If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 812 The security is activated, and the mosquitoes cannot fly out all the time

Chapter 812 The security is activated, and the mosquitoes can’t fly out all the time
Qiao Yun asked thoughtfully: "K Harbor Huo's?"

Qiao Xun was stunned for a moment, a little surprised that his little niece, who didn't hear anything outside the window, would actually ask about this. He nodded: "Yes, it's the Huo family in Port K. Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"I'm a little interested." Qiao Yun shook her head without explaining too much.

On the contrary, Su Qingyan asked suspiciously: "Isn't it hosted by the Jiang family?"

As far as he knew, there was only one academic exchange meeting in Yuncheng during this period, which was hosted by the Jiang family, so why did it become the Huo family again?
Qiao Xun explained: "It's jointly organized by the Jiang family and the Huo family. Then you can go in with me as my assistant to gain knowledge. For the sake of the Huo family, this exchange meeting will attract many people in the circle." people."

Like Sheng Qiao, Huo's main business is in science and technology, and they have funded many research and development projects over the years, so they have a bit of face in the circle.

"Okay." Su Qingyan understood that Qiao Xun was accumulating contacts for him, and while he was a little moved, he was also worried about the Su family.

If the exchange meeting jointly organized by the Jiang family and the Huo family is successfully held this time, I am afraid that the structure of Yuncheng will change again, and then the Su family, who is the second in command of Yuncheng, may be affected to some extent.

Qiao Yun was quiet on the surface, but actually listened to them all the time with his ears up.

Seeing this, Li Hanzhou chuckled lightly.

He knew that Qiao Yun had recently paid attention to the Huo family because of Pei Yao, so he looked down at Qiao Yun: "Do you want to go?"

Qiao Yun thought for a moment, and then answered him: "Yes."

She has investigated the Huo family for so long, and has never met anyone from the Huo family. She really wanted to see what superpowers the Huo family could make Pei Yao pay so much attention to.

Li Hanzhou raised his thin lips, and said in a slow voice: "Then you are willing to be my female companion?"

Now that the Jiang family has offended the Li family, they will naturally send an invitation letter to the Li family for such a big event this time. On the one hand, they want to show their favor, and on the other hand, they want the Li family to know that their Jiang family can cooperate with the Huo family. up.

Originally, Li Hanzhou didn't want to attend this kind of event, but now that Qiao Yun was interested, he was more than happy to accompany Qiao Yun.

Sure enough, Qiao Yun replied without any hesitation: "Yes."

Hearing this, Qiao Xun squinted his eyes, and said without changing his face: "Qiao Qiao, if you want to go, my uncle can take you there too. With such a high-profile status, Master Li will definitely attract the attention of many people. Aren't you the most annoying?" Are you paying attention?"

Qiao Yun blinked, showing hesitation.

Li Hanzhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lazily, "Uncle Qiao, you seem to have forgotten that you attract more attention than me on this occasion."

Qiao Xun: "..."

Wait, who is called uncle, who is your uncle! ! !

Li Hanzhou was telling the truth. Compared with his status as a capitalist, the famous Dr. Qiao is more admired in this scene where scientific research bigwigs gather.

Qiao Yun made a decisive decision: "I will follow Porridge."

Qiao Xun touched his nose, feeling very depressed.

Back then, he still worshiped the miracle doctor Z so much. Who would have thought that Li Hanzhou was Z, and now he is still taking away his niece.

Li Miao couldn't understand what they were talking about at all, so she understood that they were going to participate in the event and didn't take her with her, so she immediately hugged Qiao Yun's arm and said coquettishly: "Qiao Qiao, I don't care, I want to go too, you Can't leave me behind."

Qiao Yun comforted her: "Take you there."

Li Miao is happy now.

The exchange meeting will not start until tomorrow afternoon, so the group went to have dinner first, and then went back to the hotel to rest.

Su Qingyan sent Qiao Xun to the hotel, made an appointment with Qiao Xun tomorrow and went home first.

Li Hanzhou booked a room next to Qiao Yun's, and it was getting late when he came back, so Qiao Yun said goodnight to him.

"Wait." Li Hanzhou said with a smile on his thin lips, "I forgot something."

"What?" Qiao Yun looked confused, and as soon as the words fell, the man's cold breath filled her nostrils, and she slightly tightened her hand holding the doorknob.

When the man backed away, Qiao Yun was still a little dazed.

Li Hanzhou gave a low laugh, and brushed her thumb over her moist lips, "Go and rest."

Qiao Yun pursed her lips and whispered, "Well, good night."

After speaking, he quickly opened the room and entered.

Li Miao came in ahead of Qiao Yun, and was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone at this time, when she saw Qiao Yun coming in, she looked up, and the next second she let out an eh, and said, "Qiao Qiao, why is your face a little red. "

Qiao Yun said solemnly: "I ate something a bit spicy."

