn't think Jiang Jing was qualified to take care of her own affairs.

Qiao Yun raised her eyebrows, and silently stood back, ready to be a qualified crowd.

Jiang Jing's lips trembled, as if she couldn't believe that Su Qingyan would say such a thing, "Are you separating from me?"

"You made a mistake." Su Qingyan said indifferently: "We have nothing to do with each other."

Jiang Jing stared in disbelief: "Is she just that good? I have liked you since I was a child, and I have been chasing you for so many years. After all, I can't compare to this person who came out of nowhere! Do you know that she and Li Hanzhou are dating !"

"What?" Su Qingyan showed surprise, and asked Qiao Yun in a little astonishment: "Is it true?"

It's true that I didn't have time to tell the Su family about this matter, but now that it has been exposed, Qiao Yun nodded calmly: "Really, all the family members know."

Thinking of Li Hanzhou, Su Qingyan frowned again, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, but his sister said that his family knew about it, so it was useless for him to worry so much.

Seeing Su Qingyan's reaction, Jiang Jing knew that Su Qingyan had been deceived by Qiao Yun's pure appearance, and immediately looked at Qiao Yun, her eyes filled with sarcasm: "You already have Master Li, why do you still want to snatch him from me? Said that you enjoy being sought after by others? Are you not afraid that Lord Li will reject you if he knows you are like this? "

Inside and outside the words, they all imply that Qiao Yun is flirtatious.

"Shut up!" Su Qingyan was furious at Jiang Jing's words, her attitude was never colder than before.

Jiang Jing was taken aback. She had never seen Su Qingyan like this before. Although she had been rejected by Su Qingyan several times before, her attitude was very gentle.

It was the first time seeing him so angry.

Just for an outsider.

Jiang Jing said aggressively: "Where did I say something wrong? Didn't she seduce you? Otherwise, why did you smile so much at her..."

Smile so softly!

She was overwhelmed.

"You are talking nonsense!" Su Qingyan's face was extremely ugly, "She is my cousin, why can't I smile at my cousin?"

Jiang Jing looked astonished, suspecting that she had heard wrong, "Your cousin?"

Su Qingyan held back her anger: "Jiang Jing, apologize to my cousin immediately."

Jiang Jing looked at Qiao Yun with a face full of ghosts, and she was still in the shock of "the person I regarded as an opponent, and I mistakenly thought that the person Su Qingyan liked was his cousin".

And she had offended Qiao Yun to death before.

Jiang Jing finds it hard to accept this truth.

Qiao Yun opened her mouth, her eyes were full of meaning, and she looked Jiang Jing up and down: "Do you like my brother?"

Su Qingyan felt a little better because of Qiao Yun's brother.

Jiang Jing's lips trembled, but she didn't speak.

Qiao Yun didn't need her answer either, she just shook her head at Jiang Jing with a look of disappointment on her face.

Not humiliating but more humiliating.

(End of this chapter)

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