Chapter 810 Jiang Jing is a Tool Man

Jiang Jing looked at the information in the USB flash drive intently, and was overjoyed that these materials were indeed very useful to her.

She didn't believe it anymore, she would lose to Qiao Yun in this competition.


This side of the hotel.

Huo Chi looked sideways at Han Luo with a dignified face, raised his brows, and said cynically, "How's it going?"

Han Luo didn't look up, and tapped the keyboard with his fingers, his face relaxed: "It went very well, and the next thing is to wait for the day of the Tianqi assessment."

In front of him, the progress bar on the screen has reached 90.00%.

In the next second, the successful page jumped out.

Han Luo breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the back of the chair.

Huo Chi tapped the table with his fingertips, and said casually, "What do you want to do with that Miss Jiang?"

"Use her as a medium." Han Luo's gloomy eyes flashed a hint of ruthlessness, "The USB flash drive I gave her has been implanted with a virus, as long as she uses the USB flash drive, the virus will be implanted in her software, and wait until On the day of the Apocalypse assessment, she was connected to Apocalypse's intranet, and the virus would sneak into the intranet. As long as the virus can successfully infiltrate into Apocalypse's intranet, I can take the opportunity to control the virus on the external network to fuse the security system, so if I want to invade their core system... ..."

He raised the corners of his lips confidently: "Of course it's very easy."

Afraid that Huo Chi wouldn't understand, he gave an example: "Tianqi's security is like an iron wall. Since you can't get in from the outside, you can only make a breakthrough from the inside. Hehe, it's difficult to get in from the outside, and it's not easy to get out from the inside."

Jiang Jing is the tool man who opens the door inside.

Huo Chi really doesn't understand these things. He doesn't have the intelligence and intelligence of his elder brother, but he knows how to play dirty tricks better than his elder brother.

Just like this time, the eldest brother actually asked him to talk to Tianqi about AI research and development cooperation. Of course, it was a serious talk, but because Tianqi repeatedly rejected him, he could only use extreme means.

Anyway, if the task can be achieved, it doesn't matter if it uses some shady means.


Huo Chi narrowed his deep eyes, "Are you sure it's okay?"

Han Luo paused, feeling annoyed at being underestimated, he suppressed his voice and said, "Second Young Master doesn't believe me?"

"Not really." Huo Chi twitched his lips, looking at Han Luo with half-sarcasm in his eyes: "After all, there is still Professor Qiao, although I have never seen her, I have heard of her greatness. "

"I got news that Professor Qiao is not in Yuncheng." If it wasn't for this, he really wouldn't dare to be so arrogant.

The only person in the Apocalypse Research Institute that he can fear is Professor Qiao. Now that she is gone, the rest of the group of incomprehensible people can't resist his attack at all.

"Anyway, as long as you can achieve the result you want, you can do whatever you want." Huo Chi waved his hands, with a nonchalant expression on his face, he lifted his feet up and put them on the coffee table, his neckline was undone, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised "There is still more than half a month before the apocalypse assessment, right?"


"Then for the remaining ten days, let's do some fun things."


Han Luo looked at him with a bad premonition in his heart.

Huo Chi laughed evilly and said, "If I hold an academic exchange meeting in the name of the Huo family, many people will come to join me."

Han Luo frowned tightly: "The young master probably won't agree."

"It doesn't matter, just don't let him know. Anyway, he is not here." Huo Chi said in a charitable manner: "I said that I will help you get justice, so I will help you naturally."

Han Luo's eyelids twitched: "Second Young Master, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, you'll know when the time comes."

With the blessing of the Huo family, Huo Chi did not play cards according to common sense. This time Tianqi rejected him and really annoyed him.

So he wants to force the people from Tianqi out, and let the people from Tianqi come to him on their own initiative.

Then you need to do something to get their attention.

His eyes fell on Han Luo.

It happened to be a good time to use Han Luo's experience in Tianqi to make a fuss.

Everyone said Tianqi was good, but he insisted on telling the public about Tianqi's unfair treatment of researchers in front of everyone.

As for how many people will believe it at that time, Huo Chi doesn't care, anyway, there will always be one person out of ten who doubts, as long as there are people who doubt, those people from Tianqi will always come to him for the sake of reputation.

Huo Chi was quite complacent about this perfect plan.

This time he must make achievements to show to those in the family.

But this is not K port after all, he still needs someone to coordinate these matters.

Huo Chi naturally thought of Jiang Shaocheng, since he wanted to do it, he had to do it in a big way.

Jiang Shaocheng is the richest man in Yuncheng, and working with him is the best choice.

Later, Huo Chi contacted Jiang Shaocheng and told him in the name of the Huo family that he came to Yuncheng this time to hold a grand academic exchange meeting and charity auction in Yuncheng, and asked him if he was interested in co-organizing it.

Jiang Shaocheng was simply flattered. He treated Huo Chi with courtesy just because he wanted to curry favor with the Huo family.

He was naturally willing to cooperate with the Huo family, and immediately decided to participate.

Huo Chi said to Jiang Shaocheng in a commanding tone: "Remember to find more media, the more the better."

After all, Jiang Shaocheng was the richest man in the party. Huo Chi's tone made him feel dissatisfied, but he didn't show it. He just said, "Why are you looking for so many media?"

Huo Chi said as it should: "If you don't promote it well, who knows what my Huo family has done."

Jiang Shaocheng was right when he thought about it, so he agreed, and asked again: "Will Young Master Huo be present?"

"He has something to do." Huo Chi said impatiently, "Director Jiang thinks I'm not qualified?"

"Second Young Master is making a big joke, that's not what I mean."

"I know you want to seek cooperation with the Huo family, but you have to let the Huo family see what your Jiang family is capable of."

Jiang Shaocheng said with great joy, "Don't worry, this academic exchange meeting will definitely be a complete success."

Huo Chi said meaningfully: "I'll wait for your good news."

Jiang Shaocheng didn't know that Huo Chi wanted to do something big, and he was happy because he was able to hold an academic exchange meeting with the Huo family.

It just so happens that their family is engaged in science and technology, and the people who will come will be either professors or academicians, and they may be able to discuss some cooperation.

Thinking of this, he went upstairs again and knocked on Jiang Jing's door.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Jiang Jing is now in a happy mood. She has learned a lot of new knowledge from the materials Han Luo gave, so she is even more convinced that Han Luo is Professor Qiao's student.

Jiang Shaocheng told her: "The Jiang family is going to co-organize an academic exchange meeting with the Huo family, so you should perform well then."

"Okay, I got it." Thinking of Huo Chi's cynical look, Jiang Jing said worriedly: "Dad, is this reliable? Is it really the Huo family's intention?"

Jiang Shaocheng affirmed: "What Huo Ershao lied to us must be reliable."

Jiang Jing nodded and said no more.

It would be very beneficial to her future if she could get to know a few more bigwigs at the academic exchange meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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