Li Miao groaned, thinking, that is quite spicy, even her lips were a little red.


the next day.

The rest of the Lu family were still playing on the island, and Su Qingqing would not be back until tomorrow as a company there. As the host, Su Qingyan made sure of the time to bring his cousin to have breakfast.

Ever since Qiao Yun called him brother, the more he looked at Qiao Yun, the more he liked her.

Qiao Yun was going, so Li Hanzhou and Qiao Xun would naturally follow, and Li Miao, the little tail, by the way.

Su Qingyan chose a Cantonese-style tea house, the light taste is more suitable for Qiao Yun's small stomach.

After all the things were put together, Li Hanzhou held the chopsticks with his slender fingers, and slowly picked up a piece of siu mai for Qiao Yun, and looked at her with deep eyes and a smile: "Eat this?"

With Qiao Yun being stared at like this, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and always felt that he was like a bone spirit.

She looked away, nibbled on the siu mai, like a little hamster, very obedient.

Li Hanzhou propped his jaw, tilted his head, and stared at Qiao Yun intently, waiting for her to finish eating before continuing to feed her. He was very satisfied.

Qiao Yun raised her eyelids and said helplessly, "You eat."

She used to not pay attention to the eyes of the outside world, but Li Hanzhou's eyes made her feel a little flustered.

Li Hanzhou hummed lazily, but did not move his chopsticks, and continued to feed Qiao Yun happily.

Seeing this, Qiao Yun also brought him some food, and ordered in Professor Qiao's tone, "Eat."

Li Hanzhou was stunned for a moment, and the smile in his eyes deepened: "Thank you, girlfriend."

Qiao Yun said in a low voice, "Pay attention to the occasion."

Li Hanzhou pinched her fingertips, his voice was lazy and very provocative: "Don't worry, they are used to it."

Qiao Yun's fingertips were itchy, and she glanced at Li Hanzhou's long, fair fingers, but she didn't pull them back, thinking, her boyfriend is really ignorant, and he will have to learn some male virtues later.

Qiao Xun and Su Qingyan, who were facing each other, could clearly see their small movements.

Qiao Xun took a bite of the steamed bun viciously, as if he was biting his enemy.

Su Qingyan frowned tightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Li Miao has been used to it for a long time, and it is quite strange that she is eating a lot of food at this moment. Her family's big devil who doesn't touch the spring water has a day of serving others attentively.

Su Qingyan drank a bowl of porridge, and saw that Qiao Yun was almost full, so he got down to business: "Cousin, are you interested in that Professor Qiao's student?"

Qiao Yun frowned, and it took a while to realize what Su Qingyan was talking about.

Isn't it just that Professor Qiao's students from the academic exchange meeting they said yesterday also came, but isn't this a rumor?
"I asked after I went back..."

Seeing that Qiao Yun was interested in this matter yesterday, Su Qingyan took the initiative to inquire about it.

It was rare to get closer to his cousin, so he just wanted to do something.

Seeing Qiao Yun looking over curiously, he raised his lips, "This is true."

"Really?" Qiao Yun was puzzled.

"I asked Jiang's family, but it's a little strange that this person claims to be Professor Qiao's student but works for the Huo family. This time he came to Yuncheng with Huo Ershao. That's all I can ask."

There is no conflict of interest between the Su family and the Jiang family, so the two families still have a little friendship, but because of Jiang Jing's relationship, the relationship has been a little alienated in recent years.

The Jiang family wanted Jiang Jing to go to a higher place, so naturally they didn't want Jiang Jing to focus on him.

As for him, he left the Jiang family because he didn't like Jiang Jing.

Qiao Xun was sitting on Qiao Yun's left, and when he heard this, he frowned so much that he could kill a fly: "What's going on?"

Qiao Yun shook her head lightly, she didn't even know what was going on.

Li Hanzhou took out a tissue, wiped his fingers slowly, and said in an unhurried voice: "Go and see."

The academic exchange meeting was held too suddenly, and a student of Professor Qiao appeared, so there might be a problem.

Qiao Yun thought so too.

Whether it's true or not, you'll know when you see someone.


Although the Jiang family is co-organizing with the Huo family, Huo Ershao entrusts the Jiang family with full authority, and the Huo family only plays the role of a signboard.

It can be said that Jiang Shaocheng took great pains to bring the Jiang family into the technology circle. He knew that many bigwigs would come here this time for the sake of the Huo family, in order to reflect the financial strength of the Jiang family.

The location is specially placed on a large cruise ship, and it is very enjoyable to exchange academic knowledge while traveling in the sea.

When Qiao Yun and others arrived, many people had already arrived, and there were many luxury cars parked at the pier. Because there was still an auction going on, many famous families had also received invitations.

On the cruise ship, Li Hanzhou wrote his name in the signature book, but Qiao Yun didn't have to write it as a female companion.

After security, the attendant gave them a map of the cruise ship.

