Chapter 811 False
In the past few days in Yuncheng, Qiao Yun visited all the scenic spots that he hadn't visited in these years.

They even went to the farmhouse on the mountain, and went camping on the island. In short, she had a good time.

Played like this for five days.

Qiao Yun received a call from Li Hanzhou.

There was a bonfire party last night, Qiao Yun went to bed very late, and he didn't wake up at nine o'clock this time.

When she received the call, she was still a little dazed, wrapped in the quilt, and said in a lazy voice, "Good morning."

"It's getting late." Li Hanzhou chuckled and told Qiao Yun, "I'm on the plane in the afternoon."

Qiao Yun opened her eyes suddenly, her mind cleared up a little, "I'll pick you up."

"No need." Li Hanzhou couldn't bear Qiao Yun's running around.

Qiao Yun yawned a little, her beautiful eyes were clouded with mist, and said hoarsely, "I haven't picked anyone up yet."

Li Hanzhou's heart softened when he heard her words, and he didn't try to persuade her anymore, and said in a low voice: "Okay, I'll wait for you."


Qiao Yun hung up the phone call with Li Hanzhou and got up from the bed. She took a shower first and changed into a simple T-shirt and trousers.

Then she started to pack her things. This time she came to the island for camping, she didn't bring much, just a few sets of clothes, and left the rest in the hotel.

After tidying up a bit, Qiao Yun went downstairs with her small bag on her back.

Everyone downstairs got up.

Seeing Qiao Yun carrying the bag, Su Mian smiled and said, "Daughter, you are sleepy, we have two days before going back to the city."

Qiao Yun said lazily, "Well, I'm going to pick up someone at the airport."

Lu Rui asked strangely, "Who will you pick up?"

"Congee Congee, here we come." Qiao Yun's face was facing the morning light, her facial features were delicate and dazzlingly beautiful.

Since it was Li Hanzhou who came, it was only natural that Qiao Yun wanted to pick him up.

The old man commanded: "Second brother, send Qiao Qiao there."

Before Lu Rui could speak, Qiao Yun refused first, and said with a serious face: "I'm not a child, I can do it alone, don't send it away, you guys have fun."

She still prefers to be quiet. If it weren't for being with her family, she would rather stay in the room and do academic work.

Su Fan volunteered: "I can just send Qiao Qiao back. There is an event tomorrow, and I wanted to go back to the city later."

In order not to worry her family, Qiao Yun agreed and nodded slowly: "Okay."

Su Qingyan stood up: "I'll go with you."

Su Qingqing was upset, and quickly said, "I'll go too."

The corner of Su Qingyan's mouth twitched: "I'm going to pick up Teacher Qiao, what are you going to do next?"

He just got the news that Qiao Xun came to Yuncheng to participate in an academic activity on behalf of the Qiao family.

As a member of Joseph's research institute, and as an assistant under Qiao Xun's staff, he should pick up the plane.

After drinking the last sip of milk, Li Miao raised her hand and said, "I'll go too, after all, he's my brother."

Lu Shiran looked left and right, and said loudly: "I'm going anyway, no, I'm going too."

Qiao Yun saw them all ready to move, and finally decided to let Su Qingyan and Li Miao go to the airport together.

The remaining people resisted ineffectively.

She was just going to pick up the plane and didn't need to bring so many people.


On the car back to the city.

Su Fan was driving, Su Qingyan was sitting in the co-driver, Qiao Yun with half-lidded eyelids and a troubled look sat behind him, and Li Miao who was watching the scenery passing by the window with great interest.

Su Qingyan asked Su Fan casually: "Dad, what activities are you going to participate in tomorrow?"

"As for an academic activity held by Jiang's family, it was held on a cruise ship, and it was very grand." Su Fan clicked his tongue a few times, and said with emotion: "You have been isolated from the world these days, did you not see that Yuncheng came recently? Less scholars, by the way, he also organized a charity dinner at the same time."

Su Qingyan remembered that Qiao Xun came to Yuncheng to participate in an academic activity. Could it be the same activity? If so, it seems that the Jiang family has really spent a lot of money.

While driving, Su Fan said, "Academic activities are of no use to our family's business, but the charity party can gain fame. By the way, there is a gossip that Professor Qiao's students will also go. You can come with me when the time comes."

Su Qingyan was a little surprised: "When did the Jiang family have such a big face that even people from Tianqi can be hired?"

Su Fan shook his head: "I don't know about this either."

Qiao Yun raised her eyelids, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, she turned on her phone and sent a message to Pei Yao.

Pei Yao's message came soon.

[Yuncheng Jiang's family did have people who invited us, but this kind of exchange meeting is the most boring, so we have already rejected it. 】

Qiao Yun frowned.

At this time, Su Fan said to Su Qingyan: "Although he is a student of Professor Qiao, it is said that this person does not work in Tianqi."

Qiao Yun squinted her eyes, her face was expressionless, her lips moved slightly, and she said decisively, "It's fake."

Su Fan was stunned for a moment when he heard Qiao Yun say such a sentence, and then said strangely: "Qiao Qiao, how do you know it's fake?"

Because, as Professor Qiao herself, she didn't even know that there were students other than Tianqi's group.

Qiao Yun muttered softly.

Su Fan didn't hear clearly and wanted to ask again, but seeing Qiao Yun bowing her head and sending a message to someone, she didn't continue to ask.

Qiao Yun thought it was a rumor, so she didn't take it to heart, but remembered that the Huo family was in Yuncheng, so she arranged a lot of work for Pei Yao.

Pei Yao: [? ? ?Boss, how did I offend you? 】

Qiao Yun replied indifferently: [As an employee, is there a problem with working hard for the boss? 】

Pei Yao: "..."

【Ok, no problem. 】

Is there anyone more humble than him in this world?

Arrived at the airport soon.

After Su Fan sent them over, he left beforehand.

Qiao Yun, Su Qingyan, and Li Miao were waiting at the airport.

Li Hanzhou was in a private plane, and it took Qiao Yun a few hours to come over from the island, and Li Hanzhou just got off the plane when he arrived.

The three handsome men and beautiful women attracted many people's attention, especially Qiao Yun who was the focus of the crowd.

Waited not long.

I saw Li Hanzhou's figure. He was wearing a shirt and trousers. He was tall and had long legs. He had deep eyebrows and was very eye-catching.

There was another person by his side.

Su Qingyan groaned, and muttered to himself, "Why did Teacher Qiao come with him?"

Li Hanzhou walked quickly to Qiao Yun's side, took a deep look at her, and then raised his hand to rub her head, and said in a soothing and pleasant voice, "I'm here."

Qiao Yun looked up at him, with a little joy flashing in his eyes, "I got you."

Li Hanzhou couldn't help laughing.

Li Miao: "..." Hey, your sister is here, haven't you seen it?
Su Qingyan took the suitcase from Qiao Xun's hand, and asked, "Why did the teacher come with Master Li?"

Qiao Xun was quite tired after sitting on the plane for several hours. She squeezed her brows and said, "This is not to attend the exchange meeting hosted by the Huo family. I happened to meet Master Li and took a seat."

Qiao Yun heard Huo Shi with sharp ears, and looked sideways at Qiao Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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