Chapter 809 The virus is quietly invading

Su Qingyan's lips moved, and his eyes were a little dodgy, as if he was embarrassed to say it.

Qiao Yun really thought there was something important, and said in relief: "Don't be embarrassed, if there is anything, I can and will help."

Just now when Su Qingyan vented her anger for her, she owed him a favor.

Su Qingyan took a deep breath, coughed lightly and said, "You just admitted to Jiang Jing that I am your brother."

Qiao Yun didn't react for a while, and was stunned for a moment, then nodded calmly, "You are."

Su Qingyan laughed, and it wasn't that difficult to speak again, "Can you call me brother again?"

Qiao Yun: "..."

That's it?

Seeing that Qiao Yun was in a daze, Su Qingyan said, "It's okay if you don't want to scream."

Having said that, I am still quite disappointed.

As soon as he thought this way, he heard a soft and waxy voice saying to him, "Brother."

Su Qingyan raised her head abruptly, her expression was stunned, and it was rare for her to lose her composure. After a while, she responded: "I'm here."

Seeing him in a daze, Qiao Yun muttered in her heart.

Isn't this brother very smart, so there are times when he is so stupid.

Su Qingyan was a little light-hearted.

It wasn't the first time he was called brother, after all, there was a younger sister, Su Qingqing.

But his own sister is used to pretending, and every time she calls his brother in that delicate voice, it makes him feel uncomfortable all over his body.

However, Qiao Yun's "brother" made him feel very happy from the bottom of his heart.

When he returned to the box, he stared at Su Qingqing for a minute, and when the veins on Su Qingqing's forehead were about to burst, he suddenly said, "Qingqing, call me brother."

Su Qingqing didn't know anything about what happened outside just now, Su Qingyan asked her so and she opened her mouth, her voice was so sweet that it made people feel like they had eaten a catty of sugar, "Brother."

Su Qingyan closed her eyes and sighed: "You better stop barking."

Su Qingqing:? ? ?Are you sick?
Su Qingyan secretly looked at Qiao Yun who was being fed by Lu Shiran.

She probably didn't want to eat, her face was sullen, her brows were frowning, her pink lips were slightly pursed, and her beautiful eyes showed a bit of difficulty.

he thought angrily.

Why did you think my sister was a scary creature before?
Qiao Yun didn't know that she had conquered Su Qingyan, but she just felt that he always looked at her, but Professor Qiao was used to being looked at by others, so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

after eating.

Su Fan took out the gift for the college entrance examination for Qiao Yun, "Qiao Qiao, come and take it."

Su Mian quickly declined: "What kind of gift is it, take it back quickly."

Su Fan put it in Qiao Yun's hands directly, and said to Su Mian, "It's not any valuables, it's just a congratulatory gift. I'm Qiao Qiao's uncle, and I can't even give you anything. You insist on seeing me like this." outside?"

At the end of the conversation, Su Mian could only helplessly say, "All right."

Qiao Yun said obediently, "Thank you uncle."

"Hey, you're welcome." Su Fan was happy.

Su Qingqing felt a blow in her heart, "Why didn't I think of giving a gift, brother, you said Dad is really true, why did you secretly prepare it yourself."

"Oh." Su Qingyan pushed the glasses, and said calmly, "I also gave it away."

Su Qingqing was stabbed again, and said, "Traitor!"


Since the Lu family was tired from the long journey, everyone prepared to go back after eating.

Get out of the underground parking lot.

Su Fan chatted and asked Qiao Yun: "Qiao Qiao, why don't you just spend your summer vacation here."

"That's right, my cousin will go to school together when school starts." Su Qingqing very much agreed with this proposal.

Qiao Yun thought for a while, "In a few days, I'm going to a place."

Su Fan liked Qiao Yun very much, and a kind and kind smile appeared on his fat face, "Where is a good place to go?"

Qiao Yun told them: "Go home."

Only then did Su Fan remember that Qiao Yun had lived in the countryside of Yuncheng for 15 years.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little sad.

Qiao Qiao is in the city where he lives, but he doesn't know at all, if he pays more attention, will Qiao Qiao be able to come back sooner, so he won't have to suffer.

Su Fan asked, "I don't know where you lived before?"

Qiao Yun didn't hide it, and said a place name.

Su Fan thought about it carefully, and said with a dazed expression, "Where is this place? I've never heard of it."

Su Mian smiled and said, "Yuncheng is huge, there are so many things you don't know about."

Su Fan decided, "I'll go with you when the time comes."

Su Mian was in a dilemma, afraid that Su Fan would suffer from a heart attack when he got there, so he laughed and said, "Let's talk about it later, you are so busy, who knows if you have time."

Su Fan didn't think too much about it: "That's right."

Qiao Yun raised his eyes and said nothing.

the other side.

Huo Chi and Han Luo, who found it boring, also came out of the party. He glanced casually and saw the Lu family and his party. He only stayed on the outstanding Qiao Yun for a moment before moving away.

He still likes sexy beauties.

Han Luo followed his gaze and saw Qiao Yun as well, but was taken aback.

Huo Chi raised his eyebrows: "Why, do you know each other?"

Han Luo looked away and shook his head: "I don't know, I watched her variety show last year."

Huo Chi became a little interested: "Could it be a star?"

"It seems not. Her brother is Lu Zhanxing, a well-known star in the Mainland."

"Since when have you been interested in this?"

"It's so-so, let's take a look." Han Luo was not interested.

It was at that time that many old scholars with high status were chasing this variety show, and it is said that one of the young girls who was chasing stars rewarded her a lot of money.

When he heard the news at that time, he was shocked. It was hard to believe that this group of people who were almost buried in the ground would run to chase stars.

That's why he paid attention to it for a while, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

Han Luo didn't take this matter to heart, and when he returned to his residence, he hurriedly turned on his laptop.

Click to open a software, enter the password, and after successfully entering, a series of symbols flashed from the bottom of his eyes, and the corner of his mouth slightly ticked: "It's done."


From the moment Jiang Jing met Su Qingyan, she felt a little unmotivated.

Jiang Shaocheng asked her what was wrong, but she didn't say anything, and finally lost her patience and left it alone.

When she got home, she didn't say a word, went upstairs with a calm face, and then turned on the computer specially programmed for programming. During the booting period, she took out the USB flash drive and played with it for a while.

To be honest, she doesn't really want to rely on other people's help.

But think of the stigma of today.

Jiang Jing just hesitated for a while, and then inserted the USB flash drive into the port.

She tapped the desktop irregularly with her fingertips, watching the computer read the disk anxiously, waiting for the disk to be read successfully.

Jiang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and then opened the software specially written for the Tianqi assessment this time, which she will use during the assessment.

However, she didn't know that as the software was opened, the invisible virus hidden in the U disk was quietly invading the software.

(End of this chapter)

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