Qiao Yun opened it curiously and looked at it. The cruise ship is quite big, with seven floors in total. The crew's lounge is located below, and the deck floor is the venue for the exchange meeting.

The fourth floor is the auction site, and the rooms are on the upper floors.

Qiao Yunzai watched carefully, his gaze stayed in the security control room for a second, and then he put away the map.

She scanned the surroundings with a scrutinizing gaze.

I found that there are a lot of surveillance here, and I also found that there are security doors at the entrance and windows.

The defense is very strict.

Li Hanzhou explained to her softly: "This is to prevent terrorist attacks."

After all, there are many bigwigs and chaebols in the academic circle today.

Qiao Yun had no expression on her face, but a funny thought came to her mind, and her eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

Li Hanzhou raised his eyebrows, and his voice was lazy and seductive: "Little friend, what are you thinking?"

How did he see a trace of cunning in Qiao Yun's eyes just now?
Qiao Yun raised her eyes, her black and white eyes were clear and innocent, she said calmly, "I didn't think about anything."

Li Hanzhou hummed, lowered his voice and asked, "Really?"

Qiao Yun's eyes wandered, and she whispered, "Okay, I just thought of something fun."

Li Hanzhou smiled and said, "Then it's fun."

Qiao Yun squinted happily: "Okay."

"Qiao Qiao, I'm going to meet some friends first, and I'll come to you later."

On such an occasion, Qiao Xun couldn't stay by Qiao Yun's side all the time, so he turned his head and said to Su Qingyan who was following behind, "You come with me."

Su Qingyan was extremely happy.

He felt very lucky. If it wasn't for Qiao Yun, he wouldn't have known Qiao Xun, and wouldn't have stepped into the circle so early.

After Qiao Xun and Su Qingyan left, Qiao Yun's cell phone rang.

With lowered eyebrows, Qiao Yun clicked on the phone, it was a document sent by the research institute.

It's about the list of people who have left the Apocalypse Institute in recent years.

The Apocalypse Research Institute is the top research institution, full of talents, and the most indispensable thing is talents. It is the place that all scientific researchers yearn for the most.

However, Apocalypse does not need too many people, so the recruited members are limited.

Even if you come in, you may not be able to stay until the end.

Only one out of a hundred people who can really enter the core area may appear.

Therefore, there are still some people who cannot bear the pressure and leave from the outside of Tianqi.

Qiao Yun clicked on the file, and the light from the phone shone on her face, making her dull eyes even more alienated and indifferent.

She glanced at the past.

With a strong memory, she could remember the faces, names, and reasons for leaving of these people with just one glance.

In just a few minutes, Qiao Yun memorized these materials in his mind.


Jiang Shaocheng was very surprised when he knew that Li Hanzhou came to participate in the event. He thought that because of Jiang Yuan's matter, the Li family remembered them.

Now that Lord Li is here, does it mean that this matter is over?
"Jing Jing, come with me to pick up someone." Jiang Shaocheng wanted Jiang Jing to receive Li Hanzhou.

Jiang Jing didn't really want to go, she saw a lot of bigwigs, and wanted to talk to them as the co-organizer's daughter, but due to her father's majesty, she agreed.

Jiang Shaocheng ordered Xu Qiao: "You are welcome here."

"Go ahead, just leave it to me." Xu Qiao had a lot of face today, and it was the first time that the Jiang family held such a large-scale event.

Jiang Shaocheng gave Xu Qiao a few more worried words before taking Jiang Jing to find Li Hanzhou.

Li Hanzhou's identity was too rumored, so it was not difficult to find him.

Jiang Shaocheng, who was far away, saw someone, and immediately put on a smile on his face and wanted to go over.

Jiang Jing's eyes fell on Qiao Yun who was next to Li Hanzhou, her face was ugly, since that happened just a few days ago, she doesn't want to see Qiao Yun at all now.

"Dad, I won't go there."

Jiang Shaocheng frowned, and she just found an excuse for herself: "I have what I want to make auction, and I will go to the auction venue first."

After saying that she would not give Jiang Shaocheng any time to hold back, she left quickly.

Seeing this, Jiang Shaocheng had no choice but to go there by himself.


"Master Li."

Jiang Shaocheng greeted him with a smile: "Why didn't you notify me in advance, so I can pick you up."

This friendly look, as if the person in front of him was not the one who ordered someone to break his son's hand.

Li Hanzhou said in a low voice: "The children at home are interested, come and see."

Jiang Shaocheng subconsciously set his eyes on Qiao Yun, and was dazzled by her eye-catching appearance.

Qiao Yun suddenly asked him, "Who is responsible for the security of the cruise ship?"

Jiang Shaocheng thought the little girl was curious, so he told her: "The Huo's security team is in charge of security. Many of them are new technologies, so they must be very safe. If the security is activated, not even a mosquito can fly out."

Qiao Yun snorted: "Is that so..."

(End of this chapter)

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